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Everything posted by JustinHoffman

  1. Figured this might make you antsy, Brian, lol! Funny enough, I have been at this spot about six times over the last three weeks. Only does have been seen. But, probably 30+ rubs and scrapes everywhere. Then, like a light switch, the bucks began appearing yesterday. Came across a total of five: a 3, 6, two 9's and this 10. The little guys wanted nothing to do with me. The big bucks paid me no attention. I was less than 30 feet from them for most of the time. This 10 I followed around for 2 hours! All of the big bucks were actively pursuing does and tending to scrapes/rubs. Sadly for you.....no hunting allowed lol! Cheers, Justin
  2. Thanks, Outlaw. Yep, he is definitely king I'd say. He has produced the largest rubs and scrapes I have ever come across. I'd say he was probably king last year, although the 9 that has taken over his old stomping grounds might give him a run for his money. Back to this spot tomorrow to shot more images and videos - hopefully capture some great action. Cheers, Justin
  3. Hello All, With the rut in full swing, I have been visiting my favourite deer spots to photograph and videotape the bucks. Was cool to find the same 10-point buck yesterday that I filmed a year ago. This time he is approximately 1 km to the east and across a busy road. Funny enough, a big 9-pointer has moved into his old stomping ground. Filmed this clip of Mr. 10 trashing the heck out of a fallen tree, leaving his scent and marking his territory with some aggressive rubs. Was cool to watch this from less than 25 feet away. To view in best quality and HD, click on 1080p HD (small circle at right hand side under viewing screen.) Enjoy!
  4. Nice to know what the plant is called, Rod Caster - the female was eating up those berries right before I started filming her. Cheers, Justin
  5. Hello All, Has been a fun summer/early fall with the camera. Was lucky to find my first spruce grouse the other week while searching for moose in Algonquin Park. Very cool birds. Have also been spending a lot of time at my deer spots here in Ottawa, shooting both still images and film of whitetail behaviour, etc. The bucks are beginning to show themselves, so the real fun is just beginning. Here are two short videos for those that enjoy nature and wildlife.
  6. Woodenboater - living up here is a gem in terms of fishing and outdoor opportunities. So many lakes so close. Quebec is still relatively untapped, and is home to some monster bass! Hailing from Whitby, and having to fight to launch a boat in Scugog, Rice or the Kawarthas, Ottawa and the surrounds are a breath of fresh air Good Fishing, Justin
  7. Nexstar - The jig is a 1/2oz Cx3 in black with a YUM trailer. Woodenboater - I only use the "mouth palm slap" when fish are hooked on the inside top and the mouth and are sticking tight. I am actually not hitting the fish at all, just the head of the jig at the correct angle that pops it out quickly and easily almost every time. As for a talon - yes, would definitely work - especially when the wind is really howling. If the winds are calm, I prefer to cover water, so like to actively move with the trolling motor. Good Fishing, Justin
  8. Thanks, guys... And OhioFisherman - I have a drift sock for that purpose. Works great Good Fishing, Justin
  9. Thanks, Roy - water temps. ranged between 73 and 76 the two days I was out (Monday and Tuesday). Cheers, Justin
  10. Hello All, The fishing on the Rideau River has been hot the last couple of days - in sharp contrast to the lacklustre action the previous weeks, smack in the middle of never-ending fronts. This is a short video I filmed on Monday. The largies were stacked on a mid-river wind-swept slop edge. Water depth was approximately 3 to 4 feet and flipping jigs accounted for all fish.
  11. Thanks Brian and Dan - definitely one of my more memorable shoots so far! Now, off to Algonquin later this week in hopes of bear or wolf. Fingers crossed Cheers, Justin
  12. Hello All, It has been fun watching and photographing the nesting common loon (see earlier post) and I am happy to say the egg has successfully hatched. I captured the following images when the chick was either 5 or 6 days old, back on July 3rd. Here is the chick at age 16/17 days. They certainly do grow quickly! And here is a short video I shot: Equipment used was a Canon 7d and Sigma 150-500mm telephoto. For those interested, photographic prints of some of these images are available for purchase on my website: www.JustinHoffmanOutdoors.com Happy Shooting, Justin
  13. Love the second image - great work! Cheers, Justin
  14. Hello All, The last few weeks have been fun ones out in the field. On June 10th, I found my first newborn whitetail deer fawn. I'm guessing it was no more than a few days old. Then on June 21st, I discovered my first loon nest while fishing a stretch of the Rideau River. The female was sitting on a single egg, which I imagine has hatched by now, as it was 'pipping' on the 26th. Here are a few of the best images.. To see more images from these shoots, or for those interested in purchasing photographic prints, please feel free to check out my website: www.JustinHoffmanOutdoors.com Happy Shooting, Justin
  15. Thanks FishnNAutographs and young_one....glad you both enjoyed it! Cheers, Justin
  16. Hey Sinker - Although these foxes are "wild", this pair is very comfortable with humans, the mother especially. In fact, when I was shooting this video, she was asleep no more than four feet away from me. She had no concern with my presence, and would often go off hunting for a couple hours at a time, leaving me with her kits. In the fall and winter, she would often come running when she would see my truck. The fact that this pair live fairly close to a campground leads me to believe they have had human interaction in the past, prior to myself ever meeting them. Up until the move, she had a massive den that was extremely accommodating. I knew instantly when I showed up on the 24th that something was wrong - just from her behaviour. The kits were acting very strange also. It was then that I discovered the fresh wolf scat mere feet from the original den. It rained the night before, so I am guessing the pack paid a visit early that morning. Foxes actually have upwards of six dens at any one time, and are renowned for moving the kits quite often (and even splitting them in half over two dens) to ensure survival and trick predators. I truly believe it was the wolf visit that caused her to move. The fact that she spent a lot of time sniffing the wolf scat by the old den - and would not enter the den at all - leads me to believe this. I think they have always had a den on the other side of the road, as during the fall and winter, they would always set off in that direction. Sadly, while drive highway 60 early in the morning this past Saturday, I discovered a kit on the shoulder of the road that had been hit by a vehicle. It is not from this pack that I have been filming. As I stopped my car, I noticed one of it's brothers or sisters sitting up on the other side of the road, amongst the rocks. Kind of sad...but a fact of nature. Speaking of vehicle collisions - at least three moose/car collisions in the last three weeks. Some nice bulls killed. Sad...and scary for the driver. I'm slightly fearful of driving at night up there. Cheers, Justin
  17. Hey Guys, The litter is down to five kits as of the 25th. On the 23rd the mother moved the kits to a new den site (which is seen in this video) approx. 50 yards away from the first. It appears wolves visited the first den site on the 23rd, as there was fresh scat found. When I found the mother (and eventually the kits at the secondary site) she was very skittish, continually sniffing around the old den but not going in. Also, constantly on the lookout. Although only three kits came out while I was shooting this video, another two came out a bit later. The next morning (the 25th) the mother moved every kit (a total of five) out of this secondary den, down a hill, across an open field and finally over a dirt road and into a new forested area. She took two of the kits together, and the other three each by their own. It was quite the sight to see!!!! I have been unable to locate this new den, although I have found the mother and father the last two times I have been up. So, my thoughts are that the mother moved them to a new den due to the wolves visiting...and, I am guessing the wolves may have got the one kit. Hard to say. It has been a pretty cool experience so far!!! Cheers, Justin
  18. Great captures, Joey!! Well done! Cheers, Justin
  19. Nice shot, Dan. I have spent the last three weeks searching Algonquin for a Spruce Grouse. Still have yet to find one, although most of my friends up there have been fortunate to photograph one. I never grow tired of shooting the Ruffed's, though...or looking at them. Thanks for sharing.. Justin
  20. Rugbyfisherman - I was shooting with a Canon 7d with a Sigma 150-500mm OS telephoto. Thanks, fishindevil! No course here - strictly trial and error (with a few good guide books along the way). Many hours out in the woods definitely helps... Cheers, Justin
  21. Hello All, For those that didn't see my past post in the Photography forum, I have been fortunate to photograph a pair of red foxes in Algonquin Provincial Park since last fall. A few weeks ago I stumbled upon the den - and the six kits (which I believe to be approx. 7 - 8 weeks old). I have been back up to the park three times in as many weeks to photograph both the kits and parents, and back on May 24, I decided to make a short video showcasing their interactions. I thought those that love wildlife and the outdoors might enjoy... Cheers, Justin
  22. Thanks, B! Hopefully come back with some equally cool shots in two days time...
  23. Thanks, guys... Heading back in the morning. Will report back when I return! Cheers, Justin
  24. Nice work with the birds, Joey. Some nice clear shots showing some wonderful colours. Nicely done. Cheers, Justin
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