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About kemper

  • Birthday 03/30/1990

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    Whitby, Ontario

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. At least 500 of those cohos are currently nose in to a bank covered in red sores and unable to swim. Something bad is going on with the Cohos this year...
  2. If it fishes, it's good enough. I can't bring myself to participate in the centerpin fashion show. My 5 year old SST3 still starts up fine, and as long as it continues to do that I'll keep using it. Can't imagine what use timing a pin has...if it freespools on it's own for ten minutes all you are going to accomplish is a birdsnest.
  3. Got a little distracted with some personal stuff this week, but such is life. Let's carry this thread on with a rod I did back in the spring (winter?) for an OFNer Christopher. Chris came to me with a vision - he wanted a spey rod to take out West on a trip he had planned, that would also be useful for fishing his home water like the Credit. The budget was... lets say challenging. But who doesn't like a good challenge now and then! After quite a bit of back and forthing, we settled on a blank (8wt, 14') and the components were ordered. Colour scheme was to be charcoal grey blank, neon green accents (I dubbed this project the "Nuclear Spey") There were some challenges: Challenge Numero Uno - the blank showed up, and it was deep red. Oops, that isn't right. Turns out the supplier changed the colour of the finish and didn't update the website Solution Numero Uno - Strip the blank. What? Strip the finish on a brand new blank? Yup. Knowing full well I was voiding the warranty I stripped that sucker down the the gorgeous raw graphite underneath, and promised Chris I would back the 1 year factory warranty myself. Challenge Numero Dos - Nuclear green wraps on a black blank. Nothing to test your skills like the ultimate contrast! I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, so after much wrapping and rewrapping I solved this one as well. Finally, Pictures: And what did I learn from this build? Never, ever, ever agree to strip the factory finish on a blank again. What a massive undertaking. I'm sure it could be done quickly, but it's also dead easy to knick the graphite and have the thing blow up on the first cast... Next up is a 4wt fly rod that I built for a customer who vanished midway through the build. The bonus? I have a sweet little 4wt in my personal collection now...
  4. Nothing you can do but learn by putting time in. Eventually it becomes second nature, hard to explain. Even on monster systems like St.Marys or Niagara the same principles apply
  5. Everything I have ever purchased from Okuma has self-destructed almost immediately. Never again.
  6. As always, awesome work! Love the finish on those reel seats - I use the same finish on fly barrel seats, but haven't used it too much on the contoured seats. Might give it a whirl on the next batch. Thanks - I agree! Without getting into too much detail its a vacuum process and the actual stabilizing material changes depending on the wood and desired outcome. I haven't come across that wood before but will keep my eyes open for sure
  7. A great compliment coming from you - thanks! Add some pictures into this post, would be great to see a bunch of builders different styles. Thanks - I wasn't sure until I stabilized it with a very slight dye, and turned it down that it was the right choice. Has a look similar to the golden amboyna but more subdued. The ability to stabilize my own woods had changed the game for me, what used to cost $50 for one or two rods worth now costs about $5 and the selection is endless. The manufacturer is called Risen Fly. Website is here: http://www.risenfly.com/ If you want to PM me, I'd be more than happy to save you a few bucks and bring a reel in for you in my next order. Cheers, Kemper
  8. Thanks for the plug there Chris. That rod was an adventure to build, that's for sure. I learned a few things... 1. I will NEVER, EVER, EVER, strip the factory colour off a blank again. Man that was a pain in my A** 2. Nuclear green is very difficult to tie over a black blank. Every small imperfection in wrapping is multiplied. Wrap, rewrap, and rewrap again until it's done right. 3. Wear sunglasses when building a rod for Chris, that thing is BRIGHT! Glad it worked well for you bud.
  9. Can't seem to find the shots of the dropshot rig, will work on that one. Instead, here's a few that are in process - I was lucky enough to come across two early 1990's Fenwick glass fly blanks in the spring. A 5wt and a 6wt, both 7'6". I was even more lucky when they were brand new in original packaging, and available for the price of $10 each! I don't have great quality pictures of these ones just yet, but I'll get some better ones tonight. The 5wt is finished: Matching Handles in process: Test wraps on the 5wt - notice the guides are from the same vintage, picked up a lifetime supply of those at the same place I found the blanks! Test Wraps on the 6wt:
  10. On Deck: The first of a series of three bass rods I built this year. 7', MH, Spinning, RX7 Graphite Dropshot rig. An absolute blast to fish smallies with. Teaser:
  11. Stick #2 Built this one in July for a fishing buddy. He's always on the road for work and it presents him some unique fishing opportunities - in this case Atlantic Salmon on the East Coast. This rod doesn't fit my personal style - too flashy for me but it isn't my rod, and it's exactly my buddy wanted so I built it to spec. Blank: Batson XF909 - RX8 9', 9wt Fly Guides: Batson XLXNZG & XSNG in shiny gunsmoke Hardware: Batson RA8L2SKC Shiny Gunsmoke Wood Accents: Custom stabilized and turned Golden Amboyna I've also linked up with a small fly reel manufacturer who is building some of the best quality reels I've ever used, at prices that are VERY fair. This particular rod went out matched with a reel:
  12. Hey OFC, It's been a while! I'm still reading the forums, but haven't been posting too much. I have however been busy adding to my already ridiculous collection of custom rods, as well as turning out a few here and there for others. It might take a while, but I'm going to start uploading pictures to this thread of the last 5 or 6 builds. If there's interest I'll keep posting! It would be great if any other builders out there wanted to share some pictures & stories as well, so feel free to chime in. First up: Blank: Batson Enterprises RX7 Switch 10'6" 8wt Guides: ATC Titanium frame w/Zirconium Ring Accent Wood: Custom Stabilized & Turned Birdseye Maple Hardware: Batson 8.5 Shiny Gunsmoke The wood came out the stabilizer looking like this: After some convincing, it turned into this: And the finished product... On deck is a 9', 9wt, electric blue theme Atlantic Salmon stick for a fishing buddy! Cheers, Braden
  13. Awesome report Chris. Glad the Spey rod is doing what you need it to!
  14. What's more important is the length of the lead under the float. See it all the time on the Gbay tribs - 3 to 5 foot deep sweeping runs, and 5 idiots flossing with 10-12 foot leads. The sinking effect of the bead lets people "creatively" place shot to get the lead to lay across the run, the hookups look legit, and the fish get a nice flossing. These aren't your tuna stick steelheaders either, these are your Simms army, Kingpin toting, "real" steelheaders...
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