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Posts posted by Puckhead

  1. Fishing with a marshmellow isn't wrong if rigged properly and it can be very effective - but it is also used to line fish sometimes - including rainbow. I've seen it first hand. It is more effective at lining because of it's bouancy. Obviously that is not why this post was first put up there.


    And to guys like jonnybass - I like to fish the river too, I have spent less on my river gear than any other setup for any other species - far less than some lures in plenty of guys' boxes. Enough with the insults. If you talked to me like that in a boat or on a river....I get tired of people being lumped into one category or another because a few in that category are on the extreme end.


    You have to understand that river folks get to see poaching and poor practises first hand every time on the river - it never fails. Sometimes we catch a peek at a guy in a boat a half mile out with an extra line and we get all up in arms about it - rightfully so. Now imagine that in a much smaller water space all the time. Guys snagging fish, pretending to fish when they are actually "lining", "party fishing", etc... You see this all the time - constantly. No regard for the resource. We complain about garbage at the launch. Forget the launch, ever been on a trib after the opener?


    The point is ethical "steelheaders" and ethical "bass fisherman" are the same. We all care about the same thing. The issues on the river are just magnified exponentially due to the scale of water being fished (anglers per capita if you will) which tends to, over time, make some steelheaders a little more sensitive to these issues and frankly, polarizes a lot of them.

  2. A captain coming back to inspire his team - amazing... Where have we NOT seen that before..


    Great win, but they let Boston hang around. All things considered, this should have been wrapped up in 5 games. Boston never was and never should have been that much of a threat, especially to force a game seven. Montreal will get past Philly's pylons but will take a bruising along the way. The Rangers will be harder to get by. If I'm Montreal, I'm hoping for Philly. Rangers look really tough to beat right now.

  3. WOW - there are a lot of entries... Too bad this wasn't for actual money, I'd be a rich man!


    Kenny - Pylon is how I feel some nights on the ice... We'll have a sub challenge - battle of the pylons!


    Anyone wrapped their head around how this scores out? I haven't looked at it with any detail, figured one of you guys already studied it...

  4. lol - i have no idea... I've never done this one either... I'll see if there is something I can do from my end. If not, we'll ignore it!


    I'm on the invite page (step 3) Can we invite people who are non OFC'rs?


    Anyone from Leaf nation is fine by me... alright, habs fans are OK too.......


    Ok, fine, sens fans are welcome too... :whistling:

  5. Seeing how everyone here seems to know everything about hockey - especially people from Ottawa for some wierd reason :P


    The pool is free - bragging rights. Basically, the top of the standings will be all leaf fans and the bottom will be filled with sens fans, or something like that...


    Simple playability - salary cap to keep it interesting round by round. I've never played this format personally but it seems to be one of the better free pools out there.... anyway, I'm rambling:


    Here's the link:


    OFC Playoff pool (sportingnews.com)


    group name is OFC and password is OFC. Although I think this link takes you there anyway... register, select your roster and prepare to cry at your utter lack of hockey knowledge...

  6. I too am a Toronto fan, Heaven only knows why, but I am. I'm not a McCabe fan but I don't blame him for his silly contract. That was someone else's screwup. He'd have been crazy to refuse it. As for his ability as a player perhaps an interesting test will come if the Leafs decide to park him in the minors for a while because of the cap and his high price. Depending on how it all takes place and assuming his pride is sufficiently battered that he rises to the challenge I'd be curious to see how he stacks up against all the tyros and hopefuls working their butts off for a chance at the big show. It might just surprise more than a few folks to see the difference between the seasoned big leaguers and the aspiring ones.


    As for the leafs I'd be in favour of replacing Kubina, Kaberle and McCabe as long as they're rebuilding anyway. I like defencemen who defend instead of leading the rush. The occasional pinch or jump into the slot is one thing but when a defenceman is usually somewhere ahead of the forwards on the rush it says something about either the forwards or the defenceman, or both. All the wonderful rushes Kubina and Kaberle execute kinda lose their shine in the glow of the sloppy defensive errors they make, often because they're looking for a chance to rush again. I'm sure there are plenty of teams with a spot for an offensive dee. The Leafs have a surplus.






    No question this is all down to Ferguson's ineptness - I can't blame McCabe either for taking the money. If someone wanted to overpay me, I wouldn't turn it down either... But now that Ferguson is gone, McCabe is in the crosshairs. I'd keep Kaberle. They need at least one puck carrying defencemen and Kaberle has a fair contract. Kubina has played himself into getting a good return in a trade so that should be good this offseason - just hope it happens before the draft.


    TSN reported the following on the trades that would have happened if these guys didn't have no trades clauses:


    Sundin to Anaheim for 2 solid prospects and Edmonton's #1 pick this year.


    Sundin to Montreal for Higgins, a #1 pick in 08 and a third rounder.


    Kaberle to Philly for Jeff Carter and a 2nd rounder


    Kubina to SJ for a #1 pick and a prospect.


    The remaining leafs after the trade deadline would have mailed it in and we would have had a great shot at a Stamkos.


    Just think of what could have been and it makes you want to cry:


    Carter, Higgins, 2 other solid prospects plus 3 first round picks, a couple of #2's in what is considered the deepest draft in over a decade and have shed a ton of salary. Two of those three picks would have been top ten.



  7. I'm surprised that so many people have rushed to defend McCrap...


    I guess 7 some odd million/year is worth it to some leaf fans.... this is why it doesn't pan out ever in Toronto. You people are far too complacent.... "Well, Brian's a nice guy, he touched 100 points one year, let's see if he does better next year...." Who cares if he's a nice guy - He's an over paid #4 D. Leafs have had one of the highest paid d units in the league and owned one of the highest PAPG. Let's see, Highest paid D for the last 2 years, most goals allowed for the last 2 years, no playoffs for the last 2 years. McCabe's the highest paid of the bunch. I don't know about you but the hell with McCabe. Had this been the NY Yankees or the Arsenal Gunners, he would be linched by now... Time to get your heads out of the sand leaf fans and get angry... McCabe is just a piece of this problem...

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