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MadJack last won the day on May 4 2022

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About MadJack

  • Birthday 02/12/1953

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  1. I can tell you nothing about Houston Lake, although I've driven by it numerous times. I've stayed variously at Auld Reekie, Longpoint, Lost Lake, and Golden Eagle camp in that general area.
  2. I have to second Cliff's rating of Chapleau Lodge. I'll be there in late July, and it will be my 43rd consecutive year fishing there. Yes, it's a 5 star operation.
  3. It certainly is a very well run operation, that's for sure.
  4. And, sadly, it looks like i'll have to cancel. . .
  5. Well I hope so too. But, so far. . . crickets
  6. Well guess what. . . the fellow I had lined up has had to pull out, so I'm back to seeking someone to join me. Same lodge, leaving from Toronto on Thursday 15 September, be back by Sunday 25 September. If anyone has any interest in joining me, it's a great trip, shoot me a line with your email and I'll clue you in on all the details. Jack
  7. If I had a time machine, first place I'd travel back to would be when Noah is loading two of each species on his Ark. . . and as he brought the 2 black flies, I'd say "Whoa Noah, leave those behind with the Unicorns, we don't need them"
  8. If you do NOT own your own boat, and rent a boat and motor from the lodge at which you stay for a week, do you need to have such a card/license ? I've heard different answers from different sources. . . anyone have the definitive answer?
  9. The position has been filled.
  10. Well, I would have no problem doing the drive from here to there on my own if you cared to join me there. . .
  11. Different hat each day. it's an odd tradition I have; every country I visit I always buy a hat and a t-shirt and on my fishing trip each day I wear a different hat/t-shirt from some country that I have visited.
  12. I'm sure someone would love this trip. . . i just wish he (whoever he is) would message me !! And you may have me confused with someone else. . . I do not own a boat.
  13. Greetings all. I am a retired lawyer/Small Claims Court judge, 69, been an avid fisherman since I was a teenager. I have a fishing trip planned on Eagle Lake near Dryden in NW Ontario this coming September. The fellow who has been accompanying me on this trip for the past several years has had to drop out this year so I am seeking a replacement. Here's the lodge: https://www.templebay.com/ Tremendous fishing for walleye, bass, lake trout, jumbo perch, pike and the odd rogue musky and whitefish. Full American Plan, meals provided including shore lunches, fully guided each day, and their guides are extremely knowledgeable and a heck of a lot of fun to fish with.. September fishing is great with the colour in the trees, lots of wildlife like moose, deer, bear, and bald eagles. Super drive up there over several days with overnights in motels. I've done this trip so many times I know all the good motels to stop at (and the bad ones to avoid) and the good restaurants for meals on the way (and the bad ones to avoid); super scenery as we round Lake Superior. I live in Thornhill so if from the GTA we'd leave on Thursday 15 September arrive at the lodge just after lunch on Saturday 17 September. We fish to Thursday 22 September, leave after breakfast on Friday 23 September and make our way back. If you're not in the GTA may have to adjust that timing accordingly. It's not cheap. . . roughly $2800 per person plus tips. . . cost of motels and gas for my vehicle we split at the end. But while not cheap, it's tremendous value for the money, the service we receive from the owner to the manager to the cook, the waitresses, the cleaning staff, and of course the guides is top rate across the board. So if you are interested shoot me a private message and I can provide more details as needed.
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