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Everything posted by 1Harringtona

  1. Hi guys Does anyone know if the Steve and Berry's stores that sold clothes and shoes for 8.99 are still open because I know that there were lots that closed down.
  2. first off carlos delfino and rasho suck. The Raps should not sign these guys rasho plainly sucks and delfino had a terrible year over in Europe the starters should be pg. Calderon sg. Derozen sf. Turkoglu pf. Bosh c. Bargs Bench 1- Jack 2- Evans 3- George 4- Ukic (everyone says he sucks but I truly think that he could be the next Calderon) 5- Paps (if he re-signs) anyone i missed that are the bench will not play much time so i dont pay much attention to them
  3. thanks everyone for your advice
  4. Hello I am coaching a kid from the YMCA, he is an amazing Basketball player and I trying to get him looked at by an American University. At this point the only school that has responded to me with a positive e-mail was Pittsburgh University. My player is only going into grade 8 but it is never to early to get his name out there. I was wondering if anyone on this Board has contacts down there or if anyone went down there on a scholarship. If so could you please help. AL
  5. After blowing two of my speakers with that whining(buzzing) noise I finally think I found out what was wrong, I was over loading the amp even though I had 3 subs and 4 speakers hooked up to it for a while now. So now I am left with 3 subs and 2 speakers thanks for all the help anyways PS. all of my equipment I have in the car is 1 Amp from xs cargo 3 subs from xs cargo 4 (now 2) speakers from wallmart wiring kit (I think 8 gauge) from future shop
  6. I have checked the wires at the back of the cd player. Also the wires like I said in my first post I didnt have a problem with the whining from when I stepped on the gas as the whining happens before I even turn the car on.
  7. Hi About 6 months ago I decided to install an amp and a few subs into my car. All was fine until a few hours ago when I was coming home and I hit a small bump (man hole cover) and my speakers went crazy, they were whining very loud, loud enough that I could not hear the music at all. so when I got home I checked all the wires to see if any were disconnected and yes one of the speaker wires wwas but when I connected the wire back to the speaker the noise continued. I tried conecting one speakers at a time and the noise persisted then I tried turning the gain on the amp down (didnt work) I tried switching fuses in the amp (didnt work). Basically disconected every wire and connected them again (didnt work). Also I would like to add this sound is not coming from the alternator as I fixed that problem a long time ago and this whine is 100% worst. Also this sound even happends when I have the car running solely on battery Any advise would be appreciated as I have exhausted all of my ideas. Al
  8. Hey great job at catching frozen fish sticks lol
  9. just watch out theres supposed to another storm on sunday and tuesday
  10. I love white fish mmmmmmmmmmm
  11. there's supper Bon appetite
  12. welcome
  13. when I was in high school my computer tech teacher said that the only service provider that can see what you download is rogers so in my opinion you should charge rogers for invading your privacy. We are on cogeco and all they say when you download too much stuff is that we are taking up too much bandwidth or something like that. Also I would e-mail them back and make up a story like why are you e-mailing me I never downloaded anything, just to see what they say.
  14. thank god I only use google chrome
  15. http://www.brothersoft.com/youtube-movie-ripper-63250.html
  16. try to find a damp part of the road, also I don't wast my money on snow tires as I drive a car that is front wheel drive and seems to plow through snow pretty nicely.
  17. In my opinion any snow tires will work good in the winter. Just remember to take them off in the summer so they don't get worn down faster. Also don't put them on until you see a snow storm in the forecast because of the same reason.
  18. I have just started a new NBA fantasy season and anyone from here is welcome. the website is NBA stock exchange. if you are not a member all you have to do is join. League Name: OFC board League ID: 112402 League Password: fishing have fun and join
  19. great idea dad ... maybe we should dispose of our old windows that way lol
  20. lol at first I was like eww but at the end I under stud, very funny
  21. My hight helps me dunk as I am 6'2" but my weight is literally holding me down as I'm 255 lbs. I would love to be able to get another 4 inches on my vert. so I can dunk the ball and not just touch the rim.
  22. how many meals do all these fish last lol
  23. No I don't think my school (Mohawk College) has a football program
  24. What are power cleans ( I don't have a Football coach because I dont play Football I play Basketball) if it is to hard to explain post a web site that explains it. Thanks
  25. great pics I should go there someday
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