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Everything posted by angelcanon

  1. So im out this weekend and we've all heard about the high water lvls on the lake, well Welland river at least 3 ft lower bass and pike are almost non existant even old docks that were submerged were visible on surface by a few inches, guys if you have a boat and fish the rivers and creeks be very careful what you've boated passed before might rip a outdrive off now, no one needs to dry dock they're boat for the summer due to major repair. The area most i'm talking about is leaving Niagara area heading towards Port Robinson.
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  2. Hi all, just wondering if anyone fishes Chippawa Creek/Welland river around Niagara Falls area, I'm looking to do some boat fishing this coming weekend and bit thru the summer, wondering where the decent spots are, I've heard everything from muskie, grass pike, small and large mouth, and walleye can be caught, any info would be appreciated.
  3. Follow battery cables into the engine there is 2 possible options 1 which everyone has touched on a fusible link (fuse) the other is a little button along the same style as would be on power bar, push till hear/click, these will have some resistance, leave all electrical components everything in off position except for 1 light or something small as a indicator.
  4. Hi Rizzo trust me when I say your not the only 1 to have fallen for this, these companies use what ever tactic nets them the most money, if you want something from these companies you'll get it if your spending money, but god help you if your attempting to get something from them even if your owed.
  5. I ran into a old friend last week, and we got to talking about some of the best fishing we've ever had was in the 80s at the maid of the mist, Niagara Falls Canada, now the Niagara river has always had great fishing no matter the season, but over the last 40 years I have seen the spots I fished as a kid, into my 20s and now as I creep up on 50, disappear due to private property now, or being gated up due to hydro, parking lot restrictions on times, and an entire list I probably don't even know about, I guess this is more of a rant now but seriously if those spots, hard to get to weren't available for me in those younger years, which produced amazing salmon, trout, bass, pike, and some unknown monster i hooked into at night once that I never got a chance to reel in, stripped 200 yards blew apart reel and ran up river about 20 miles a hour, I'd never be the fisherman I am today, respecting the water and nature, enjoying the fresh air the thrill of the fight the anticipation of that strike. The idea of keeping people away from a great day fishing, a father or mother with they're kids, grandfather bringing home another story, someone taking a pic of they're first rock bass etc, well its sorta depressing, bring back the old days when a beat up glass rod can of back yard dug up worms created hours of peace and entertainment loose the fences and let's create some good fishing for the next generation.
  6. Man haven't seen these in years, me and friends used to dive the dumpster as kids for rods and tackle boxes I think we thru away 3-4 dozen blanks couldn't even guess how many boxes I had, stuff we brought home mighta had a slight paint scuff or missing clip on a box, probably worth small fortune if I still had them.
  7. I agree with you but that's sorta what I mean, if your going to spend $30+ thousand wouldn't you expect a little more for your money, especially people in the mid class with good jobs who may never look at a 100k boat but might consider a 16-20 fishing boat $30000 my person opinion I'd start looking at models a few years old to get all the options style power etc rather than brand new.
  8. Yeah you ain't kidding extra $4000 I probably wouldn't have pulled trigger since it would've pushed price over $30000, so who's gonna buy these things at those prices
  9. I bought a legend last month beating the tariffs by a week, when I had taken ownership even though it's a Canadian boat company the dealer told me this boat was $4000 more expensive if I was to buy it now, since all companies out source surplus equipment and parts
  10. So I just picked up my new 2018 Legend 16 Xterminator last week and got out for a short period of scouting and testing. This is my first fishing boat although I've had other boats and canoes for a lot of years, legend got it right, including everything except downriggers in a package I know I sound like a dealer, I'm not but I'm wickedly impressed with this boat, I opted for 50hp rather than 40 since I need dependabilty not speed it's a great match barely used any gas, it came with fish finder cheap piranha max but it works perfectly, it also came with a wireless trolling motor while little loud it matched and pushes beautifully, its classed above entery level and worth every penny I think.
  11. AOk now for some rational thought, 115 or 150 going 2 stroke or 4, do you need to get a hole shot that sticks you to your seat, do you want dependability, etc theres a ton of arguments but 2 things stand out get the boat up outta to water and into trim, every motor is going to eventually plane, personally a little get up and go helps but after that things depend upon is it a cruiser fishing or water ski, or a little of everything.
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