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Posts posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. Thanks for the input guys. Lots of great information



    Depends how much musky fishing you plan on doing.. If you're going few times a year and don't plan on throwing large bucktails, then you can get by with a curado. But the curado 300 is definitely not a good reel for big bucktails. I have one and have grown to use it only for small bucktails and topwaters. One bonus is it doubles as a good pike reel for bigger baits..




    I won't be doing much Musky fishing but I would like a setup just in case situations. I've been asked a couple times this year to target them but I kindly declined due to not having the proper gear.


    I guess I'm looking for a setup that I can use to get me by for Musky and it can double as a pike setup for bigger baits.


    If I go hardcore with musky I can always purchase another setup.

  2. Not a muskie fisherman by any means, but I see bass videos from California and they are using Shimano 400 size Calcuttas for bass there. A 300 size reel might be considered a bit smaller for regular muskie use?





    Might be worthwhile mentioning your budget. The majority of suggestions you are getting are going to set you back 500 dollars easy, if you plan on buying new.


    My budget would be $500 for the setup. Maybe I can buy it on boxing day

  3. Hey OFC,


    I'm looking to purchase my first Musky setup. It needs to be a left hand baitcaster with a 2 piece rod. I'm hoping to be able to cast everything on it. I don't plan on doing any trolling. Also I would like to be able to use this setup to target pike by throwing big swimbaits.


    Can you guys recommend a setup for my needs?


    I did some research and I found a Shimano Curado 301E for a good left handed baitcaster. And I noticed the only 2pc Musky rods that St. Croix carries is the Premiere



    Edit: I'm looking for a setup that I can use to get me by for Musky and it can double as a pike setup for bigger baits.

  4. Nice report. On a lot of levels. The idea of a Toronto waterfront/centre island pike is more or less what got me into fishing some 16 years ago. Reminds me the old Clive/fishing fury, Snag and fish head ric reports. Refreshing to see a 10 plus minute report of younger anglers without a pile of cussing too. Nice to see all the catch and release too. Good stuff. Thanks.


    I like reading through the old fishing reports on here. Lots of great information to be had.


    Nice video, thanks for sharing. Hopefully groups like yours can help improve the reputation of anglers in urban centers.


    We host family fishing events during family fishing week and we do our best to teach responsible fishing. But we have anti-fishing groups that try to block us from doing our events in our local parks (High Park, Center Island, Humber Park West).


    Way to go guys. Looks like an absolutely awesome time! And thanks for the vid.


    We had a blast. A bunch of our members were able to catch their first toronto pike :)


    Great video. Thanks for the report.

    Fished that stretch a couple of years ago, also in Dec, caught only 1. Was fun and adventure anyways, except the moment when one guy on the ferry on the way to the islands called me "a fish killer" :)


    We get comments like that some times but we all practice catch and release

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