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Posts posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. This may be a stupid question but I'm totally new to night fishing walleye. Do guys just use the feel of the rod to determine a strike or do they use a headlamp pointed at the end of the rod? I'm bottom bouncing with a worm harness and I'm hung by the time I detect a strike.


    Try to keep your line tight as possible and having a sensitive rod helps with bite detection.

  2. Last year that bird group were harassing us during our family fishing event. They were telling us how fishing there was illegal. They filled complaints that we were fishing recklessly, that we left garbage and that we were harassing the birds. They also claimed that we didn't have a permit to use the park. Those were all complete lies.


    We even had MNR officers in our event and they didn't witness any of that.



    After the event last year parks had to put up this sign...




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