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Posts posted by chickenhawk

  1. thanx for the replies guys! i'll be sure to post lots of pictures of my experience...if you haven't figured out the link to Halley's through this website then you can find it at google if you just type in Halley's Camps...and hopefully I will have lots of entries for the tournament.


    Till next time,



  2. Well after weeks of sending resume's, returning phone calls and running up long distance minutes, I have finally gotten an offer from Halley's Camps to be a fishing guide. So if you are planning a trip to Halley's this summer....ASK FOR ME!!! haha at least introduce yourself anyways so that I can meet some of the great people here on OFC. Anyways, just thought I would share...and I am looking forward to hopefully meeting some of you this summer.


    Till next time,



  3. To Uncle Milty:

    I am not going to slam you as I have no reason to. I know for a fact I was fishing legally, and I would have wondered the same thing if I was you. So no hard feelings on that man.


    To the guy who was mad that I didn't reveal my location:

    Isn't that why it is called a secret spot? Because nobody else knows of it? So if I come on here and say I caught 20+ fish and told you where I was......would you not head there the next time you went out? Absolutely and so would the rest of Ontario. Just relax man you'll find spots like that, all you have to do is look at a map and then check your regulations....simple


    To everyone else: I am glad that you enjoy looking at my posts and hope to see you on the river....and if I find you in my spot than thats AWESOME that you found it.....just don't tell the world but that understandable right?


    Till next time,



  4. So went for a drive Sunday checked out all the main tribs seen 40 cars in each parking lot and went down to my secret spot and wouldnt you know it not a soul in sight! Well by the end of the day we stopped counting between 2 of us at 20 fish and lost count. It is really nice because this trib comes off of a main river that gets fished real heavy and its no more than 2 minutes up the road. Stellar day and didn't see another fisherman all day until we checked out the other tribs and seen that there was a million people fishing so all in all I'd say we outsmarted the crowds and had an excellent day to show for it. Unfortunately no camera came on this trip but all fish came off of Fresh Rainbow Roe mainly pink but got some on chartreuse and some on Orange. Till next time,



  5. heres pictures at a second glance i'd say the fish was under 4 any guesses?




    same fish



    here is a fish a buddy of mine got over the christmas holidays on a lake erie trib just thought i'd share





  6. Thanks again Dave for the great price you gave me on the pin Wednesday at the show,just thought I would let you know I HAD to try er out this morning and landed my first fish on the pin with a nice 4.5 pound bow and giving it a go tomorrow morning as well. Pictures are coming



  7. It's hard to say which show gets tuned into the most....but I had an idea of possibly Pete Bowman going out on his own....I know it is a long shot but you never know....I think he would put on a great show.....but he seems pretty attached to the violas......my guess of most watched show is probably bob izumi because i mean come on! who doesent know bob izumi? LOL i want to know when were gonna see Dean and Cindy Franklin with their own show or maybe Darren Jacko or Steve Voros....lol

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