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Posts posted by chickenhawk

  1. Decided to take a few minutes between packing to come on here and say goodbye to everyone here on OFC.....I really enjoy chatting with ppl on this site and have alot to learn from them....I am not sure if I will have access to a computer up there or not so I am saying goodbye and thank you for the entertainment over the last 6-7 months.....it really helps you get through the winter when there are sites such as these....good luck to everyone and have a great summer!


    stay safe,



  2. What I'm trying to tell you chickenhawk is "Roy and the Mods" have nothing to do with TJ's OFC business. This is OFC... thus nothing needs changing with TJ's clothing line. If they want something seperate for OFC then that's a whole different ball game.


    i apologize.....and i apologize to TJ....i honestly didnt mean any disrespect....

  3. There is nothing needing changing. Ontario Fishing Network is still alive and well..... This is OFC !


    ummmm....obviously you didn't understand....nothing I said in this post suggested that anything was wrong with OFC....

  4. It IS recognizable. Ask anyone in the fishing industry.


    I never said anything about it not being recognizable....in fact I am proud to be a member and would show it off if it was new or old....I was just suggesting maybe some cool things to add to it....maybe for some t-shirts or hoodies or something....but as TJ stated it seems to be expensive and a pain in the arse for him....so I will just leave it at that.....TJ would it be a problem if I got my own shirt made?

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