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Posts posted by chickenhawk

  1. Wellllllllll....chickenhawk...

    I kinda like the stuff the way it is right now.

    It doesnt smack ya in the face like it belongs on the FLW tour nor in NASCAR.

    Dont get me wrong...I love both the above mentioned but,

    I think the OFC merch., is sorta laid back and a great representation of the true outdoorsman in the colours that are already there..(we all got our likes/dislikes)

    Ive personally got quite a bit of OFC merch., and I like it....

    The bright yellow jacket with the logo and your board name kinda scared me at first(very bright),

    but Ive grown to be proud to have one and will wear it whenever on the boat when it calls for it.

    Personally..I think we'd be much like everyone else ifn we made it too splashy and we'd end up losing the laid back but serious look.

    Nothing impressed me more then seeing ...'DipLips'..yellar jacket one year at Lakair..seen him and Raf come up from the water after a serius days fishing...

    ...worn in...slimed and bloodied with countless hook removal holes.........Serious stuff.

    Dont change a thing TJ.


    well maybe we can keep the current logo....and add something to it? man its just a suggestion.....i knew it would bother some of the guys who have been here alot longer....but as i can remember i was part of the old site.....then lost interest for a while...then signed back up on the new site....it is still the same logo.....im jus saying maybe we can jus make some really cool gear.....we don't have to change the logo to make something look cool....just spice it up a bit....

  2. thats pretty cool danbo....see if you could get something more real life liek maybe a walleye being reeled that gets nailed by a big pike or something with OFNcommunity.com i think that would be killer

  3. Now don't anybody take this personal or anything....but I was just checking out some of the clothing and accessories and I just found it to be very plain and simple.....nothing that really made me go wow I really want that.....so what would you think....TJ, Roy and the rest of the MODS of maybe doing a contest or something to possibly figure out a new logo/design for some of the clothing.....I just know that there are some people on this board who are excellent with photoshop and I am sure could make a really cool logo.....it's up to you guys, I am happy either way, just putting it out there....anybody else agree?

  4. Im of two minds about this. On the one hand Ive done a lot of digging in my life finding my secret holes and id hate for some of them to see to much pressure or have access retricted to them because to many people are showing up and fishing there. Ive done a ton of exploring and put a lot of milage on vehicles diggin it out so why shouldn't they.I once drove to Labrador on a rumour of a good spot,same thing to the Nipigon, Timmins etc...


    On the other hand heres a little story, there a beautiful little spec creek close to a city. The section that holds trout is only about a mile long and is due to a huge influx of ground water. Both above and below that 3/4 mile stretch of trout water the creek is more like a drainage ditch and no one had ever thought to look for trout in the creek at all. One angler though had discovered this little secret and kept it close to his heart. He loved that little creek for it would occasionaly produce very nice fish. Nothing record breaking but the odd 13 or 14 incher. He guarded it cloesly and kept it to himself for many years. Throwing anyone off the scent with lies and misdirection concerning the trout and habitit that existed there calling it nothing more than a ditch.

    One spring morning he woke up full of hope and anticipation of tussling with the trout in the creek. He hadnt been by it since the season last closed and was looking forward to its charms. Upon arriving there he was stunned to see that a new development had sprung up. All the cedars where gone as was the beautiful meandering channel. In its place he found a straight cement channel with no subtrate and of coarse no fish.He rushed to the MNR to complain and demand that the developer be charged. The MNR said they couldn't charge the developer as there was no significant fish communties in that stream they had allways heard it was nothing more than a ditch.

    Sometimes the more people know about something the more friends it has. And a good friend will always have your back. I never mind telling people"spots" but like solo said there is no spoon feeding. I give general locations only. And with that said I find a great beginners lake to be Sparrow. Despite its proximity to the big city. Its very easy to catch fish there. Go if you dont have a boat rent one and enjoy some good fishing. Bye the bye the story is true.


    thank you musky or specks this gave me a completely different outlook.....i still feel as though people are too lazy these days and just expect someone to tell them where to go but your post has definately made me see another side to the argument....appreciate it

  5. i agree 100% with greencoachdog......find your own spots....i had to do it so why should i lead a rube right to where the fish are?? so my answer the fish are in the water.....i dont like bein the guy to make a post go sour...believe me i dont but it always seems to be the same person questioning about spots to fish......take a little time out of your fishing day and go for a walk....thats how i found all my spots....its not hard just takes a little extra effort

  6. I am from the Long Point area and just found out that Dougie Marshall has passed away.....he ran a charter boat out of Port Rowan for many years and was an avid angler like the rest of us....he will be missed greatly amongst the communities in the area.....and it will be unfortunate that I will not see his boat out on the bay no longer....

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