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john vail

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About john vail

  • Birthday 06/19/1948

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  1. Hi John hope all is well I also have been tryingto contact Bryan , but with no sucess. He still has a web site but have tried it to no avail. let me know what you find out about either place.
  2. has anyone stayed at hidden river lodge on whitefish lake. is it worth the trip or is there a better place in that area
  3. Since I make my own worm harnesses, I generally use 6mm beads with a # 5or6 colorado or willow blade. will a #8mm bead work well with that size blade or should I stick to the 8mm beads when using a #8 blade thanks for your help.
  4. EH Homies, your Joey Votto signed with my Cincinnati Reds for three years for 38 mil. He deserves it.
  5. How abount one of our critters eating a whole roll of dimes, five dollars US cost me several hundred and the vet did not return the change.
  6. hi people havent been around for a while, to busy fishing. Go reds, we have season tickets right next to the reds dugout let me know whien you and whopper are planing your next to hit your next game
  7. does anyone know if casa blanca is still in operation and if brian is still around any help is appriciated
  8. Yep, 11lbs and something, a 21in. smallie will go in the 5 to 6 lb. range. As for a record of 11lb some folks in that neck of the woods sometimes stretch things out a bit just for example, you all is ya alllllll. sorry dog.
  9. Those jigs are called punnishers, but black works good to, popular color is shad.
  10. will be heading to dale hollow or hollar depending on where your from,the first week of april for smallmouth. last year averaged 19 Bull. a day most fish in the 19 to 21 inch class. and most were caught on a small jig with a #12 hook,commonly called float and fly down there.
  11. looks like a BIG SUCKER MINNOW to me
  12. if your driven to bama, get out some nails and a 2by6, and make a spoiler for that thing, not only will you get better millage but the bama troupers won't pull you over, you be looking like a homie
  13. go to their website you can order parts and download scamatics for your reel
  14. Question on the toothpaste, is that before or after you use it
  15. I tie my own wally harnesses and currently use 20lb. test does any one else who ties their own prefer a different weight line and why. thanks for your help.
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