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Posts posted by Sterling

  1. Nice video. Makes me feel like I'm out there.

    The Humminbird helix is great. Is that the CHIRP version? I came pretty close to buying a helix ice just yesterday. Ended up settling for a Hook4 CHIRP.

    Question, how often do you see fish farther up in the column? I'm wondering how many fish are missed by zooming into the bottom column OR using too narrow of a band. 

  2. With the long winter ahead I've decided to put some time and effort into developing what I think would be useful/cool fishing gadgets. I have an engineering background, CAD abilities and some manufacturing connections (both onshore and abroad). Also my sister in law is from China so she can act as an intermediate if I decide to manufacture there.

    I was wondering if some of you have ideas to toss my way. Maybe something you always wanted to invent but never had the time. Hate to see a good idea go to waste you know.

    So far I have the following underway;

    1. Diver that can be attached anywhere on the line. Similar to Slide Diver but no small parts and can be installed within seconds. I have this one 80% figured out.

    2. Fixed "slider" that can be attached/removed in 1 second flat. Completely fixed, as in, will not move even when a strike occurs. Allows you to easily stack a bunch of lures. This one is 95% figured out. Going to prototype it soon.

    Do you think these products would be useful? If so - what are the MUST have features for each? Let's hear it folks!

  3. 16 hours ago, misfish said:

    Catch and release?

    If the fish are in the slot, you keep. If not, you release. 

    So make sure they understand, there is a slot size on pickeral.

    98% of walleye on Nipissing must be released.... so mostly catch and release :).

    Although, it seems the fish have finally grown up... based on my tremendous success this summer I'm cautiously optimistic for winter fishing.

  4. Tiller or side console?



    Side console for sure. The fish hawk is nice, thanks for that.


    Maybe a little more information would help. Budget, new or pre-owned, full console and top, power etc? Sometimes this topic is a little like the Ford, Chevy, Dodge debate. You will get lots of opinions. Go out and look at many, reduce it down to a few based on your personal criteria and then do a little more research/ask questions to narrow it down to one or two.


    Good luck, John


    I'd go up to 20-22k, pre-owned. Too much premium on new boats.


    This ^^^^


    Plus - Deadrise is also something to consider. Sure, width is indicative with stability but in bigger water, having a high Deadrise (deep V) will be just as important. Take a bass boat for example. Plenty wide but a nightmare in big waves.


    Regarding wide gunwales, absolutely - especially with riggers but these come at a cost.


    Without getting into to much detail, it looks like you should have a look at the Lund impact 1775 or larger. I recall taking a 1875 for a test run and was very impressed with the layout and stability.


    I'll check it out, thanks!

  5. Title, looking for recommendations on a wide aluminum boat for trolling medium to large sized lakes. I like a wide transom boat as this allows room to negotiate riggers etc.


    Reason being my boat has been destroyed and I'm shopping for a replacement (lol).


    Edit for more details:


    - Would prefer wide gunwales.

    - I generally fish with 1 or 2 people.

  6. I'm asking because my sister lives on the lake and has tried very hard to get into some walleye without much success. There are definitely walleye in the lake, possibly a somewhat healthy population from what I hear. She's not exactly experienced enough to know where to start, I'm sure she's tried many spots that are just barren. So I'm headed there soon to scope out the lake, see if I can get into some walleye.


    That said I hope someone here has fished the lake successfully and can give me some pointers! Any help is appreciated.



    thanks Sterling, I have fished Erie out of Eirieau a few times, good fishing, even from the pier. My father in law has a trailer there, we visit often, already trying to work that into the plan when he returns.










    Ever venture out in the big water? If so, I can tell you exactly where to go and limit out every time. Central basin is nuts right now.

  8. 3 responses 3 different photo sharing sites. I like simple. Why is it Facebook doesn't require to downsize images, or does it? Maybe I have been lucky and the pics were small enough.


    I wonder if there is a preference OFC might have for this type of service?



    Imgur is absolutely the easiest and best. No resizing or anything, just upload and you're done.


    Pretty weird how a forum of this size doesn't allow direct uploads.


    Bandwidth is cheap.


    It does, you just have to find it. Perhaps it should be made easier for users.


    Ran multiple websites in the past.. and at $100 your being robbed.


    There are tons of web hosting companies with unlimited bandwidth for $20-$30 a month.


    If you're running a simple static site the basic hosting packages will do just fine. But a small forum like this, maybe not. You'll run into issues other than bandwidth. Been there, done that.

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