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Posts posted by Sterling

  1. Agree with Joey.


    Some points to consider;


    1. Any effort into outlawing the nets is a wasted effort unless it comes from Nipissing First Nations (NFN) themselves. This stuff has been to the supreme court and back.

    2. NFN is making headway with understanding the effect of their netting and the new chief (Scott McLeod) is doing a great job so far implementing measures to at least attempt a reduction in netting.

    3. On the flipside, NFN has had failures with their own implementation of a moratorium. In 2015, 19700 walleye were netted over 13 days (IIRC), during their own self-imposed moratorium. We saw this again in 2016. There is no legal recourse to stop this.

    4. The only realistic approach to "stopping the nets" is subsidizing the netters directly. If you think about it, this is a cheap solution.

    5. I would like to see some measures put in place to reduce fish mortality. Walleye rarely survive when retrieved from 35ft+ of water. It may sound silly but I say ban fishing in waters 30ft+ in depth.

    6. Everyone should go barbless.

    7. The wasted fish due to by-catch is a moral crime. NFN should be obligated to give away by-catch.


    Now let me go get my popcorn and flame-retardant suit.


    sterling...are you saying that the t box has the ability to plot on navionics utilizing the depthmaps developed using your tbox...can you please explain? this has me pumped...cause as you have it, the majority of my fishing spots arent charted or are incredibly inaccurate.


    Yes this feature was a big selling point for me. Plus I already had a tablet so the all-in cost was about $300 (I got all sorts of bells and whistles).


    Let's say you have the tablet with navionics installed and you hit a back lake that isn't charted. You can generate bathymetric maps on the spot by zooming around a few times.


    I've used this many times to re-define structures that aren't shown on existing navionics maps too.


    You can toggle this livechart feature if you don't want to see the modified/new contours.


    Long answer short, yes this feature would make bathymetric maps on the spot and/or fix your inaccurate maps.



    I can see battery power being an issue with a tablet. I bring my ipad sometimes for a second GPS screen but am constantly putting it to sleep and restarting it to save the batt. Can't keep it running all day.


    Yes this is the first problem I noticed with mine. I solved it by de-activating all non-essential features. Only GPS and wifi were left on. I have a USB jack now that charges the battery faster than it's consumed.


    Another problem is heat. If you have a black unit, it absorbs a lot of heat on sunny days which can affect performance and/or disable charging (since the battery heats up too much as it charges).

  3. ^ all that and still no depth finder? Mo thanks. Id rather have a simple depth finder than navionics on a tablet. What do you do if it rains?


    Im a lowrance guy thru and thru. Never had one let me down. I still have the first one i ever bought and it works as good now as it did then.


    Its all personal preference and price. They all work. You dont need anything fancy.


    Elite 5 or 7, or hds 5 or 7 are great bang for your buck. Cant go wrong.




    Course it has a depth finder ya silly goose, how do you think it generates them sweet bathymetric maps?


    $20 waterproof case for the tablet and you're golden.


    The Elite and HDS are nice units, but if we're comparing dollar for dollar, there's no competition. The HDS;


    1. Smaller screen.

    2. Can't generate map on the spot.

    3. Have to pay for maps.


    On the plus side;


    1. It has side scanning.

    2. Structure scan, built in CHIRP, etc.

  4. The absolute best value you'll get is with a t-box and tablet with navionics app.


    What you need;

    1. A samsung or apple tablet with GPS (preferably) $200

    2. A t-box $200

    3. (optional) accessories like a tablet case, bracket, charger, etc.


    For $400 you get a plotter, full bathymetric maps, and most importantly, the ability to generate bathymetric maps for any body of water on the spot, charted or not (fantastic for mapping backwater lakes, or your favorite bay on lake X). If I'm not mistaken, this is a feature only available on Humminbird Onix units, which run $2000.


    Interestingly Raymarine came out with a similar unit called the "wi-fish". It does the same as the t-box but with CHIRP technology. I'd love to try it out one day.

  5. I'm actually impressed you managed to go through with it. I couldn't do it.


    My parents did the same thing last year. Gave all their stuff to the kids. "We're done with fishing and camping".


    Their ruse was a brilliant one. Now that the kids own the boat and fishing gear, they have to take my parents out. Parents just show up with a coffee thermos and a hat.

  6. I've been on the south end and callander bay a lot, and also noticed the levels were off by 0-6ft. Navionics will give you the general lay of the lake, but that's about it. Just about ran my riggers into a shoal at one point LOL

  7. I have been making trips to Lake Temagami on the regular for 2 years now since I learned downrigging. Hands down one of the best lakes for trout in Ontario (excluding the great lakes). Lots of people helped me along the way so it's good form for me to pass that on...


    You will want to put one line around 60-70 feet and one at the thermocline, which should be around 30ft now.


    Location is important, focus on open water and try to follow sunken ridges and structures. Look at cross bay on webapp.navionics and you will see what I mean. Also try the southern end of the "bowl" south of cattle Island.

    Ripplin' red fins are okay, but my favorite just a medium sized gang troll with a small threaded minnow.


    Good luck and let us know how you do!

  8. honestly been struggling with this myself. I tried a suction mount and it holds like a IQ challenged, but the subsequent vibration in the tinner makes the mount come loose.


    So stay away from suction...ill save you a few bucks there...the screw in ball mount might be the way to go...then all you need is a waterproof case and a external battery.



    Can anyone comment on the battery life using a tablet as their nav system? How long can one expect a charge to last running navionics.


    The obvious is that it depends on battery size, screen brightness (which should be cranked), GPS on/off and any other services you might have running.


    With a t-box I run full screen brightness, GPS and wi-fi. I get 5-6 hours on a single charge. But I do have a USB outlet for charging on the go. With the tablet plugged in, it lasts indefinitely.


    The ability to map new areas (and to re-map the occasional awful map) is unique to Navionics, except for the Onix units. Unless I'm mistaken anyway.


    Absolutely love navionics with a tablet by the way.

  9. Interesting thread. I'm not even 30 but already have issues breathing. Minor problems mind you - I can't imagine having to deal with that severe a breathing problem Old Ironmaker, I really feel for you here.


    Agreed with ruling out sleep apnea as well. Sleep apnea is more like when you CAN breathe but don't.


    You may require surgery if your nose was busted up or if you have family history or a weird nose.


    Try this; it's gross, but grab the outside edge of your nostrils (pinch both sides, one with the left and right) and pull out and to the side a bit. If this allows you to breathe well, your nose may be the direct cause of breathing problems.


    Considering you have mucus problems etc, surgery might not be the solution, but others here might find this helpful.


    Good luck!

  10. The chances are that he is showing wind power is not as clean as the proponents would have us believe, I am totally against the huge towers with the blades. Solar makes more sense to me even though the landscape is altered. Those freakin huge windmills are a huge blight on the land. iMO


    They do look like crap but I'd rather that than the (mostly) invisible destruction brought on by carbon fuels.

  11. The media makes the same story up every single election...even in canada


    I can clearly recall when Harper won his last majority the media going on and on about how tight the race was and it turned out to be a complete landslide victory.


    As fun as it is to watch the show...you cant actually believe that that high of a percentage of the American population is actually going to vote for trump. Dont get me wrong, there are obviously a lot of ignorant people out there, but literally every single person that ive seen openly admitting to being a trump supporter is also pretty bat crap crazy themselves.


    America is a duopoly. Red vs Blue states, regardless of the candidate. I do believe Trump will secure at least 40% of votes when the election comes. It will be fun looking back at these comments either way.


    even though trump just straight up dissed a military captain that died in the line of duty?


    Huge misstep, not sure what his angle was on that one. At this point I'm thinking Hillary's approach is to let Donald destroy himself.

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