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Posts posted by Sterling

  1. 1 hour ago, Podric said:

    Vacate the dock when before leaving the canoe unattended otherwise you are one those type that are oblivious to those around them.  Hopefully, the op had the sense to apologize profusely, they had enough sense to think "maybe i was wring on this". Mistakes happen.

    We did in fact apologize despite the antagonistic approach. Buddy's approach wasn't exactly effective, and others might have just flipped him the bird.

    Wouldn't exactly describe our group as inconsiderate either - we went out of our way to help a couple groups during the week.

  2. 4 hours ago, Dara said:

    Hey Drifter, hows things

    Never mind the price but 300 on an 20' aluminum doesn't seem right.

    Is he scared to run it more than 34 hours.

    Thats prop tips to east arm

    Maybe it's repowered? Wonder what kind of top end he gets 


    Edit: I checked and that Lund is rated for it (figured as much since it's at the dealer)

  3. 2 hours ago, canoecarrier said:

    You said typically you leave your boats there? So if you are actually leaving both sides blocked while you go wander in the bush I think you answered your own question!

    2 of 4 times. The other times, someone was already there. Didn't cross my mind to get angry, we just used the end of the dock (which remains available), or offloaded on shore (pretty easy at this spot). I get where buddy was coming from, but would have handled it differently.

  4. 22 hours ago, porkpie said:

    I think they are starting to dip.  I’ve had my eye on a particular model of Starcraft tiller boat, and I saw my first dealer reduction in pricing on an in stock new boat today.  I’ve also noticed Corona boats aren’t selling and I’ve marked a number of rigs on kijiji and almost all of them have had price reductions unless they where a smoking deal already. Facts are facts, and people are starting to notice they have less disposable income, and rates rising means a lot of people are less inclined to slap a boat on their HELOC or other credit vehicle.  I wouldn’t either, as a matter of fact if I had any debt other than a mortgage or car payment I’d be looking to clean it up ASAP. There is an air of hesitation from a lot of people, many wondering what their finances will look like in the next couple of years.  

    Bang on. FED teasing 0.75% rate hikes... inflation STILL persisting. Housing market will flip within 2 years, toys even faster. Every producer on the planet is making efforts to crank production 110%... the pendulum is bound to swing eventually.

    Revisit this thread in 1-3 years, I bet we'll be in the following situation:

    1. High interest rates. 
    2. Housing market down ~15-25%, owners stuck in sky-high mortgages.
    3. Used boats flooding the market.
    4. Raw material glut, supply chain issues resolved, new builds also flooding the market.

    Wouldn't buy ANY toys now, and in fact would consider selling my house if I didn't have hatchlings under its roof.

  5. Had an interesting encounter yesterday at Kokoko Lake, Northeast of Temagami. 

    There's a short portage between Temagami and Kokoko, with a small dock that fits 2 boats. Typically we dock our boats there, portage gear across, and either take a canoe or use a boat stashed on the other side. 

    A 2nd group arrived at Kokoko after us. They came to visit, but only to lambast us about being "totally inconsiderate" by leaving our boats docked, making it "impossible" to offload their gear at the dock.

    I see where they're coming from. But I've been in their position before, and it never occurred to me that the group ahead was being inconsiderate. I just go "darn, beat us to it" and beach my boat. 

    In a well-traveled circuit, like Temagami, is it common etiquette to leave docks clear? I'll definitely do that next time, just thought it was strange for them to be so pissed about it.

  6. On 11/20/2019 at 11:13 PM, cisco said:

    OK you bunch! Calm down!!

    The sensitive and easily offended may address the following with hysteria but I'll still give it a go.....

    I strongly suggest you all try and think about this gruesome issue from a slightly different perspective. A simple perspective... one that may make the more sensitive here upset in it's logic...


    A legal expert gave it to me....

    Here goes.... start grinding your axes.......start thinking of a way to twist the following.....

    IMHO nobody can twist this.....OK......?

    There's the challenge....

    The gauntlet has been thrown so to speak.....

    "To say Cherry is aiming at just immigrants for not wearing poppies means..... he is fine .... just PEACHY.....with all the 'others' NOT wearing poppies. The 'others' get a free pass and don't need to wear poppies"

    Get it? Understand what I'm saying??? Anyone in their heart of hearts knows the above statement isn't true......

    Undeniable TRUTH is that Don Cherry is pissed at ANYONE not wearing a poppy.

    Think about this perspective.

    The above logic is irrefutable...... Cherry is happy for anyone wearing it and unhappy with anyone not wearing it. This is a known fact.  A logical perspective but missed perspective by many. I missed it til it was explained to me by a lawyer. 

    Again, to complain about him 'picking' on one bunch of people logically means you are saying he is fine with others not wearing poppies. Get it? If not then please reread this post until you do or get someone else to translate for you. Or offer evidence he is complimentary of someone for not wearing a poppy. Maybe he is on his show someplace saying how Ron's jacket doesn't match the red poppy so Ron should toss the poppy to look more fashionable. Something like that.  

    OK you people. All I got........ a lawyer gave it to me and I'm passing it along. Says he can't wait for any logical disagreement with his 'legal' perspective. 


    I bet this came straight off facebook? It's trash either way.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, SirCranksalot said:

    Agreed---right or wrong, everyone seems to have an entrenched position so it's pointless to fling more arguments back and forth. Pull the plug, mods

    Here in North Bay we say "there are three things you don't talk about: politics, religion, and netting on Lake nipissing".

    Bringing up any of those topics is pointless because as you correctly pointed out, most people are completely entrenched with their opinion and will never be swayed. 

    Never been so true as it is with US politics right now. And I think the most interesting part is the psychology of it all. How can an entire country be split somewhat evenly with both sides being polar opposites on every issue? It's fascinating. 


  8. 21 minutes ago, limeyangler said:

    How did he recognise those people in Mississauga and Toronto as “you people that come here” then? 

    Likely by their appearance and skin color.

    I was merely correcting previous posts claiming Don had said something about skin color. 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Terry said:

    I , when I heard it 100%. Thought he was taking about  immigrants  I did not put a colour race or gender to the word immigrant

    and I believe a lot of people posting here think the same 

    Have to agree with that. Don never mentioned or implied color/race. 

    • Like 4
  10. 36 minutes ago, Terry said:


    here is my problem

    seems I don’t understand the new meaning of words ,is it because I am old or because I am a wasp

    but when I say “you people”. I mean the people I am talking to or about

    when I say “immigrant “. I mean someone who has come to this country

    to me it is non gender, non political, non religious , no race , no language implied  nor country of origin 

    but some people seem to think they are talking directly at them

     It to me  it is what it is   
    maybe it is time for  a new dictionary 


    Terry, Don said the following, exactly: "you people that come here, you love your way of life, you love our milk and honey". 

    That is easily and reasonably interpreted as being pointed to immigrants.

    That's why Don himself said he regrets using those words: 


  11. 15 hours ago, limeyangler said:

    Don Cherry said...“You people, that come here”. So he is addressing people that have come from somewhere else. He says that he sees those people walking around Mississauga and Toronto. How does Don know who is an immigrant or not? It’s not like “New Canadians” wear a badge with that on it, he is talking about visible minorities. So Don is making assumptions about people based on the color of their skin, can’t think of a better description of ‘racist’ if I tried.

    Thanks Limey, I was looking for this. I can't believe I had to go 5 pages deep to find this simple, sensible comment.

    Don's been quoted as follows MANY times in this thread:

    “You people... love our way of life, love our milk and honey. At least you could pay a couple of bucks for poppies or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada.” 

    The three dots are conveniently left out because that's where Don says "you people that come here", making it a clear message to immigrants. 

    It's disingenuous to leave out that part. Don's message was directed toward immigrants when it should have been directed at everyone that isn't wearing a poppy. Period.

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