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About Parisite

  • Birthday 10/01/1974

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    Paris, ON

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  1. Probably had something to do with that annoying font you used... Sorry, I had to say it.
  2. Hey guys, Thanks for the heads up on the gates. Tyler - PM sent
  3. Thanks Bill. Thought about that but I don't have a ton of free time as it is a work trip. Also, I hope he sees this post because the link to his website in the OFC business section is broken. It took me to a website written in Japanese (I think).
  4. Hi all, I'm heading to the Soo for three days with work and I'm packing my centrepin. I plan on hitting the rapids if the weather is good. I'll be arriving Sunday afternoon and leaving on Wednesday morning. Anyone in the area interested in meeting up?
  5. I had a panic attack at my "home waters" this morning when I saw what looked like a group of small eels. At first I thought they were giant leeches (which would be just as strange) but when I took a closer look I saw that they were definitely eels. When I finished fishing (slow morning with only one decent fish) I spoke to a member of the local conservation authority who confirmed that these 6 inch little eels were brook lampreys and that they shouldn't be harmful to the fishery. Phew! In 7 years of fishing this area I have never seen them before. Has anyone else seen these little guys before?
  6. Try a Coleman Black Cat heater. It has worked for me on nights around 0 to -4 but I've never had to use it in -40 weather. I would preheat the tent before getting in. I wouldn't recommend keeping it on while you sleep. CO build up in the tent would not be a good thing. You might not wake up in the morning.
  7. One of the guys at Jos' shop who was helping me said he fishes with about 5 guys and they all have different setups. Looks like everyone here is running something slightly different from the next guy as well. Spiel - I like the 3x surgeon knot. As I primarily fly fish, this connection is a familiar leader to tippet knot for me. I rigged up the shot line and will give it a go in the morning. If I'm not happy with it I may delete the 2nd swivel and go with the surgeons knot. I'm in Paris, ON and will probably be staying somewhat local tomorrow morning if anyone is interested in hooking up. Thanks everyone!
  8. Thanks davey and liverelease. Thanks GBW. I'll have the float on the main line above the first swivel.
  9. Thanks guys. GBW-if there wasn't a shot line how would you rig it up?
  10. So I picked up my first centre pin yesterday. Rapala R-Type. I put it onto a borrowed 13' that my friend is allowing me to use to give this float fishing thing a try. Jos helped me balance the reel and the rod and I'm planning in heading out tomorrow. I'll be running main line to shot line to tippet using micro swivels at each connection. The knot that I'm most comfortable tying quickly and reliably is the improved clinch. Will this knot be sufficient? Thanks.
  11. I can't believe someone actually gets paid to do that research.... I shouldn't complain! I'm sitting on the can surfing OFC and getting paid!
  12. Am I the only one who thinks Burton Cummings completely messed up our national anthem?
  13. Around 7:30 this morning I was woken up by about 6 - 8 gunshots. I've heard them off in the distance as I was working outside in the garden but these sounded way too close for comfort...and I was inside the house. I jumped out of bed to take a peak out the window and saw my neighbour (who must've been outside when the hunters started firing) yelling across school field at the hunters to go hunt somewhere else. They weren't in the school field but in the harvested corn field on the other side of the school. I got out the binoculars and could see these guys along the fence line on the opposite side of the field. They were firing in the direction of the houses as the birds came in for a landing in the field. The distance between the houses and their position was approximately 3 - 4 soccer field lengths. I have no issues with people hunting but the question is: are there regulations about how close to residential areas that you can hunt?
  14. Quickly!?? It's been going on for two days! People see red and don't fully read someone else's post, misinterpret it and go off on the other person. I don't like seeing people break the rules just as much as the next guy but you can't just show up on this board to yell and scream and go off on other board members. Here's an idea to all those who are (overly) passionate about the sport they love and are getting upset with others who love the sport as well - Volunteer with your local conservation authority so you can educate those "bad people" you see on the local waterways in an official and honourable way rather than as a vigilante civilian. And stop screaming at other members of a message board while you're at it.
  15. Everyone on the board should take up a collection of gobies and send them to whitespinnerbait. Squish them a dozen at a time in clear plastic containers.
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