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Everything posted by elusive

  1. If you can't take any of the nonsense, why do you keep making these posts? Spend some gas money son!
  2. Thats so true. Nice fish and nice pics bro. - Vick
  3. Don't forget artificials!
  4. You guys need to just bill up and chill, complaining about it wont change the fact that 90% of the time, nothing happens. The only thing we can do is call the tips hotline or contact the mnr directly and hope for a CO to show up and scare them all away. Ranting about wanting to hurt these knuckle heads isn't going to do much. Either way, too much posting about chinnys, bring on the steel. Tight Lines & Blunts -Vick
  5. Congrats bro
  6. scrub with soap
  7. Actually I just checked and its "shake and cure" hahaah.
  8. I cured some of my skein with pro-cure and the rest i just river hardened. I always have success with both its just hard to tell what im using sometimes (cured or un-cured) but I just tie both.
  9. Thanks bro. Tight Lines & Blunts
  10. So does anyone know if it works?
  11. I've always heard about adding sugar or brown sugar and or other extracts while curing....Can anyone that has done this confirm if it will actually work? -Vick
  12. why not wake and bake! yay
  13. why not just try your luck
  14. LOL I think he got all of them!
  15. Theres only 150 salmon coming up this season?
  16. Word
  17. Some of the best fights i've had are the steelies and browns that come up during the salmon run.
  18. Who's talking about forgiving anybody? Obviously you didn't understand that what I was trying to say was that without any conviction or charges who are people to accuse him of all those things? I didn't say to stop because he passed, I was just shocked that people continue to do so without any real reason.
  19. It's funny how people still jump on him even after he has passed. I've heard enough about all the accusations against Michael, but to continue these accusations even after all charges were dropped AND his passing. In my opinion, I don't think Michael did those things that he was accused of,I believe that he gave up his childhood when he was very young which is when he began singing in the jackson 5 and this is why he enjoyed the company of children because he loved them very much and just wanted to relive the childhood he wasn't graced with. Lets let the late great veteran live. RIP Michael Jackson - Vick
  20. I second that
  21. Anyone know? I was out yesterday and it got pretty bad...just wondering if their blown or not. - Vick
  22. Go Deep? Thats what she said!
  23. My friend caught one 2 weeks ago using his crappy pier rod with 20 lb line, we watched his float go down and a fresh steel with his pinky....presentation IS key. I agree with silvio. Regardless, 4lb ultragreen
  24. It was too early in the morning to keep one, didn't want to walk around with it
  25. -Vick
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