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Everything posted by bass_man

  1. what are you using 80lb flouro for. I'm told it will work better than wire for musky and big pike. I also don't like to use the r shaped spinners with a swivel clip. If I'm wrong, please let me know. Thanks Jim
  2. I cant thank you guys enough for all of the info. I got really frustrated trying to tie 80lb fluorocarbon directly to the large R shaped spinners with the improved clinch knot and not being able to have it come out looking clean. I've never used the fluorocarbon for leaders before, maybe its supposed to look ugly? I will practice some of the knots you have suggested and maybe just be a little more patient. Probably just need to lubricate it better when trying to synch it down. Jim
  3. My dad taught me the double Windsor, but the army wouldn't let me use it. I appreciate all of the input guys, keep it coming. I've found a canoe man loop knot that looks perfect for crank baits, the loop will let the baits wiggle freely, but it doesn't look like it would work for big spinners where you would want a tight grip on the wire when there is no eyelet. I also like the looks of the polymer knot, but it could be difficult with that large bent spinner bait. Maybe the uni is the answer here. Jim
  4. for the last 40 years I have been tying the improved clinch knot on everything, it's the only one I know. I like it ok on mono, but have never liked it on Dacron trolling line and I hate it on fluorocarbon leaders. I obviously need to learn some new knots, what do you guys tie for Dacron, slippery braid, and fluorocarbon? Thanks for any info you can give me. Jim
  5. Nice pic's bud more here than my 20 year total. I thought I wasn't getting out enough and this proves it. Well Done. Jim
  6. Not a cold call but something even stupider. Back in the early 70s I took a sales job with a new car dealership. I thought everything was going well with the training program until the trainer told us about the "paper bag" trick. We were expected to tear paper bags into strips and wright on them Call me right away it's about your car we were then to go to all malls and put these on the windshield of all 5 year old models of our dealership's cars. When the owner of the car franticly called to find out what had happened to his car we would have an opportunity to try to sell him a new car. I was assured that this was a normal process and that we absolutely had to do it to be considered good salesman prospects. I refused to take part in this stupidity so this was the end of my stint as a new car salesman.
  7. I appreciated the opportunity to meet some of the members here last night. I thought that this would be a worth wile forum to join and I was proven right. Thanks guys and I look forward to seeing you and others as the seasons pass. Jim
  8. If newbies are OK I'd like to come. I'm working in Toronto tomorrow and its on my way back to Brantford. Jim
  9. I saw the thumb trick for the first time on this forum a couple of weeks age. Wish I had known about it about $3,000.00 worth of line ago. I just kept cutting it off and re-spooling. Jim
  10. Thanks for that guys, sorry sinker I should have said I'm looking at a few new places to fish next year but both of these places have hundreds of islands and I am worried about finding my way back to the launch at the end of the day. Jim
  11. Hi Guys, I'm hoping to get some help understanding GPS options, I know nothing about it except that I think I want one. I'm on a very small pension so I need to be frugal. What can I expect to get with a hand held? Do the built in world maps look like the Google maps? What about Navionics if I'm not on one of the specified lakes? Do all tablets come with built in GPS connections? I told you I don't know anything about it. Any advice or info will be appreciated. Jim
  12. Wishing the best of the holiday season from all of us to all of you. Merry Christmas and happy new year. Jim
  13. You made the right move!!!!! I'm 2 or 3 packs a day for 50 years, cant walk the river, hard time launching my own boat, gave up hunting, cant even take my lady for a walk in the woods. I know you have all heard it before but it needs repeating; If you don't smoke don't start If you do smoke QUIT if you cant quit cut down Then when you can QUIT. Well done Bud Jim
  14. Thanks for making me feel welcome guys. The Grand is intriguing, but at my age and delicate condition I cant walk the waterways any more but I've got the small boat for small water and the bigger boat for the lakes so I should be OK. I have tried 2 of the Grand River Conservation lakes this year and look forward to trying the rest next. Thinking about early Pike in the inner bay as soon as ice is out, any advice. Jim
  15. Hi guys, been following the forum for about a week and I liked what I saw and just wanted to be a part of this group. Been fishing the last 20 years almost exclusively with my 3 sons in law but one of them passed on this spring and I really feel the loss. The wife and I moved to Brantford to be with our daughter and her kids but I don't know anyone here and I need some kind of interaction. Enough of that, I like to fish bass, pike, and musky, but will fish a mud puddle if it's the only water I can find. Fell through the ice once when I was a kid so I don't go out on that at all. Thanks for listening, I'll keep following the forum. Jim
  16. I've had 4 Jimmy's, all did the same thing in 2wd but worked well in 4wd on ice. Just switch it on for in and out of the driveway. Jim
  17. thanks Art. Jim
  18. Just want to say thanks cliff, I've got to run right now (family commitments) but I'll be back to introduce myself to the group soon. Jim
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