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Everything posted by bass_man

  1. As some of you know I am fairly new to the Brantford area and I was hoping that someone could point me to someone around here that does reel service and repairs. I have a couple of late 60s Mitchel 300s and 2 late 60s zebco cardenals that need looking at and a few bait casters as well. Does anyone know anyone localy that they trust for this kind of thing. Jim
  2. I can heartily recommend just about anything by Farley Mowat, and in your case I would recommend The Farfarers, a historic novel by one of the Greatest Canadian writers. I personally am a science fiction / fantasy reader but Farley Mowat is one of those writers that no matter what your favourite genre you just cant put him down. Give it a try and I hope you become a life long Farley Mowat fan. Jim
  3. Thanks guys, $700.00 to $800.00 sounds almost free to me and the boat is defiantly worth that. I was worried it would be a couple of grand, add that to the cost of a decent 2 stroke and it may have been more than the boat was worth. Once my son in law gets his motor off I will defiantly drag it down here and if its OK I'll PM you guys to see if you want the job. Ryan, did you do that yourself? Good job bud, looks great. Zamboniwaterboy, I see you are in Brantford, who and where are J and J marine? Jim
  4. Just checked the classified section here, it looks like I should have listed my boat here instead of Kijiji. Think I'll do that now. Jim
  5. Hi Guys, I am going to inherit a 16 foot Silvan bow rider with the split front windshield that we have been fishing out of for the past 16 years. It's free because it needs a new floor and motor. Too old and fat to do the floor my self, does anyone here do this kind of thing either as a hobby or professionally, and can anyone venture a guess as to what the cost may be to the nearest $500.00 that would be enough to help me to figure out if I even want to take it on. Painted plywood or rubber mat would be fine for me, carpet only if it's necessary. Really want aluminium checker plate but I know I cant afford that. It will probably come in late summer so no time table for getting it done. Next spring would be good though. If I do get the floor done I will be looking for a 40 to 90hp 2 stroke with controls later to put on it. If you are planning to upgrade and you have got something you think will work keep me in mind. If my 16ft fiberglass doesn't sell I'll probably just swap the Yamaha from that to this one. So far everyone who called from the add thinks the correct price for the package is FREE, but only if I include a lifetime warranty. Thanks for any advice you can give me. Jim
  6. I don't know if I am supposed to do this or not but I have a 16 ft fiberglass side consol with a 40 hp Yamaha on Kijiji ad id 592575793, take a look and pm me if you have any questions. Jim
  7. Hi guys, anyone have any dealings with Don Hyde Marine in Haggersville? Can you recommend or not? Thanks Jim
  8. Thanks Guys, one of the things I like about OFC is that you will always get a broad spectrum of opinions and information, good hints and advice. The 40 isn't new but it's new to me and worth way more than I can afford to spend to replace it. The 2 hp was new when I paid $1000.00 for it 3 years ago and I cant afford to replace it either. I can afford a couple of hundred to protect my investment but I have very little faith in service providers if I don't know anything about them, and that is why I was looking for recommendations. I may be willing to try "with a little help from my friends" but tools and me have a love hate relationship, I love to buy them but they hate it when I try to use them. Jim
  9. Thanks for that grimsbylander, I'm not in a big rush right now, I can't even get to my back yard gate never mind into where the boats are. I am just trying to get my ducks in a row right now, that's why I was asking for recommendations so I could go ahead with what needs to be done after about 8 million tons of snow melt in my side yard. I do hope to be ready for some early pike fishing as soon as the ice is out of the inner bay. I'd be glad of some company if it appeals to you. Jim
  10. Thanks Guys, I am toying with the idea of doing it myself but I really am a clutzz, I have a 40 hp 3 cyl and a 2 hp air cooled with a built in tank and I think they will need different screw-ins for the lower unit filler. I can probably do the plugs OK but I will need to get a water muff for the 40hp. If I start the 40, how long can I safely wait for the spitter to spit before damaging the motor. Jim
  11. I am NOT a handy guy, if I fix it, it will stay broken for sure. Drained the lower unit oil in both Yamahas last fall but I will want someone brighter than me to re-fill and install new plugs and test run them this spring. I thought I would take them to my Local Yamaha dealer but he says he just does motorcycles and doesn't do outboards. Can anyone recommend a quality guy in my area. Jim
  12. I'm a little surprized nobody is interested in going, may be the designated smoking van? I will be heading out of Brantford Sunday March 2 anyway so the offer still stands. Jim
  13. I'm planning a run from Brantford to Bass Pro next Sunday and was wondering if anyone from the area wanted to come along. I can take 2 or 3 guys and we can make a day of it. I will be taking the designated smoking van so be aware. You don't have to smoke but you have to be able to tolerate it. Just let me know if you are interested and we can make arrangements to meet. Jim
  14. Planned a weekend trip to scugog with 2 of my sons in law so I rented a motel room for the night and after a good day on the water we retired to sleep. One of the sons in law was the loudest snorer I had ever heard and the other just couldn't or wouldn't stop passing gas. After about an hour of trying to fall asleep to the serenade, I went out and slept in the back of the car while these two slept peacefully in the room I had rented. Jim
  15. Cliff, Ontario is a no fault jurisdiction, the other driver is not entitled to a settlement from either you or your insurance company. He is obligated to submit the police report and a claim to his own insurance company they then pay for the repair and settle with your insurance company at the end of the fiscal year . You made a fair offer to him just because you are a decent guy, and now he is trying to stick you. Had he been a reasonable person, this would have been taken care of by now, but his attempt at fraud relieves you from any moral obligation that you may feel. Save the money and don't feel bad about it. Jim
  16. Thanks for the help guys, I'm near Espanola so I was hoping for a decent launch at that end, Spanish would mean a fair drive out and a long boat ride back. Tons of good fishing in the local lakes but as you all know your always looking for that next hot spot. I used to fish around Port a Barrel about 40 years ago and 12 to 20 pound pike were the normal, and on the map this spot looks similar. I cant seem to find a pike over about 5 or 6 pounds these days and I guess I just want to relive my youth. I hope to find some big pike and some musky around all of those islands up close to the whitefish river end.
  17. I'm looking to fish the north channel but between Whitefish Falls and Spanish this year and I need some advice on possible boat launches in the area. I've checked the two on the Whitefish River and the look way too steep for my little jimmy with my son in laws bass boat on. They both look like 60 degrees of incline though they probably are not. I watched a guy with a F 250 struggle to get his 18 footer out of one last summer and I have seen enough of those boat launch videos to be too chicken to try it myself. Hoping that someone knows of a launch some were near Hwy 6 south of the bridge. Jim
  18. What's the chances that we ever get any follow up information after they catch the guy. This is the kind of stuff that makes me almost ashamed to admit to being a truck driver. These idiots really believe that you cant afford to lose even a few K on a hill, and god forbid that you have to downshift. It's a sad comment on what passes for a real truck driver these days. Jim
  19. Thanks guys, I thought that there may be more to it than just dumb luck. I think I will go ahead and try a few willow blade spinners this year. What do you think about a number 3 willow leaf on a safety pin with a 1/4 oz jig and a twister tail. Jim
  20. On 90% of my fishing spinner baits of various sized are my lures of choice but over the years I have been very successful with Colorado bladed spinners but not so much with willow leaf. Anyone else have a preference or an opinion as to why this should happen? Jim
  21. Thanks floatman, I appreciate that. Jim
  22. They are in Minden La, almost at the Texas border. My youngest daughters, husbands, father, if you can follow that, lives in Reno, I'll have the order shipped to him and he can FedEX it to me. It will be here in a couple of weeks, No problem. Just getting antssy to do something while waiting for the water to soften, so I thought I would make up a hundred or so spinners. Still have plenty of time so like I said no problem. Thanks again Cliff, one of my trips back to Belleville to visit my middle sized daughter I will stop in to Lindsay and buy you that beer anyway. Jim
  23. Cliff, I cant make it work. I appreciate your offer to help, it seems to me to be a reflection of just how decent a guy you are. I contacted mister twister this morning and explained the situation and requested that they send the order out on a currier to make sure it would arrive in time. The response was that they do not use curriers. I wasn't about to trust the order to the postal service so I didn't place the order. Cliff I will make other arrangements but I still wanted to make sure you understood how grateful I am for your efforts. Jim
  24. Cliff you are a gentleman and a scholar. I appreciate the offer and if you want to pm me with the info I will place the order first thing tomorrow. Thanks again. Jim
  25. First the story, then the favour. I was looking to order about 500 mister twister grubs from their web site but found out that they wont ship to Canada due to their agreement with Brecks. I contacted Brecks and was told that they do not accept direct orders due to their agreements with several retailers and that I should be able to get whatever I want from one of them. unfortunately, the retailers don't carry the colours I want, and although they could probably order them in for me the cost per grub is about 60% higher than a direct order. I know that the answer is simply to get a US address and go down and get them but, since I don't have a passport this option is not open to me. Now the favour, would anyone in the Niagara to Hamilton region who has a US address be willing to allow me to use their address and pick them up for me? I could come and get them and I would be happy to share the goodies, and the beer would certainly be on me. Thanks Jim
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