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Everything posted by fishingguy28

  1. hey guys just wondering if i can get any conditions of the niagara whirlpool for tomorrow .... thanks a bunch jus that it's an hours drive and if it' not worth it i would really appreciate the info!! thanks!!!!
  2. i'm in the mississauga area..... willing to drive 4 hours.... and wanted to do an ice bungalow type of trip.... or one that allows you to fish during the day and go back to a cabin at night or something.... thanks a lot
  3. hey guys hows it goin.... planning one more major ice fishing weekend trip before the end of the season and then it will jus be small day trips!! i'm looking for accomadations for 4-6 people and i'll br bringing the lady so i was wondering if there were any recomendations out there.... i wanted to try a place other then simcoe or nipissing and was looking for an ice bungalow.... the reason i am asking is because i wanted to see if there were any places you guys could recommend that were good for quantity rather than quality.... i would like the opposite but i want her to catch some fish!!! i know this will probably open a lot of doors for panfish but that's ok with me.... thanks again
  4. yea it was an awsome battle..... it was a little scary due to the fact that the line i was using was only 6lb and it was rubbin against his teeth the whole time!!!!
  5. yea it was a great trip... and the pike was released!!!!!
  6. hey guys how's it going!!!! jus got back from Lake Nipissing with Rob Hyatts Ice Bungalows!!! His service was great and had no complaints what so ever through our stay!! i'm pretty exhausted and jus wanted to start the thread so i can show off the beauty pike i tagged here are a few of the pics!!
  7. Man this sounds great.... i have been dying to join a club and start fishing tournaments.. this sounds like the perfect way to start!!!
  8. thanks a lot... pike and smallies are more than fine for me.... i love both the species.... any info on structure would also be appreciated.... do you know if it hods argies as well Thanks a bunch
  9. Hey guys jus wondering if anyone could share any info on Eagle Lake in Sundridge.... it's near north bay i think. Was talking to a friend that has a place and would jus like to know a little about the lake if possible.... Feel free to PM me... Thanks!!!!!
  10. Beauty fish man... ya gotta love steelheading!!!!
  11. thanks a lot guys.... don't mind at all about the wallpaper.... be my guest!!!! CC... how much do those new IM8's go for.... ????
  12. O fa sho!!!!!!!!!!! Sick!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha yea man i'll talk to you guys soon!
  13. thanks a lot guys.... yea i am thinking a keeping the old set up still.... always good to have a back up................
  14. Not a pro by any means but i have been tellin myself that i wanna get into fishin trout for a while now and dedicated myself to 4 days of hittin tribs this week..... I had a great time and had some good teachers, but think i am finally gettin the jist of it!!! I actually had not caught anything the first two times i was out with my buddy but then i went out alone and got fish!!!! what a feeling.... in total i got two fish that were picture worthy and 4 little shakers.... i love it!!!! can't wait to get out nextg weekend..... only thing, is that now i wanna upgrade my outfit.... currently i'm running a stanton on a 13ft avid.... i like it a lot but really wanna upgrade to an islander with a nicer rod!! enjoy the pics guys... nothin crazy but definitely is a start!!
  15. that one in the bottom pick would be called a bonita!!! THey are really fun to catch!!!
  16. Here was a pretty pricy buy.... by far the most expensive purchase i have ever made!!!!!!
  17. Hey guys i got a few PB's this year but a lot of em were in 2005!!! Here are some of the pics
  18. Hey guys thanks a bunch for all the info.... wrote both of you PM's back and have an idea of what im looking for now.... Thanks again guys fishingguy28
  19. thanks a lot man.... appreciate it!!
  20. Hey guys for any of you guyss that are good with computer stuff could you kindly help me put this as my avtar?? Thanks a bunch
  21. hey guys just wanted to know any recomendations for a ultralight reel for ice fishing. Not to worried about the cost of it so all suggesstions would be appreciated. I was looking at the stradic, and comments on it? Thanks again guys Fishingguy28
  22. Hey guys i was wondering if anyone knew how to get posts or even access to the old board.... i saw it mentioned on another post regarding valuable info saved in inbox's and it made me think!! any info would be appreciated... THanks fishingguy28
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