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Everything posted by issamhay

  1. do the 5" really have that much more action than the 4", cause i only bought the 4" versions...i hope not
  2. thanks alot for the replies, just one more question. Is there any specific hooks you HAVE to use or can most hooks be used for wacky rigging, i.e. are certain hooks too heavy?
  3. minnows are far better i think.
  4. Hey all I havea few questions regarding fishing for smallies (If i can catch some I'll actually posta report for once). 1. How do u work senkos? I know wacky rig is the way to go, but do u jsut let it drop to the bottom weightless or do u give it a few twitches on the way down? 2. What do u do if u get follows on a topwater bait or baits like the x-rap? Do u jus let the lure sit still or do u give it a few twitches? Any help is appreciated
  5. Is there any specific knot type i should use when i attach my line to my reel? Thanks in advance
  6. well i called them adn they said they dont have any 9.9 mercury's and never had any...
  7. I dont mind if it runs a bit slow, I just need it to run cause I dont have alot of money to spend on the motor.
  8. Hello everyone, I'm buying a new outboard for my 14 foot deep aluminum boat. Can anyone reccomend a good outboard with the best value?
  9. Just thought I'd sharea pic of this massive looking smallie I saw on another message board Ok..I give up ill just give the url of the forums ... http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/inde...;id_dbase=86097
  10. Hello I was wondering if anyone knew if there is any whitefish near Barrie particularly near centenial beach? Thanks in advance
  11. so you can't fish lake trout on Simcoe during the spring and summer?
  12. ok thanks alot I got it now, phew i thought i was screwed cause i ordered the non-portable version.
  13. I only havea plain old aluminum boat and 9.9 hp mercury, no steering or anything fancy.
  14. wait, so the non-poratble version is for boats that have boats that have an electric starting motor?
  15. Does anyone know what type of fishing line is best for casting long distances? Thanks in advance.
  16. TRhansk for the info guys, now is there any difference in functionality between the the portable and non portable version? Im willing to pay an extra 20 dollars for the portable version but is it worse on boats?
  17. well this is my first time buying a fishfinder and I'd just like to know if its complicated and if u need to purchase anyything else when you buy the fishfinder, Im going to get a Eagle® Cuda™ 168 Fish Finder - Burgundy from the Bass pro website. Thanks in advance.
  18. @bonghits lol 90 % of economists prescribe to markets being the most efficient way.
  19. Rofl gotta laugh at the people dont know a clue about economics and come up with these absurd conclusions, #1 rule of economics markets are the most efficient way of allocating scarce resources not the government.
  20. hello I was wondering if anyone could reccomend a good saltwater fishfinder for me, thnx in advance.
  21. Dont know about the Pike but there should be Pike becuase they follow the perch, there are tons of perch there however be warned it can get extremely crowded, since that area is so overfished there arent that many jumbos, however still very fun as you can get bites non-stop.
  22. that fish was pretty much near the end of its lifespan.
  23. ok thank u
  24. well ive recently been trying tubes and they seem to be working quite well for bass however i rarely get hook ups, 80% of the times i feel a bite but alas it seems like te fish didnt bite the hook, ive just been putting a weight inside the tube and then hooking it with a pretty llarge hook at the head. Can anyone explain to me how to properly rig a tube or show me a good site for it, thnx alot.
  25. Gonna be fishing Simcoe in an attempt to catch some Football Smallies and then I might try for salmon at the nottawasaga river.
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