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Posts posted by xrap

  1. Most of the cleos work out there and some of the Jointed raps in bright colours can be good too... I havent been out for a while though so far only seen 2 landed of the half dozen times i have been out... maybe we'll get some rain soon and theyll start moving... see yas out there and GL




    BINGO!!! Try a J-13 in green. I saw one lonely trooper in the creek the other day, don't know where those other 99 went. :dunno: Maybe they got lucky and swam up the creek safely :rolleyes:

  2. river fishing for chinooks is a waste of time unless your a snagger,or sorry a liner.rarely do those fish bite once in the river try for em at the mouths then let em do thier thing upstream this is my 2 cents




    I like to river fish for nooks and i often bottom bounce but last year i caught 3 nooks drifting. I can't really imagine the spawn going directly into there mouths and I wasn't even fishing deep. Some people say they don't eat during when thier in the river then how come the best bite is always at night? Last year durignt he day nada. Night time and we had over 25 hookups and 9 landed.

  3. I know it is a bit to early for steelhead but I'm looking to prepare myself this year for the steelhead season. First off I want to buy a 10' rod but it will obviously not fit in the car because it's too big. Just wondering if it's supose to be a 3 piece rod or do you acutally have to try and fit the rod in your car like that. My second question what lb line do you run as your set up and what kind of line? I was thinking of just getting another spool of 8lb fluro fishing line and using it as my main line and my fluro. ( don't know if it's a good idea) I will only have one reel spooled for steelhead so I want it to be ideal for all conditions even when the water is gin clear. Any advice anyone, Thanks in advance.

  4. I've heard Brantford is a really great place to canoe although I have never been their but I have seen alot of people going down the river in Caledonia and thier is a alot of decent spots. Try casting spinners into the little pockets and the current. I've had alot of success just fishing from shore for smallies. And if you know where the holes are down thier you might wana try to jig around for walleye. Just be careful some spots are very shallow!! Good luck

  5. Hey thanks guys, I haven't been viewing the site too much cause I got a summer job. But I'll still be fishing pretty much every weekend. And my computer is really messed up and I can't get on OFC sometimes. My photobucket doesn't load anymore so I had some help from bassmaster4 up loading my images. Hopefully I'll get a new comp in a few weeks and hopefully be back up and running. Thanks guys :Gonefishing:

  6. I did a little fishing on the weekend. Friday night we tried our luck off a pier on lake Erie for walleye and we didn't have to much success, just cats and sheepies. Although we did see a bunch of people catch alot of walleye and lots of people leaving with thier limits. Saturday night rolls aorund and after seeing all thos people leave with there limits we decided to give it another go and same thing again except this time the walleye bite was totally off. So ticked off we didn't get any fish Friday and Saturday night we decided to fish the old Welland canal for bass and pike on Sunday. We weren't too fimiliar with the area so we got some help from a board memeber ( Bitsmith, thanks man) and headed down. After fishing for ten mintues the water went up really fast and before we knew it we were surrounded by water and with no were to go we had to walk the shorelines in our shoes. We met a guy down thier to took us to a bunch of trails on another part of the canal. Thanks if you read this board. And we moved up and down the trails fishing the canal and we got a bunch of smaller fish. (pike and Bass) My brother in law got alot of perch in between the 8-10 inch range but all the fish we caught were relased to swim another day. I didn't really take alot of pics but here's a couple snapped Sunday's adventure. Thanks for reading and thanks once again to Bitsmith for the info B)



    My brother in law's pike



    A smallie I caught


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