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Posts posted by xrap

  1. Yea I got spooled as well I don't know where you were but I was at Bronte, and tried to aviod the crowds so I went a bit down from the pier. And the first time when I was using Power Pro I got spooled In a matter of 10-20 seconds. It peeled and peeled then it stopped and there was onyl a few yards left tso I tightened the drag because I had power pro but the beast just peeled away. It sucked but now I've learned my lesson. Got a bigger reel with aorund 400 yards on it.

  2. Haven't had the drift rod out in quite some time, but I had an hour to kill between dinner and heading to the girlfriend's so I decided to head down to the trib to try my luck with some salmon.

    Twenty minutes in im in a complete daydream while drifting a pool that is very clearly full of salmon, smart move eh? As im looking at the opposite bank i think to myself, self, you should probably look for your float. So I look for my float, hey, float, where are you!?

    This process takes aout 7-8 seconds to register in my dozed state, and it is the sight of a beautiful brown trout rocketing out of the water towards me with my roe in its yap that brings me back to reality. CRAP! So i reel in the slack like a madman, but I already knew this move was in vain and I was right as the brown threw my roe bag and dissapeared back into the depths.


    I thought it was a little early for browns myself, but if there is some in there ill be breakin out the 4 lb leaders and tiny hooks because id rather drift trout than salmon any day!

    Thought id share what NOT to do while drifting...



    LOL, They always bite when your not apyign attention. Happened to me a few times. Haven't been oout at the creeks yet but will defitnatley tryt his week. Thanks for the report!

  3. ccmt, that's freaking awsome. I remember my first slamon. I couldn't even talk I was so excited, congrats man. And just if you don't mind me asking how much yards of power pro do you have on your spool. Because I could only fidn the ones that come 200 yards in a spool and Saturday night I got spooled!! And no my drag wasn't to loose. After it was on it's last few yards i tried to tighten it up and just pull it in well it stopped for about 3 seconds and zipped off again. But now i got 400 yards of mono on my reel. I'd like to see him try again :P

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