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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. Wondering if the trout are running the river in any numbers yet.

    I want to try fishing the river this year but have never drifted for the trout there before, I have fished the mouth for lakers.

    I was on a New York website and they stated the Lewiston Launch was closed for 2-4 weeks. Do the Americans have a Lewsiston launch or is that our launch?

    Other then Lweiston where is the next available launch?




  2. Apparently there is supposed to be a few of the islands but I have never seen any pictures or reports.

    The Duck islands in the east end are rumoured to have some, your best bet is the east end from prince edward county to kingston.

    Quinte coughs out some very large fish irregularly, it used to be a great muskie fishery. I have seen a picture from the turn of the century of a stringer of 8-10 muskies from quinte.

    Who knows how migratory the fish are in the east end.

    Just keep trollin!!

  3. I still think Geo Bay is the best place to nab a 60 lber.

    Those ghostly silver, open water fish are the ones that can break the mark.

    To get to 60 a high fat high protein diet such as herring is the key I think, combine that with the cooler waters of Geo Bay to maximize life span.

    Those freakish largemouth in California get big by feeding on stocked trout, another high fat high protein snack.


    Hey maybe with the colder water temps that we have had over the last few years will open a window for more giant fish to show up.

  4. Hey Mike......I have used that line before, I find it a little to stiff, but youll like the lack of stretch and feel.

    Remember most flouro isn't as impact resistant as mono so try not to cross their eyes too hard!

    I bought some line conditioner to try out on the spools of flouro I have, Ill tell you how I make out.

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