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Everything posted by Chugger

  1. Downriggers anyone? You can pick up a manual downrigger for a decent price. That being said, lately I've been catching them close to dusk long lining jointed rapalas at dusk. Colour doesn't sem to matter. Now what are cheaters/sliders?
  2. Great looking shots Ben, soudns fun. One of these days I'm going to get up there for a trip!
  3. Chugger


    There's no real estimate on damage yet, but it won't be good. On the flip side, BP's stock is very cheap and I'd be a buyer on takeover speculation alone!
  4. Chugger


    There are early reports coming out that the latest method they've tried to fix the problem has worked...BP is quiet so far. Here's hoping they've donel it.
  5. SO I'm going to try the seafoam first, sounds harmless enough. Now, do i have to run the engine through a full tank of gas? I have a 50 litre tank so that would take a damn long time.
  6. Well done man, here's to many more!
  7. Saw your article in OOD las tnight, nice work Ben! Is that the first article you've had published there???
  8. This is awesome stuff guys, i'm going to give it all a try and let you know how things work out for me. Thanks for all the tips. First step sounds to be fiddling witht he idle. Cheers, -Graeme
  9. Thanks irish, I'll ahve a look.
  10. What is an idle jet, and do 40hp motors have them?
  11. Didn't communism work in theory? Thanks again Bill.
  12. So in theory if there is a leak, I could then close up that vent all together and the motor should just keep running?
  13. No the primer ball will lose pressure, I'll find it fairly empty at times. Yeah Dan, the engine is able to start right away after a stall, so I'm not sure ignition is the problem. It for sure only happens at low (trolling) speed, and I've had the fuel pump replaced. It is an outboard (40hp Johnson tiller) I'll pull the cover off and see what happens then. Thanks Guys, -G.
  14. So what would you do about a vacume leak? Is that something that needs to go to a mechanic or is that something I can figure out on my own with limited engine knowledge? Thanks Bill. Cheers, -G.
  15. Yeah I know the vent needs to be open, I'm just not sure how open it should be? It seems to screw in and out, so do I open it all the way? When I did that the engine stalled immediately.
  16. New gas at the start of every year.
  17. Hey Guys, So my boat wants to stall out now and again at very low speed (think laker trolling speed). ANyone have any thoughts on this? I've got a new fuel line, they checked to ensure there was no fule leak anywhere, cleaned the carbs out. I noticed yesterday when fiddiling with the vent on my gas tank (50 liter)that the tank looked someone caved in, I really loosened off the vent and it stalled out again. Could it be something with the fuel tank? Also, how loose should the vent be? Thanks for anyhelp you can offer. Cheers, Graeme
  18. It does not include bathymetry.
  19. Hey there, DanC put me in touch with this company and I bought this: GPS Quebec I love the package, it seems to have everything I've ever asked it for. You might be able to get it on torrents, but I just bought it. Cheers, -Graeme
  20. Nice work as always Ben. Glad to see you're still nailing them up there. Your posts always make me wonder why I insist on sitting at a desk in Toronto for a living! Hope all is well with you. Cheers, -Graeme
  21. Dude, nice work...you're killing me here sitting at my desk.....
  22. Wow Ben...envious isn't the word. Nice work dude.
  23. Looks like those gunwales would be fine for the s-10's, i have them myself on gunwales that look quite a bit thicker than those. They've served me very well over the years.... Cheers, -Graeme
  24. What size hooks would you put through them? ie, what size treble for the back, and single for the front.. I guess I should explain a bit more, this would be used for trolling behind a gang troll.... Thanks, -Graeme
  25. very true, I guess I was just thinking about the size of williams wobbler I'm using...going to give it a shot.
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