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Everything posted by Chugger

  1. Hey Folks. I smoked most of my life and finally managed to quit this past September after trying many different methods. I got laser therapy to stop smoking. Most people I tell of this are shocked and call it a hoax, but after watching a buddy do it a year ago and remain smoke free, myself and another guy gave it a shot. happy to report that was back on September 17th, and I'm still smoke free as is the other guy that tried it. I don't even think about it any more. It cost me a total of $300.00. if anyone wants details, PM me and I'll get you the info. Best, -Graeme
  2. Do you mean Percy? If so, sorry to hear he passed away, he guided a buddy and i a few years back out of Wolesly. Greatt guy he was.....
  3. Wow! Nice White Sail Frog.
  4. Hey Gerrit, sorry forgot to answer your question. We're staying at the Excellence Punta Cana
  5. I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures. Sounds like the sails won't be in, but we'll see. Thanks again!
  6. Thanks Gerritt! I'll give tham a call and see what we can get set up. Cheers, -G.
  7. Howdy Folks, The wife and I are heading to Punta Cana mid November and I'm tasked with the job of finding us a day charter for some deep sea fishing. Has anyone had any experiences good or bad with any of the operators out of there? Any tips or recomendations are greatly appreciated. Cheers, -Graeme
  8. I would second IGotWorms on this one, rest up lush. I'm leaving the city in 4 hours. See ya on the river!
  9. Nice, thanks for the reply Terry. Explains things for me a bit.
  10. Nice gators! On the ad front, there are many people that post on this board about taking their clients out and they all seem to post without getting flak. What's the difference here?
  11. Very cool, thanks for the report. Keep'em coming despite what others say. I love seeing the action up at places I'm not going to be at anytime soon.
  12. Wish I could help you out, but we mainly fish the Wolesley bay area. Would love to hear what you know about hte area as the last few times we've gone up we haven't done well at all. Cheers, -Graeme
  13. Awesome, thanks very much Roy.
  14. What are the maximum number of rods you can have out per person on lake ontario? I can't find mention of it in the rules. Cheers, -G.
  15. I didn't realise you had to have flares out there? Is that a law of just smart?
  16. I got my custom cover made at Falle Marnie systems, but it's up near Huntsville. They did a great job and i had my boat back in under a week. It cost me $600.00
  17. Perfect, thanks for the tips guys I'm going to head out Wednseday night out of either ashbridges or bluffers. Hopefully I'll be able to report something when I get back. Cheers, -Graeme
  18. Hi Guys, I'm brining my boat down from the cottage for a few weeks and intend to take it out on the big lake out of Torotno fishing for salmon. I have riggers and do a lot of lake trout fishing, but I think salmon fishing is quite a bit different. Any tips from what depths to look at to what line I should be running, and lures i should be using are all very much appreciated! Cheers, -Graeme
  19. I bought my boat from the classified section of this board, and she still runs like a dream. Thanks again Ron!!
  20. Nice, thanks for that. I have a cottage on Skeleton lake, interesting stuff.
  21. Why is it a problem to tell someone about a sale? Give it a rest dude. I'm in the area that day and had no idea it was going on, I found the post helpful ColdH2O. Some people on this board have nothing better to do than whine.
  22. Glad to hear the pike are plentiful, would love to getinto some Musky, but I doubt I'll spend much time targeting them, as the person I'm with probably won't be up for it. Perhaps trolling. Didn't realize the pickeral fishing was that tough either. bass fishing will open our last day there (saturday june 26) so we'll hit them hard day of.
  23. Hey Folks, So on the reccomendation of a few folks from the board I'm heading there next week for a few days of hopefully good fishing. Does anyone have any tips for me on areas to look at or what has worked in the past? Cheers -Graeme
  24. Thanks for all the input guys. I've decided that we'll be going to try out elephant. It's relatively close to my cottage so trailering my boat is easy. Solo, I checked out that place you mentioned, but it's a little farther than we felt like going, another time we'll hit that one up. Will post a report once I get back. Cheers, -Graeme
  25. Hey Folks, We were supposed to be heading up to the Temiskaming area to fish a lake with a cousin, unfortunately it looks as thoguh this has fallen through. I'm not looking for other options (dates are already booked off work June 21st-25th) Does anyone have any recomentaions of lodges to try? I'd go as far north as north bay, and I'll be brining my boat so there would need to be dock space. Cheers, -Graeme
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