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  1. Email sent if anyone gets a reply and finds out where I can put a $20 in an envelope to support the next event please post. If anyone from the local fishing clubs wants to sponsor or participate that would be good too I bet, imagine a kid tying a fly and catching his first fish ever on it...PRICELESS!
  2. A slip weight will give you the weight you want with little pressure on the fish, if it is shallow and calm adding a long thin cork as an indicator is good too. Out of cold clean water carp are descent eating but anywhere else Carp just make great fertilizer for the garden. In my book goby and carp should NEVER be released. Bow fishing them can help with the fertilizer too and is fun.
  3. I know in our yard it keeps them mostly concentrated in the one area which helps and it takes a couple weeks before we start to see the population drop effect from removing the females from the population. If you are willing to try maybe you can cludge something together. If you still have one around, cut a hole in the bottom of the trap and the housing with a hose running to a 5 gallon pail. As long as pipe and bucket were tightly sealed and the air went out the normal place I think you would see the mosquitoes fall into the pail and by the time it was full I think it might have had a tiny impact there.
  4. B1 or B Complex get into your sweat and are supposed to help against mosquitoes and ticks. Not a full solution but it seems to help. The Thermocells work but don't sit too close or downwind they will make you weazy and light headed. For in your yard a Mosquito magnet or some of the other traps will make a difference.in your yard, sometimes the trap is half full but just a few this time I emptied it. Put it away from the house, where there is no breeze helps and next to plants. I have heard of some up north that have to empty it daily but I find once or twice a week is good and I can check on the propane.
  5. Give Ontario time..... it is trying to copy California in debt, carbon taxes and I am sure the list will go on with Wynne having no original thought or solution just copying failed ones they like. Ontario confirms it will join Quebec, California in carbon market http://ca.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idCAKBN0N41X220150413 Wynne’s green scheme could deal massive blow to Ontario and Canadahttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-commentary/wynnes-green-scheme-could-deal-massive-blow-to-ontario-and-canada/article24233437/
  6. As anicdotal , not suggested as reliable, B1 vitamin seems to discourage them. I used it one year visiting my relatives in Minnesota where even with strong DEET you got ate by mosquitoes and it seemed to help some with the mosquitoes. At sunset they mosquitoes rose like clouds and strong Deet and the B1 change it to slow Macarana instead of slap dancing. We went to an Uncles cottage and got stuck in the pine sand on the way back to it. So I was hot and thirsty and cut across the meadow and my Dad stayed to the road, later I also walked over to the creek to try casting a few flies. Now to the point... my Dad had stopped taking the B1, he had 3 ticks and all had bit, by the end of the day I had removed 75 and none had bit. I was taking 300mg in the morning and evening for a couple days before I went there so it was in the sweat. If you can't avoid them it MIGHT be worth a try for a week or two to see if it works (how ever long a bottle lasts).
  7. Why not compare? I have worked at 2 companies that were mergers and had large layoffs and 3 that no longer exist (a bankruptcy is where pensions can disappear, not sales) companies that are large and some very small. As for my ire... heck no, I have worked with iritating, arrogant and insulting people many times, I usually feel sorry for them because their attitude limits them and alienates those around them. Your attitude of entitlement and pride won't help you keep or find another position if needed. Yeah... union, that fits with your unwillingness to learn and response to working with HR, and your display of "knowledge" about pension contributions. Well if you with to learn from my knowledge and experience here is one item.... Unions look out for Union management FIRST, their members a distant second and if it means protecting their positions and power they have no problem screwing over members so relying on them is like using a balsa wood walking stick, looks good until you need it. Rely on yourself first, going to the union is an unreliable tool of last resort. If you want to sing, sing about taking responsibility, learning and looking for a Plan 'B' instead of a wow is me dirge of doom and self pity. I have worked at big companies and small, often at the small you are manager, sales, support and at the end of the day janitor taking out the trash, so suck it up and quit sounding like a spoiled pampered child. Talk to workers, friends, family, take the personality test to see what you would be good at and If your only goal is to go fishing then why not work on your personality for around customers and find a resort or guide you can work with during your vacation as part of plan B (you will probably have to volunteer this year). As for me this week I have to look into which of (if not both) courses I will take (at my own dime) I will take this season. Failing to learn is most notabley FAILING!.
  8. I made it based on your comments about your job, about the "knowledge" you have that contradicts anything I have read about the sale and Canadian law, your attitude in your posts, the views of the conservative party and the tone of your posts. So yes, maybe you should avoid ALL political posts or those based on careers and profesionalism. Even this post shows an over confidence, a certain arrogance and attitude that will likely end you up on unemployment. Given the impression you have made in your comments ... no humility, no respect, arrogance... good luck, I think you will need it.
  9. Is AECL the only place you ever worked? Have you been involved in any of the management discussions or part of HR? You seem ignorant of the private companies, employment laws and I am wondering what you are basing your statement on? Empirically the Conservatives have increased write offs, credits, RRSPs, added TFSA and reduced taxes including the GST twice... so other than privativing your particular company what are you basing it on? It reminds me of the fear mongering and whining when Air Canada and CN were privatized. Odds are there will be stock options, good benefits and projects dictated by demand and contracts rather than some political whim and you will be much less likely to be shut down as a cost saving political decision but if whining makes you feel better, go right ahead just base it on something real. In the mean time talk to HR, take any classes you can and make yourself more attractive to a new employer instead of taking the attitude you seem to have, at one company I even helped the HR person organize classes and even tought a couple, been there, done that several times, initiative, attitude and planning will help you out. Think, try, do.... are better than Whine, give up and fail... Good luck P.S. One of the companies during the buyout sent the 50% of us reduced to a course on how to search for jobs and one of their tools was a personality test to look at what you were good at, your attitude etc. I looked around and found one that looks similar you can try. That and working on your resume to see what you have to offer is good if you need to find a new job and if you need to explain and justify their keeping you. http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
  10. Unless you know something everyone else doesn't know the pension contributions are safe last I saw on one of the science pages talking about the sale and most of those employees will be picked up by what ever group or consortium buys it. I have been in companies bought out several times. You may have it transfered to a locked in RRSP or to a new companies plan or a third option dependant on the conditions of the sale but anything in it will not be lost. The contracts for places like Chalk River will probably be good for the employment over time actually, most government run programs are poorly managed in direction and innovation.
  11. Yeah REALLY... first your link is coming from CBC which makes it suspect anyway given that the Liberals and NDP have already promised to increase their funding but we will take it they got it right this time... . although CBC did seem fairly fair in this one article... "An Angus Reid Institute poll released Thursday suggested four in five Canadians support Bill C-51, while one in three felt the new powers may not go far enough. However, 69 per cent of those surveyed wanted additional oversight to ensure law enforcement's powers aren't abused." So look at who is speaking out against it... Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin, Joe "who" Clark, John Turner - I couldn't think of a much more useless lot. Five former Supreme Court justices. - Which Supreme Court... . Quebec? seven former Liberal solicitors general and ministers of justice etc. FIRST.... what do they have the issue with? What point(s)? Second is it a reliabe comment based on facts OR is it a stupid anti fear mongering comment to low info voters like the C-42 lies... The Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Bill C-42: “The Liberal Party of Canada feels strongly that Bill C-42, currently before Parliament, contains aspects that will put Canadians’ safety at risk. “First, it eliminates the need for owners of prohibited and restricted firearms to have a transportation license to carry those guns in their vehicles. This means they could freely transport handguns or automatic weapons anywhere within their province, whether to a grocery store or a soccer field." https://www.liberal.ca/lpc-opposes-cpc-gun-bill/ The Canadian Bar Assiciation wants it to have a 5 year run and be reviewed (which makes sense), but the comments of Cretien etc read like the political idiots at Idle and Occupy or the Harper Haters that just make supid generic comments...essentially hate of what ever comes up. The Liberals support it, 80% of the population support it, in general I support it but do agree that the additional oversight looks good But big sweeping rantings like the NDP, Idle and Occupy are nothing more than obvious politicing to me!! No contribution, no focused criticism... just Henny Penny screaming. So other than being a talking head parroting some of the worst Prime Ministers in Canadian history, WHY? Lee Kuan Yew was a strong leader that built a peaceful and prosperous nation, he was an interesting and inspirational leader.... it would be fun to see the reaction in Parliament and the media to caning being added to the penalties for some of the youth crimes.,I do believe it would make a difference to some bring home a real impact of their actions and being accountable, that few seconds of pain and the embarrasment of a public punishment, I wonder ... 10%, 30%...? How many would it make change their future direction???.
  12. Well.... what is wrong with C-51? In general most have no clue other than the idiots in Occupy and Idle are against it... which to mean make it more likely to be be good for Canada. The original anti-terrorism bill was put in place in 2001 after the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York and some of it may be un-necessary but many of the interdepartmental lack of communications definitely needs to be fixed and allowing Hamas or ISIS to put up webpages on Canadian servers.... I have no problem seeing them removed. Copied from a page I forgot to get the link for. Summary of Bill C-51 The Bill is divided into five parts: Part one enacts the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act, authorizing the disclosure throughout and within the government of Canada of information regarding activities that “undermine” Canadian security; Part two enacts the Secure Air Travel Act, which creates listing mechanisms and prohibitions for persons who may pose a threat to air transportation or who may travel abroad to commit terrorism offenses; Part three amends the Criminal Code in significant ways including the creation of propagation crimes criminalizing the expression of ideas related to terrorism and its propaganda; Part four broadens the mandate of CSIS to operate both inside and outside of Canada (also in conjunction with Bill C-44) and to this end to be authorized to seek judicial authorization on a number of matters that may otherwise violate Canadian law and the Constitution; and Part five relates to amendments to immigration security certificate legislation allowing, in part, the government to withhold information from the specially appointed, national security approved Special Advocates retained to represent a detained person in confidential and closed national security hearings. Now I can also list a bunch of items and in my case I will make sure they aren't from.. uh ..."questionable" sources like Mike De Souze, Desmog and the Toronto Star and often even CBC.. (remember how Wynne thanked CBC for all their hard work in getting elected, I have seen them lie many times...) so here are a few things done by Conservatives that I think are good: Harper takes a pension hit on new bill (Prime Minister Stephen Harper stands to lose well over $1-million in retirement benefits extended to prime ministers under pension reforms and MP retirment moved from 55 to 67) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/harper-takes-a-pension-hit-on-new-bill/article4625835/ ‘Lucky Moose Bill’ loosens self-defence, citizen’s arrest laws http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/03/12/lucky-moose-bill-loosens-self-defence-citizens-arrest-laws/ C-68 Long gun registry killed ($2,000,000,000 waste dead) http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2012/02/15/tories_finally_win_commons_approval_for_bill_to_kill_longgun_registry.html National dementia research intitiative gets $31.5M federal funding http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/national-dementia-research-intitiative-gets-31-5m-federal-funding-1.2762253 Federal government wants to force big telecom to stop charging extra for a monthly bill on paper http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/08/29/federal-government-wants-to-force-big-telecom-to-stop-charging-extra-for-a-monthly-bill-on-paper/ Ottawa unveils proposals to relieve taxpayers from covering bank bailouts http://business.financialpost.com/2014/08/01/ottawa-unveils-proposals-to-relieve-taxpayers-from-covering-bank-bailouts/ First Nation Financial Transparency Act First Nations are now required to post chiefs’ and councillors’ salaries online http://globalnews.ca/news/1480609/first-nations-now-required-to-post-chiefs-and-councillors-salaries-online/ Crack downs on Immigration Fraud.. Blatant lying loses family its citizenship — but earns them a $63K bill from Canadian government http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/07/28/blatantly-lying-loses-family-its-citizenship-but-earns-them-a-63k-bill-from-canadian-government/ Conservatives’ gun law changes in C-42 would ease transportion restrictions, require mandatory safety courses http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/07/23/conservatives-gun-law-changes-would-ease-transportion-restrictions-require-mandatory-safety-courses/ NOTE*** But lets not forget the outright LIES from the leader of the LIbEral's and on the Liberal's own page. https://www.liberal.ca/lpc-opposes-cpc-gun-bill/ Canada launches plan to extend high-speed Internet to remote areas http://www.bnn.ca/News/2014/7/22/Canada-launches-plan-to-extend-high-speed-Internet-to-remote-areas.aspx Health Canada is proposing changes to nutrition labels on food that would make them easier to read http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/nutrition-labels-to-be-easier-to-read-health-canada-proposes-1.2706310 Domestic wireless roaming fees to be capped http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/domestic-wireless-roaming-fees-to-be-capped-1.2468642 Pre-paid creditcards won't be allowed to expire under new rules proposed today by Ottawa http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/prepaid-credit-cards-draw-ottawa-crackdown-1.2448929 Canada and Europe sign historic trade deal http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-and-europe-sign-historic-trade-deal-1.2125122 Harper government offers student loan forgiveness to family doctors and nurses working in 4,200 rural communities http://news.gc.ca/web/article-eng.do?m=%2Findex&nid=713369 Harper government raising liability for nuclear, offshore oil & gas operators to $1 billion from previous $75 million http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/ottawa-set-to-raise-civilian-liability-for-nuclear-oil-operators-to-1b-1.1662637 Harper rejects calls to bail out eurozone http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/08/16/tories-once-again-reject-calls-to-bail-out-eurozone-as-merkel-arrives-for-meeting-with-harper/ All-in airline ticket pricing now in effect for ads http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/12/18/pol-cp-airlines-advertising-all-in-ticket-pricing.html Ottawa invests millions to promote tourism in Atlantic Canada http://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/mobile/ottawa-invests-millions-to-promote-tourism-in-atlantic-canada-1.1024952 P.E.I. small craft harbours to get $3.5M for repairs http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/story/2012/07/16/pei-federal-funding-small-craft-harbours-584.html Ottawa to allow credit unions to more easily go national: Flaherty http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/Business/2012-07-05/article-3024241/Ottawa-to-allow-credit-unions-to-more-easily-go-national%3A-Flaherty/1 Brain research in Canada gets $100 million boost from Ottawa http://www.moneyville.ca/article/1172310--brain-research-in-canada-gets-100-million-boost-from-ottawa Canada to fund research into making medical isotopes http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/22/us-medicalisotopes-idUSBRE85L10520120622 Tories back Ontario MP’s bid to prevent bulk water exports http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-notebook/tories-back-ontario-mps-bid-to-prevent-bulk-water-exports/article2434670/ Contaminated site cleanup boosted by Ottawa, 1,100 sites targeted as $1 billion to be spent over the next 3 years http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2012/10/04/cp-ottawa-contaminated-site-cleanup-canada.html Ottawa pledges more than $140-million to establish first urban national park http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-pledges-more-than-140-million-to-establish-first-urban-national-park/article2443461/ Ottawa tables bill to give EI benefits to parents of sick kids http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-tables-bill-to-give-ei-benefits-to-parents-of-sick-kids/article4556459/?cmpid=rss1 Ottawa establishes task force on employing people with disabilities http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/ottawa-establishes-task-force-on-employing-people-with-disabilities-1.897110 Ottawa revoking citizenship of more than 3,000 after fraud investigation http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/ottawa-revoking-citizenship-of-more-than-3000-after-fraud-investigation/article4532222/ Ottawa tackles fraudulent use of Canadian student visas http://blogs.vancouversun.com/2012/07/31/ottawa-tackles-fraudulent-use-of-canadian-student-visas/ Conservative bill tackles polygamy, forced marriage among immigrants http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/11/05/honourbased_violence_polygamy_targeted_in_conservative_bill.html Or how about more tax savings (some of which the Liberals have openly said they would remove)... TSFA accounts, Registered Disability Savings Plan, Universal Child Care Benefit, Income splitting (allowing a spouce to stay home if needed for children, older parents...) , increased tax credits for kids sports and programs etc. http://www.taxplanningguide.ca/tax-planning-guide/section-2-individuals/income-splitting-family-members/ Some other items you can chew on include allowing new foreign owned companies like Wind Mobile to enter Canadian mobile phone market, bailing out auto companies along with Ontario Liberal government during financial crisis was sensible. blocking sale of Potash Corp to BHP Billiton, buying the military gear appropriate to Afghanistan and sending the tanks and proper armour to them after the Liberals had got them posted to Khandhar, C-36 prostitution bill (what one woman who was a prostitute refers to as the best solution for Canada), Mandatory sentences for criminals...and I could go on. Tax cuts since 2005 net Canadians $30B http://globalnews.ca/news/1356467/tax-cuts-since-2005-net-canadians-30b-pbo/ Now while Justin Trudeau is known for taking speaking fees ($20,000 or more) from charities Harper actually helps... PM participates in a fundraising dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of Humanity First Canada Proceeds to support fight against Ebola in West Africa http://www.pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2014/12/04/pm-participates-fundraising-dinner-celebrating-10th-anniversary-humanity-first Prime Minister Stephen Harper, left, holds a clipboard while coaching with hockey personality Don Cherry during Hockey Night in Barrie, a fundraiser to raise money for the Royal Victoria Hospital's cancer care centre, in Barrie, Ont. http://www.ctvnews.ca/pm-coaches-with-don-cherry-for-charity-hockey-game-1.541821 and now that I have burned off some energy, there are more if I had the time to argue with closed minds but there was even a bonus added for first time charity donations in the tax deductions. so the choices seem simple.... Conservative - generally well thought out programs, less taxes and responsibility Liberal or NDP (generally indistinguisable) - - billions of new programs (Universal daycare est at $5 to $10 Billion PER YEAR alone), - billions in taxes in the gov't pockets and higher unemployment as companies leave Canada as fast as they have left Ontario - firearm laws (using Liberal's own words).. using an Australian model. - clueless money management (Justin Trudeau - "budgets balance themselves") - carbon taxes
  13. OK.... have you ready even an analysis or summary of C-51? The Liberals have come out against several pipelines actually. If you actually look it is the Liberals and NDP doing most of the fear mongering and out right lying (ex. look at the link to their views on C-42). Let me get this right.... So the Conservatives have: 1) cut taxes and saved Canadian tax payers billions 2) added ways to save without being taxed (TFSA) 3) made cheifs and reserves actually accountable for the millions they receive each year (total over $5 billion) 4) added legislation to clear up citizens arrests so bull sh** like the owner of the Lucky Moose in Toronto don't happen 5) added mandatory sentences to many of the serious crimes. 6) increased what they have to pay into their own pension and moved the retirement date from 55 to 65 (costing Harper an est. $1,000,000 personally) etc. and you want to vote for a party that: 1) wants to roll back the tax cuts taking billions out of Canadian working peoples pocklets 2) wants to roll back the accountability act allowing more hidden spending while reserves turn into ghetoes. 3) wants to roll back mandatory sentences so criminals can get out earlier. 4) wants to a add carbon taxes 5) lies about open nomination, C-42 and more 6) is run by a trust fund rich kid that was taking money from Charities and School boards for speaking fees while an MP (getting a full pay there). etc. (see above for alot more) In the delusion that in 4 or 8 years there won't be much change... yeah, just look what the Liberals did in Ontario in the 4 years, smart meters, Ontario Pension Plan, electricity increase..... turned Ontario into a have not province with high unemployment and businesses and manufacturing leaving. Just to remind you it took the Liberals in Ontario less than 6 months to add new income taxes, add the Ontario Pension Plan (think personal and corporate deduction ... ie more reason to leave or reduce staff), pushed through the new school ciriculum that even McGunity withdrew over protests, almost tripled the aviation fuel tax (flying anywhere...), is talking about more electricity increases (even though Ontario pays more than any state or province in North America by far), more contracts for windmills (Ontario already has a large surplus and is selling to the States and Provinces at 1/2 the price it is buying it from the wind genereators, payed off the one teachers Union with hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars...... and I could go on but I don't want to bore you. Oh but in 8 years they doubled Ontario's debt, thousands of jobs left Ontario, increased Ontario provincial workers by 100,000 and wasted billions on gas plants, eHealth, Orng etc.... or they Federal Liberals have mentioned the Australian model for firearms so you can just think in less than 2 months all semi-auto and many pump firearms were seized and scrapped... so empirically your statement is incorrect about what they can do... they can do what ever they want. Because you think the Conservatives are too religious and American .....
  14. The BC. Liberal party is in many ways more conservative than the Federal Conservative Party true, including their willingness and efforts to balance the budget, resource use etc. but if you look the choices federally are Centrist, Far left and FAR left. Ontario and Quebec Liberal parties and the NDP correspond with their federal name sakes. Within weeks of the last Ontario election the CIO at one of our customers set about a relocation to BC. BC has shown a tendancy more recently to move left again especially with the LNG and pipelines though, so we shall see. Quebec has needed transfer payments as long as I can remeber and under McGuinty and Wynne Ontario has needed transfer payments and the debt has gone up, economy down, jobs down. It was telling a few months ago I saw the unemployment in Canada went down 10,000.... Ontario went down 25,000 fulltime jobs. Think about those numbers and what it means for the rest of Canada.
  15. Harper can only change things so fast and with so much of the Media like CBC nothing more than a Liberal advertiser (it really showed when Wynne thanked CBC for all the hard work right after the election) to push through austerity would be political suicide. Harper has to be strong to control a mixed group like the Conservative pary where you have Libertarians,, Conservatives etc. etc. Anyone can lead Justin and Mulcairs sheep parties and even at that he won't allow anyone not approved and kicks out those 2 without evidence... playing the dictator. Yes you can kiss that income splitting money good bye as well as increases in credits probably and the TFSA that the Conservatives put in the left won't talk about what they plan although they sure yelled when the max was increased, GST cuts won't say etc. etc.. The Liberals really actually seem to hate families, two people working making 80,000 make alot less than an 1 income family whether it is kids, aging parents, disability or other reason and some of the comments on CBC were quite arrogant and insulting too. There is also the impact on business with Carbon taxes and policies that as Butts says will change how people behave. Look at what the electricity rates have done to jobs in Ontario, factories leaving like crazy and even the stables are moving out.... Why a Leamington greenhouse is investing $200M in Ohio http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/why-a-leamington-greenhouse-is-investing-200m-in-ohio-1.2917918 “It is definitely a loss and a significant loss to Leamington, Ontario and Canada.” There is the impact of the unemployment, the debt and society.... just think about what an NDP/Liberal coalition would do, you can look at Wynne and Horwath for that... auditor general warnings ($15B this year alone and est $320B by 2018), debt downgraded, OPP investigations, RCMP investigating OPP, Ontario needing transfer payments for the first time, ..... It isn't that Liberals are unintelligent, it is that they don't want to face the reality of fincances and responsbility, I can give lots of personal examples from that like my one cousin, he kept posting some stupid posts put and the last time he had one saying Harper would bet $500K a year in pension, I asked him if he actually believed it and sent him a link to the Globe and Mail showing that the conservatives had actually reduced the pension and increased the required payments... he unfriended and blocked me on Facebook. He liked his ignorance and rants better than reality.
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