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About Rage

  • Birthday 10/27/1941

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    Carpin has to be my first summer interest, winter time is for Computer carp tackle buying and war game playing online.

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  1. It was very nice to meet you Nancy and also you too Dave, a Delight to see Beans show up, and Photoz well we are old hands at this hobby. Nothing gives me a bigger thrill than seeing the excitment and surprise when a Newbie carper takes the rod for the first time. No matter what type of fishing they do carpin is an altoghther NEW experiance....barring being a Salmon fisherperson as Salmon pound for pound are the only fish that stack up to a 30lb carp of equal weight. The other day while fishing one of my favorite haunts a young lad maybe 17, 19 shows up, from our conversation i learn he lives in Huntsville has friends in the area. I had just landed a carp maybe 17lb and the first words from him were HOLY CARP what a huge fish....after telling him it was small compared to the size of carp that inhabit the area he is impressed. As we sit and chat....my question was are there any carp in Huntsville....Dont know he says, but wish there were. Moments later the Bite alarm goes crazy, Do you want to give this one a go i say....eyes as big as golf balls as he takes the rod...a bit of foul language follows about how hard they fight etc, etc and i give him instructions on how to place the rod to get the most leverage on fighting the carp. Anyway to my surprise when he finally gets it close enough to get a look at it...it is a full scalled Mirror...a bit of a rare species. To non Carpers we have at least four types of carp that i know of, the Common, the full scalled Mirror, Mirror carp with a lateral line of scales down there side, and the Mirror with spotty scales on there body...once in the net and on the bank,of course pics had to be taken,and the weight was discussed, at least 22lbs was my estimation....braggin rights in Huntsville to his bud's with pics of a 22lb carp made his day. And you know what it made mine also. Last year while carp fishing a favorite spot i had the privilage to meet with a couple of kids, maybe 9yrs and his brother 7yrs...to make this story short the same thing as above happened...only the 9yr old was having a birthday on that day and his dad was taking them fishing before the party...this i did not know until later. Anyhow as i landed a carp they show up wide eyed and, Whats that Mister, Carp i explain. While they are watching i chuck out my line again and within minutes the bait alarm is screeming...i ask the oldest, the Birthday Boy, do you want to give this one a go...SURE CAN I...it is very difficult to try and tell a child how to handle a carp rod but he does quite well...after a lot of reeling and pumping the carp is in the net...maybe 14lb....his little brother standing off to the side is a bit dissapointed that he did not get a turn.....well that came shortly after. Carp back in the water...bait cast out...bite alarm again screeming...so now i have a half pint fisherman who wants to land a carp...with my help on rod and him trying his damnest to show he can be as good as his brother, between the two of us the carp is in the net in minutes....after he stops jumping around a screeming with glee...i estimate this one to be a bit over 14lbs maybe 18...but not a word said about who beat who. And here is Dad standing back taking in the whole deal...of course pics of both fish with the anglers had to be taken, and Dear Dad was so pleased that i would take the time to give his boys probably an experiance they will never forget and especially on his son's birthday he could not thank me enough. A few days late i recieve the pics via my email after exchangeing emails and i still have them today....i often look at them just to give myself a pickerup...not than i am a hero but to see the joy and excitment on these kids faces is what fishing is all about and at some point 50 years ago i would have acted the same had some one handed me a carp rod and said, Sony do you want of give this one a go. Tight lines....and if you have kids...take them fishing. Rodpody.
  2. One of the best ways to clean the lead is to flux it with Bees Wax...it dont take much....a small piece the size of a pea....just drop it into the pot and stir well...it may cause a few fumes but it will bring stuff to the top of the lead you wont believe. I use the Lee Electric Lead Melters in my sinker operation and if i am going to use wheel weight's as my lead i first melt them down on the side burner of my barby outside in the summer and make small ingots that will fit into my melter, this melting is done in a 6 inch cast iron fry pan and am using a small muffin pan for the ingots...you can still flux the lead even in this type of pot. I do most of my sinker pouring in the winter indoors....have a range hood mounted to the basement wall and piping to vent it outside vie a window fitted with a plywood partition for the pipe to go through. The saying is (if your exhaust system will draw away the smoke from a lited match then you are ok) and mine is more than ample. Safety is NO1, wear a long sleeve shirt, heavy leather gloves , i also use a particle mask, plus a full face mask just in case i get a lead pot explosion....this is caused by even the smallest particle of water hitting the molten lead. Cliff if you want i would be only to willing to pour jigs for you at no cost if you can get the mold down to me in Peterborough....dont need the wheel weights you have can get plenty here in town. As far as the fluxing goes i believe that there are other things that can be used.....parafin wax...not sure of....i bought my bees wax at a Craft Store it came in sheets about 1/8 thick by 12x15 something like that...just roll it into little balls and drop it into the molten lead. Cheers for now and tighlines rodpody....
  3. Ford plant in Brazil. Here is a small video that will open a lot of eyes to what is going on, this will never happen in either the U.S or Canada, UAW nor the CAW would not allow it. I must agree with a lot of the post's in this forum to allow the Big Three to go Bankrupt, and i also agree that to allow this will have major consequenses on an already recession bound Province. $30 to $35 dollar per hour jobs for unskilled workforce, note i did not say uneducated, 95% of wages when layed off, pensions most would die for and Benifits that are outrageous i believe that they pay .35 cents per perscription at the drug store....would this happen to be in anway related to the problems that these Companies find themselves in right now. Here is a bit of a break down of costs at the Big Three from a study done last year, Labour costs, wages and benifits at Ford amounted to $70.51 an hour, or roughly $141,000 a year with overtime. GM was $73.26 per hour--$146,000 per year. Chrysler, $75.86, amounting to $151,000 annual salary per worker. I worker at General Electric in Peterborough for 38 years were a skilled trade in most jobs was needed, Machinist, Millwright, Toolmaker, Armature Winder, Industrial Electrician, etc, when i retired in 1998 i ended my carrier in Quality Control another shilled trade, and my wage or pension at that time was no were what is being paid at the Big Three. And i also believe that we are seeing Descrimination of uncontrolable magnatude against all the 77,000 worker who have lost there jobs in Ontario and who will never see a penny from the Provincial or Federal Govt. If this situation was put to a referendum we all know what the outcome would be. God Bless Canada, come on spring, come on Carp Fishing. Link to video http://info.detnews.com/video/index.cfm?id=1189 Cheers for now Rodpody
  4. Lure making has grow to be quite a hobby for guys and gals with a lot of time on there hands during the Canadian Winters and who would also like to save some money by making spinners, musky baits, trolling spoons for the Great Lakes and so on. I got into making my own sinkers for Carp fishing two years ago and had a hard job finding the necessary supplies, Lead Melter, Sinker Molds and other related equiptment. Oh sure you could by this stuff from the U.S of A. but the shipping and exchange rate was horrible. Through Google i managed to find a company called Real Pro's Sportfishing, they are situated in Hepworth, Ontario....dont ask were that is i dont know. They are Canadas Leading supplier of Lure Making Parts and Components and from there web site i would have to say they are right. I was able to purchase my Lee Electric Lead Melter from them plus Sinker Molds Made by a company called Do-They are the best quality mold's i have seen anywere, they are comparable to Herters Molds in the U.S. that i bought back in the 70's when i was into Jig making. Since i dont do any other form of Fishing other than Carp i am not familiar with the cost of these Spinner Baits and other forms of Lures needed for the Species that you guys are fishing so i cant tell if there Components are cheap or otherwise. Since i just posted to another post....someone was asking about a Supplier of Lure Making Equiptment and i answered his question i decided to make a seperate post in case my Post was not Read. Just trying to help. Cheers for now. Rodpody....
  5. Timmeh there is a company called Real Pro Sportfishing, they are in Hepworth, Ontario, they are Canada's leading supplier of Lure Making parts and Components there web address is www.luremaking.com, i have personally dealt with them and they are great people and the prices are competitive. rodpody.
  6. In the last two weeks a number of carp have been spotted floating dead in the Trent System between Lakefield and Peterborough. A report had at least 5 dead at Lock 25, Sawyers Creek, the first set of locks below Lakefield, another 18 to 21 dead in the area down from Trent University to the Lift Lock in Peterborough. There has also been a report of dead carp in Rice Lake, but that could be related to the Bow Hunting as a lot of it is done there. As i sat and fished in Little Lake in Peterborough tonight one dead carcas floated by. These sighting are only hearsay reports and should be taken as such....as some people tend to exagerate. One thing i have noticed is that the number of British Carp Anglers that usually grace this area around this time of year are down.....and the ones that have came and left the area were quite dissapointed, the daily catch numbers are away down compared to last year...i have also found that it varies drastically from day to day....there is no consistancy to it. With all the rain we have been having and the fact that the Dams along the Trent System are open with flowing water....actually too much water at times the Carp fishing should be excellent, and that is not the case. tightlines Cheers for now Rodpody...
  7. From what i see, as far as were the carp are laying you must be a novice carp angler. A seasoned carp angler would never subject carp to concrete which i belive it is. Putting them on soil that has heavy grass is ok but not just on concrete, Carp thrashing around like they do on a hard surface such as concrete can do serious injury to there insides. A padded weigh sling mat combination should be an item on your list of gear to purchase if you continue to carp angle. Even a plastic babies crib mattres would make a great un-hooking mat. They may only be CARP but they deserve respect. I am a seasoned carp angler and dont get me wrong i am not giving you criticism just pointing out how i feel about placing carp on hard surfaces that can cause them harm and injury. You do have a nice catch there and hope you catch many more. Cheers and Tightlines. Rodpody...
  8. Since a Government Ministry is involved with this carp death fisasco (MNR) isin't it only natural that it would be so well botched up. If this had been Muski, Walleye or large and small mouth bass dying by the thousands they would be falling all over themselves to find the problem. What they dont probably know is just how lucrative Catch and Release Carp angling tourism is to Ontario, starting at Long Sault at the St. Lawerence on to Hamilton on Lake Ontario and up into the Kawartha's millions are spent yearly by Brits and Europeans flocking these areas to fish the wild carp in Ontario. It is a shame that this has gone on this long without any leadership from the MNR or the Ontario Government. All J.J. Beechie information officer for the MNR can do is keep moving the date we are supposed to find out what is killing the carp. Have not heard of any carp dying in the Lakefield area as of yet, if that happens then it will probably pass the five or six dams along river road (a winding road between Lakefield and Peterborough) and enter Little Lake were i carp fish. If this happens Mr J.J Beechie can expect a parcel from me in a garbage bag, and it wont be his lunch. Deliver to 300 Water Street, Peterborough and let him dispose of the dead carp after all dont the fish belong to the MNR. Just joined the fourm and this is my first post and you will find that i am very pasionate about fishing in general but as of late Carp angling has taken over. Want my nickels worth i think the MNR know's what is killing the carp and it will be covered up, we will never know the true reason the carp are dying or who caused it, and there are a bunch of theories on that one. Like i say just my knickels worth. Tightlines Blokes Rodpody....
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