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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. If you seal the letters and disc before you hang them you will be able to get a better seal. A marine grade varnish will be the best sealant you can find. This should say UV stabilizer on it to keep sun damage to a minimum. You also should consider making the letters larger and cut them from plywood to keep them from breaking along the grain of the wood. If you have the funds using teak or Acacia  wood. Final thought is making it from trex or hockey board synthetics will last longer. 


  2. On 11/3/2022 at 10:00 PM, smitty55 said:

    I don't see any of those ads at all. I do use a vpn and several script/ad blockers but they are disabled for this site.

    Thank you for disabling your ad block. It is this small revenue that keeps enough money in the kitty to afford our site and security upgrades current.





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  3. One of the thoughts on this is that while the sampling numbers are way down what they can not account for is that the crabs are using a different migratory path. This could give a false flag as to a crash in the population. What changes could be food sources, water temperature, or habitat being different. Excessive harvesting does not fit a rapid decline of 80% loss of crabs. I am sure an answer will come forth and we can enjoy them again at the table. 


  4. 15 hours ago, wkrp said:

    What is up with the US political advertising. Seems to me we were all chastised not to long ago for talking politics on this site. And now we are accepting US political adds. Administrators please respond. Shame on you.

    You may still not discuss politics as part of our rules here. An ad disappears as soon as you refresh the page the discussions on politics drags on and does nothing to support the forum. You are here by choice and if this is the straw that breaks the camels back I imagine we will see less of you. While I do not feel shame I do feel pity that this is something that you find offensive.



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  5. While the site is named Ontario Fishing Community it has a very large presence from the United States. The ads are generated by what peoples past history searches and viewing are as they use the internet. We rely on people coming to the site without ad blockers to view the ads to pay for the expenses of running the site. If you do not like an ad just skip it, it is easy to do and will keep your blood pressure down. What we do do to make the site pleasant is not allow discussions in the forum about politics because unlike an ad they fester and become nasty in nature. 



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  6. I have raced Jetskis since 1987 and with the majority of them being either Kawasaki and Now more prevalent is the Yamahas. If you do not know how to work on them I would chose the one that parts and repair can be done locally.  If you can work on them then it is which ever you can get a good deal on.  While riding the skis keep in mind that while riding in a confined area makes it fun to switch out riders it is annoying to others who are there to enjoy nature in its quietness. With this in mind enjoy the riding it is a great way to explore and be active on the water. 



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