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About cantermore

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  1. Do you have the "track option" on yours Sly, that looks really cool; much better than an Argo
  2. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...Story/National/ Looks like Lake Simcoe is in the opposite position and a quick thaw could flood the Holland whats his name... Cant seem to win either way high or low..
  3. Seems there was 2 of the idiots Two charged in alleged dognapping The Canadian Press February 20, 2008 at 9:25 AM EST TORONTO — Two men face nine charges following the alleged theft of a dog in downtown Toronto on Saturday. A dog walker had left Huckleberry, a chocolate lab, tied up outside a bakery and returned minutes later to find the canine gone. Dog owner Bert Clark, a 36-year-old Toronto banker, offered a $15,000 reward for his beloved pet Richard Cassibo returned Huckleberry and got a $10,000 cheque from Clark, who also donated $5,000 to an animal hospital at Cassibo's request. Police said Wednesday that Mr. Cassibo, who is 54, and 31-year-old Andrew Footit are charged with conspiracy, corruptly taking a reward, fraud and possession of property obtained by crime. Mr. Cassibo is also charged with public mischief and both suspects are scheduled to appear in court later today.
  4. Hey Steve; the 60Cx is not waterproof although Garmin claims it is, I have a 500 Meg card in it with all the Bluecharts for the great lakes & the road maps around the great lakes... also has the 12 VDC adapter as an option, good unit but drops like a rock if it goes in the water.. I would never buy another handheld unless it floats but I did get mine back Johnny
  5. "I do have a couple bins full of "fabric rivets"... but not quite what they're intended for !" Whats a fabric rivet? new one for me
  6. Forgot 1 nice one for Rick.. in case you didnt hear on the news; Bell Canada was awarded the contract to put up & operate Canada's "Do not call lists" and it should be operational by the end of the year if not sooner. Will be interesting to see if they still call people after they are on the lists
  7. Better get my 2 cents in as I do VoIP day in day out for Business strictly wholesale, I dont know much about the retail side but the packages on the retails start at $3.95 a month for unlimited Canada at http://www.worldline.ca/en/KW/index.html and go up from there. http://dsl.295.ca/Residential has more home based offerings that start at 19.95 with DSL included. Echo is thing of the past but can happen anywhere, bell rogers etc.. 911 on VoIP requires that you & or your service provider keep the providers 911 database populated with your current name & address. When you call 911 your caller id is passed on; the police has access to the database so they know where you are but if you move & dont update your address with the service provider; when you call 911 the poilce will be going to your old address. We can also port your existing phone numbers over to VoIP as well and pass them to your VoIP router or ATA (Analog Terminal Adapter) We are putting up some retail code on https://didoasis.com/profile.php where you can sign up at $2.00 for a VoIP local telephone number and they just get pointed to your IP address.. All calls to that number then just go to your IP address where you would have a VoIP Phone or Router/ ATA hooked up to receive calls. A note on power failures, yes your service provider has to provide you with battery backed up VoIP Router / gateway in order to get any service at in a power failure. Johnny
  8. going out to put the charger on it now but will find something to load it down first, I know I have a 12 V compressor that should do it. If not the downriggers are here too Thanks again
  9. Thanks, I have an older manual charger on it & pulled it off at 12 & its holding around there, I have a meter on it but will let it run a bit more to get it up there.
  10. I know this almost sounds silly; but might anyone know the exact voltage that should be in a fully charged 12 volt boat battery? one would think by the name its 12 v of course but for some reason I thought it was more.. Thanks
  11. getting geared & ready for 5 days of Muskie fishing here; food, booze all the typicals
  12. Going Muskie fishing near Rockport in the St. Laurent next week; we are hoping to get some bass fishing in too & I was wondering if anyone knew of any bait shops close by to Rockort? Thanks in advance
  13. Thats very cool jedimaster, would love to see a version for bluecharts, I tried Topo & it worked great, bluecharts failed but had to try
  14. Thanks Guys, I will try all
  15. Hi Does anyone know if there is a shop around that can rebuild the Ferro electric motor in an older Walker downrigger? One of mine is fried... I searched the web, there doesnt seem to be any aftermarket motors either but looking at the motor you would swear its just a windsheild wiper motor Thanks, Johnny
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