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Posts posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. Don't know anything about costs of winterizing a boat (since I don't have one) but I would let this thread fester a bit and then print them a copy and show it to them, and let them know that you will post where you had the service done...... see what they say to that lol... good luck.


    Don't feel too bad about being taken advantage of though... probably has happened to most of us!


    Burt :)

    This IS your solution. That marina took full advantage of you. If you were to do this, print the entire thread out and hand it to the owner/manager I'd be willing to bet they would hand you half the cost back in cash. Without a single word said.


    And if the owner/manager is reading this SHAME ON YOU!!!

  2. I'm not sure I can explain it to you but fishing is not only about what you catch but how you enjoy the time there. While at Nippising I have no problems catching all of the fish I want because I have fished it for 11 years with some of the most knowledgeable people on the board. If I had to make the choice of forgetting all that they have taught me about the lake or losing the memories of the fun and laughter we have shared. I will chose the fun and laughter every time. I travel 13 hours and pass some of the best waters Canada has to offer to fish with my friends and yes I would like for Nipissing to improve but it is far from the fished out place some want to paint it as.



    I second that. I can't speak for all Americans, but for the 12 people in my family that venture to the Nipissing area for vacation, fishing is only a small part of the reason we go there. We've developed a great relationship with our hosts and the area itself is what brings us back. Sometimes I like to stream the radio stations from north bay just to reminisce.

    I'll go back as often as I can. Eyes or not!

  3. What a great young man! How old is he? My boy is 14 and I can't get him to save enough for a cheeseburger............ I told him, if he saves HALF the $$$ for a USED Mini Cooper I'll give him the rest........ Time is running out!

    You and your wife have done well!

  4. I got so fed up with these people leaving all this junk here; I started opening up the garbage bags (gross) and looking for addresses. People that do this cannot be all that smart; because there is almost always an address or a phone number to be found in this garbage. I would call the people and ask when I could deliver a package that was dropped off here accidentally or asked if they'd like to pick it up?

    More times then none they'd be here within a half hour to collect their package; I loved the look on their face when they saw what the package was. LOL



    That's brilliant!!!


    I'm gonna break out the latex gloves and try that some time!

  5. That report made me late for work AGAIN!!! The last report I did the same thing. Started reading and enjoying the photos around 10 pm next thing I know it's after 11 and I'm way past my bed time. Slept through the alarm. My boss was waaaaay ticked!




    Worth every minute



    Congrats on yet another fantastic trip and thanks for sharing!!

  6. We in bro-hio are not so lucky (at least here in the canton area) to have dedicated snow mobile trails. But did I read prior posts correctly, you have to pay $180 for permit to ride them?!?! Nah....... No thanks! My wife and kids have walked them and they are very nice but $180 nice?

    Man I dont know.

  7. My Bills squeaked one into the win column. That defence looks for real, gave up only 7 to a good offence And Kyle Orton? I thought he was doing TV.

    "Squeaked" is great way to describe what the Browns did yesterday. Won by 1 point..........

    A win is a win eh?

  8. I think they are calling for a low of 33 degrees here tonight in tropical Medina. It was mostly a dreary day here, wet, windy, cold.

    I'm just a bit S.E. of tropical medina and I had ice pellets on the windshield yesterday ........



    GO BROWNS!!!

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