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Posts posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. Does anybody know if Rogers offers 1080 on cable or do they only offer max 720dpi ? I recently bought a tv and after trying to set it up I went back to the store and told them that the picture in the the store was way better than mine at home, he said it was because rogers was only 720 , and suggested if I want a better picture to switch companies.

    Not sure if it's the same for you north of the border but I just installed an over the air digital antenna for my brother, on a 45' tower and he is getting 65 channels all of which are 1080i ABSOLUTLY free. The antenna and rotor and co-ax cable cost him $300.


    Cable company, your fired!

  2. Great thread!!


    Thanks everyone for the recipes!


    My absolute favorite treat during the holidays is my wife's oreo cookie truffles. She'll take an entire package of Oreos and chop them up in the food processor then add cream cheese icing and roll them up into balls that she dips in molten chocolate.......... MOTHER OF PEARL I CANT Wait!!!

    Happy Holidays friends!

  3. I think after the baby is born and we are in a bigger house and there isn't a million things for me to do, I'll have no excuse not to. I could bring my brothers and make it a weekend. I mentioned it last night to one of my bros and he said he would love to. Next year!

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