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Posts posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. Hate to sound like a tight wad but.........


    Has anyone ever made an ice rod out of a spare soft water rod they have lying around?


    I've got some ol' piece in the garage I'm thinking about chopping. I mean if it doesn't work, no big deal.


    Just wondering. I've never seen a post on this.


    Tight lines~~~~~~

  2. pretty good most times, miserable other times. Im really snappy and crabby lol. Food sure tastes better and i can breathe again ;)

    It so worth it though. I've noticed that even after I quit 17 months ago, I'm still crabby and snappy too. But I think my wife and child are getting use to it. I have been able to catch myself before spouting off and that does WONDERS for our relationship........ Keep it up man!

  3. I quit Copenhagen 17 months ago after shoving that heavenly garbage in my face for 25 years. I did the laser thing and it worked for me because I WANTED to quit. I think that is the key, you have to want to. If you have the desire, you can do it. Triggers be damned! I still to this day would love a dip after dinner, on the ride to work, FISHING!!!! Etc etc



  4. image.jpg

    I built an "ugly drum smoker" using a food grade 55 gallon drum and an old propane grill. The replacement grates for weber charcoal grills fit perfectly inside the I.D. Of the drum. Use nuts and bolts as pegs to hold the grates as shelves. Using a 1 1/2" hole saw, I put holes in the bottom for air. Placed the propane burner in the bottom of the barrel and cut a sheet steel circle to cover it. Leaving an inch or so around the edges for heat to rise past. Cut an access panel in the side to place hickory chunk and to keep my hydrator full of apple juice. On the lid, I used a scrap brass ball valve from work as a damper to control the air/smoke flow. I'm soaking my iPhone with saliva just describing it!! I found ALOT of info on the web to build this and I have a full fab shop and machine shop at my disposal which makes it easy. Not to mention I come from a long line of technical red necks..... MERICA!

  5. Reminds me of a joke that my dad loved to tell:


    A very self conscious guy with a wooden eye sees a pretty girl at the bar. Her nose is a little out of proportion for her face but still very attractive. He works up the courage to approach her and say "Hi". They have a nice conversation and he starts to feel less conscious about his wooden eye. A slow song starts to play and he asks her to dance. She says, "Would eye?" He yells "Big nose!" "Big nose!" and runs out of the bar.


    In the one I know, she has a hair lip......



    Love the comedy threads!

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