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Posts posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. Yea Rick, this thread is getting too heavy as we would say in the 70's, I'm bowing out. Anyone catch a Bass today?

    I feel for you OI and everyone whom has had to deal with this disease. It has touched nearly everyone.


    Every single day I hold my babies and I pray that I can do my best to keep them from making the decision that can alter so many lives.


    All the best to all

  2. Love your family/friends, if they are addicts love em unconditionally ( same as if they are not)


    Addicts usually have brutal pasts, life experiences etc. Dont shun them.


    They are humans, moms, dads, uncles, aunties, grandmas, grandpas, friends, hard workers, homeless, war vets, terminally ill patients etc.


    Try to help. If it doesnt work, dont stop trying. Dont support the addiction. Support the person.


    They need tools. Tools to deal. Offer help when it comes to those tools, treatment, drs, psychiatrists, counsellors etc.


    Ive never met a person that wants to be an addict.


    But ive met alot of people that love life.


    If ya can, help them the best way you can. Love and support?

    Well said Rick


    Thank you for putting solid meaning to this thread!

  3. Great and enlightening story. So many factors that I've never really thought of. Like, if he was wearing his pfd instead of holding it, he could of better managed the flares. Or, he would have went for the radio before going overboard.


    For the most part on my little local lakes I don't wear my pfd. But just the other day I'd taken my 2 year old out in my little 13 ft tinny for an hour. Before we got into the boat I put her life jacket on then I put mine on. The thought that I had was if something happened, I could better take care of her while floating. Why don't I think of that while with my 15 year old or my brothers?


    I've got a new habit when I get in the boat now.


    Thank you for sharing the eye opener!



    I can honestly say that was the worst mess left by so-called outdoorsmen that I have ever had the displeasure of seeing.

    Those people are not outdoorsmen by any stretch. Outdoorsman care about the outdoors. The people who leave their garbage where they fish are simply lowlife scum.

  5. That's the stuff I live for! Just me my brothers and my son........... Oh how I long for it!



    Thanks for sharing!



    I seriously can't wait to give a similar report. I really don't care if I catch any fish. Just camping on crown land on a picturesque Canadian Shield lake. Gadzooks! Where did all my vacation time go!!!




  6. It's so hard to trust people sometimes. Yes, he could be a great guy and this is all not what it seems. But there are way too many "what ifs"


    I hate to say set things up like your wife is the bait. She goes out to let the dogs out, he makes his way over again, you pop out in the middle of the conversation.


    Do you have any way to see if he has a criminal record? Could he be a sex offender?


    Argh! Too many ??????

  7. Exhale...........


    I used to imagine that Daniel was doing exactly what he wanted. His dream to live among the wild. of course, I didn't drift too far from the reality of his likely fate but, it was cool to think that this person could be doing what so many dream of. No cell phone. No job. No bills. No drama. Existence only known to God.


    Rest in peace Daniel


    And may the peace of closure come to the Trask family


    Thank you for posting TJ

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