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Posts posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. As they say "it's all good". To live up there she must be a tough gal, so she will mend well, plus she has to put up with the likes of you!


    And thank you for your thoughts. Of course the tech at the hospital won't give results but told Tich to have a good sleep tonight with a wink. That has to be good.


    That's good to hear too OI


    You and Tich are in our thoughts too!

  2. In my wifes pool at work they 'had' 215 people to start but after the Ravens and Saints lost this week it's down to only 35.......NEVER see a Survivor Pool drop so fast in all the years we have played it.


    BTW it cost $10 to get in so someone will win $2150 in a few weeks.........nice non-taxed income IMHO

    Oh wait..... Was I supposed to send $$$?

  3. Jealousy, I thought it was reserved for 14 year old girls :) I guess not!! Don't let it bother you Mikey!

    Couldn't have said it better!!! I hope this jealous little girl is done with this board. WHY do these people insist on peeeeing on others success?


    Keep it coming MIKE! I can't wait for the winter steelhead reports....... I mean " what's my name muthamutha?!?!" (Said in Samuel L. Jacksons voice)

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