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About smokinall4s

  • Birthday 06/06/1973

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    Durham Region
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    Well now that my kids are into fishing I am now back into fishing as an interest. I have many interest but most of them are being with my family.

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  1. Well my wife had to do some training in Belleville and I put a post out for some Belleville fishing and MoiraRiverMan suggested a spot to go. We checked it out but there were people already there so we went to check out the river. We went to the Pirate cove canteen where there is a huge pirate ship that is a playground for kids. We then went to the river near some waterfalls and we threw out 3 lines. One for me, Brady and Shevonne. After 10 minutes my daughter just wanted to play in the water. After 30 minutes I saw a fish jump out of the water. So we know that there were fish here. Just then a fish jumped right out of the water and right onto shore. It scared my son at first then he ran over to where it was because he wanted to throw it back into the water so it wouldn't die. But the fish flipped and flopped it's way back into the water. Weird fish, it was a small trout. So he picked up his rod and back into the water it went, he was determined to catch one now. All of a sudden his bobber was down and gone. He reels it in and it's a fat sunfish. He was so happy. We've been to our regular fishing pond and we have been skunked everytime so this great, for him. We then went down to the boat launch and we found a spot to fish that was along the waterfront trail. There was a spot where the Bay went under a little bridge from the trail and into a pond. Well, we setup the rods and I couldn't keep up with taking fish off our lines and putting on worms. In all total I caught 13 fish, crappies, pumpkinseed and perch. My son caught his PB sunfish (I think it was a crappie) and a total of 10 fish, sunfish and perch. So it was a GREAT day of fishing and he is excited to be catching fish again and he can't wait to get back out there. I told him that we'll get back out there and fish the dam that MoiraRiverMan suggested. And we'll let him know when we are coming and maybe we can hook up for some fishing. Here's Brady's first of the year. His PB Sunfish (Crappie?) Here's a closer pic of his PB Father & Son fishing. Doesn't get any better. Here's my first of the year. Here's Brady throwing one back in. He wears the gloves because he doesn't want the fins to cut him. Brady's waiting for a worm and Shevonne is waiting to put one back in the water. Here's our little model. She's gonna be a heartbreaker. Feel sorry for the boys. There we go, I figured out the pics, with the help of greencoachdog, so enjoy. We did.
  2. We parked at the rock road with two parking spots just off of the street just before the bridge. We were the only car there.
  3. Congrats on the 2 that Bly got, sorry about the ones that got away. And a BIG CONGRATS to you cliff on your PB. Keep up the great fishing you two.
  4. Hey MoriaRiverMan, We checked it out when we got there, around 11am and there were some people already fishing there so we went somewhere else. I don't like to take the kids fishing with other fishermen that I don't really know because some fishermen that we have fished around actually have complained that they shouldn't be there. I usually tell them to stick it, my kids can fish where ever they want to. If I had known that you were going to be there then we would have stayed to fish. Congrats on your catches. I would like to get down there again because the dam does look like a good place to fish.
  5. I just found out that my wife has to do some training in Belleville for the day tomorrow (wednesday). Since I am off to we decided to tag along for the day. My two kids also. I had heard that there is some good fishing there but only if you have a boat. We don't have a boat but I was wondering if there was anywhere to do some shore/dock fishing where the kids might be able to catch some fish? I know that it's short notice but I too just found out about this. I was just wondering because if there is somewhere for us to fish then we'll take the rods but if not then we'll just do the tourist thing. Thank you in advance and we hope that everyone is having a great Canada Day.
  6. From my family to all of yours, HAPPY CANADA DAY.
  7. I just sent you a pm. I used this program alot until I stopped doing it. It was great a very reliable.
  8. I would just like to say thank you Rick for this great fishing community site. I have learned alot about fishing just by reading to other peoples posts and I truely enjoy all of the fishing pics. I use photobucket for my pics, as was suggested by some OFNers. Everyone here is always willing to give out opinons and advice unlike some fishermen who never tell things. And it's just a great enviroment here. Keep up the great work and good luck with the upgrading. I appreciate it. Thank you.
  9. Hey Cliff. It looks like you and your family did some great fishing. The pictures are great and I like the different looks for the pictures. Keep up the great fishing and we hope that you have a great fishing season this year
  10. Nice pictures of your day fishing. Congrats on the catches and keep it up.
  11. nice pictures and great looking fish. Great day for fishing, glad you got out and enjoyed it. Keep up the great fishing.
  12. Good morning everyone. I want to take the kids fishing this afternoon but I'm not sure of the regulations as to where it is ok for us to go. Without getting into trouble. I live in Oshawa. I heard that you were allowed to fish south of the CN tracks, is that true? I also know that trout season starts next weekend. So what is it that we can fish for? Thanks for all replies, the kids will appreciate them.
  13. YARD SALE did someone say YARD SALE. I love spring time just because of those two words. It looks like you made some great finds there brick and at a great deal too. Can't wait for the yard sales to start up.
  14. seeing those smiles on the kids after catching the fish makes everything seem less important at the time. It looks like you two had a blast and those catfish are pretty big. Nice pics and keep up the great fishing.
  15. Hey there all, I hope that everyone had a great winter. I haven't been on the site since Christmas time. I've been having problems with the computer and then with our provider. But we just bought a new laptop and our provider crap is all figured out now. I have been reading a lot of the posts in the last few days and it looks like everyone has been doing some great fishing and I love the pics also. The family is patienctly waiting for the fishing season to open and I can't wait for the Trout season to open. I missed the Salmon last year, was supposed to go out with ccmt canada but thta was when we moved and had no way to contact him until it was to late. Next time ccmt. Not sure where's a good spot to Trout fish but will find one, hopefully. Kids can't wait to get out to our regular pond ever since we went to the Toronto Sportsman Show. We all had a plast there. I know that a lot of you guys and girls went there too. Just wished that I had more money because there were a lot of sweet deals there. Anyways, I just wanted to say hi too all and that it,s great to be back and I hope to read some great posts from you people and pics also. And I too will write posts and leave pics because we will be doing alot of fishing this year. Bye for now.
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