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About ozaibak1

  • Birthday 10/02/1982

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  1. Great pics, thx for sharing!
  2. Plenty of ice, was out yesterday in about 14 ft of water. Stick with an operator I'm not saying ice is safe everywhere. While not the 50 jumbo epic outing of last week, it was still an epic 30 jumbo outing! Morning bite was hot, it completely dropped off after 2pm. Fish weren't as aggressive as last week, I found having a small jig down there worked well to attract the bigger ones and then execute the deal with the gold spoon. I also missed a nice pike! It attacked my spoon hard, but I had no clue it was even around so it JUST missed... boy was it fast! At least cool to see, then it was gone for good. Best of luck, I'd recommend a tip-up if you guys want a pike seen them both outings...
  3. That's no dime its a quarter! I used my 2 cents to catch it.
  4. Biggest one is 13.5 or 14". It woulda been 15" if I caught one of the two I saw!
  5. Hi everyone it's been a while since I've posted to the board, I haven't been fishing as much as I deserve to. Got out to Virginia Beach yesterday for the first ice trip of the season, boy did I have an itch and did it ever get scratched! Setup in 8 feet of water, ice thickness was about 6". First 30 minutes just some dinks I was like aww man not again, I want to move huts when I can. Then things changed. First up was a big pike (for Simcoe) that came in but couldn't get to commit. Then non-stop jumbo action all day long! The fishing kept getting better and better as the day went on, with average fish size increasing throughout the day. It got to the point where I was letting jumbos go by because they weren't jumbo enough. Kept my limit of 50, I now have delicious food for the winter. Swedish pimples, my go to lure for winter ice fishing, really paid off. It was all I needed. Their weight let me get it in front of the jumbos before the dinks got a chance, and the fish were really excited by the flash. The bag I took home at the end of the day musta weight like 40 pounds, I was joking I needed a snowmobile to transport it to the car. Then came the filleting. I wasn't looking forward to it as I'm a filleting noob but was committed to do every last fish. About 4 hours later they were all done, and I'm much better at filleting now. A very rewarding experience, and I must say it may be my best and funnest fish outing ever! Seems like Simcoe's jumbo population may have grown, I didn't have too much success last year but it coulda been the luck of the draw. A snow squall hit which was intense. All of a sudden the sky goes dark. I open the hut door 30 minutes later and there's snow everywhere! Was very cool. Anyways enjoy the pictures and happy fishing to all:
  6. Came across this article and thought I'd share, those are some comfortable looking huts there! Does the law prevent us from having huts like that in Ontario? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41432433/ns/travel-destination_travel/
  7. Assuming you're targeting perch / pike, I would recommend either Dave's Fish Huts or IceFishingOutfitters out of Virginia Beach, Lake Simcoe. I've fished a fair amount at each and they're both equally as good, I can't recommend one over the other I like them both. pm me if you're interested in more details about them, and good luck!
  8. Hi everyone heading up for my first trip of the season to Virginia Beach on Lake Simcoe this Wednesday in the am, if anyone is interested in meeting up give me a pm thx! Gona be taking out my 2 man clam....
  9. Surprised? It's all about profit.
  10. Nice report, I like the stirfry!
  11. Pumpkin Pecan Blueberry
  12. Nice reports and fish thanks for sharing. It's weird, I've caught so many fish on pink senko kut-tails, but still have yet to catch one on a pink stickbait senko... just gotta keep trying I guess! I've noticed lots of biggies in posts caught on the pink stuff.
  13. I fished with Italo once before in the Niagara pool, very nice, helpful, and friendly guy, not to mention his awesome fishing knowledge. I really don't get why people here put him down, but my guess is it makes them feel better about themselves.
  14. Online petitions are useless, I'd like to hear of one that actually made a difference. BTW I signed for the hell of it.
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