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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. Use a battery switch.

    This connects your cranking batts.

    One batt for big engine one for small.


    There is three position on the switch.

    one position for the big engine, which will be in this state to charge

    your big engine batt.

    Position two will be for the kicker, starting and runnig riggers.


    Position both is used for when your batts are top off and keep a even

    charge between the two.


    Now to start.


    hook up all your electric components (except the riggers) to batt one.

    which will be your main cranker.

    the kicker batt you hook up the riggers too.


    When the kicker can't produce enough amps to keep the batt sustained.

    You start the main, let it charge, then switch to batt 2, letting the main charge the kicker batt.

    you also do this running from spots


    when both batts are equelly charge you place the switch on both to keep them top off.


    Myself wouldn't run deep cycles. they are harder to charge. Unless you have a alternator

    that produces 60 amps or more.


    If I remember right.A rigger can draw 8 to 15 amps.

    So if you are not work the riggers hard the kicker should be able

    to charge the kicker batt.

  2. Well with all this white stuff and the colder temps.

    Plus the boat being out side.


    I may have to STORE the boat this year. :asshat:


    This will be the first time in 6 year. :wallbash:


    When it was in the garage, all I had to do was condition the fuel and

    the boat was ready to go at any time.

  3. I ask one of the manager at BPS, why their prices where so high.


    Managers response: The products where imported into the US first then ship to Canada.


    I say: why would they do that, When you all ready have a Canadian import license.


    So I say : that must be the reason why Canadian products are so high.


    Why do I have a feeling I been lied too.

  4. I'm a smoker and believe I should have no rights to where to smoke,except outside.

    But pay more for health care. Come on, Bury yourself more in the BOX!


    Thats like saying you use more fuel and electricity than I do, so you should pay more

    for the carcinigens your releasing in the air.


    You use a prescription drug. Pay more for the toxic waste the plant makes for that drug.


    I can keep going here, but wont.


    If you want to be the perfect example of health a this day and age,

    you better step off,because the air that we breath, I wouldn't call it clean.


    If you could could bring back William Shakespeare what would he say.



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