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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. Way to go :thumbsup_anim:

    You don't work at Cintas by any chance ? Got my hair cut today and was yackin with the woman who cuts my hair and she know someone who works at Cinta in Newmarket that won the same thing ! Was that you ?




    Joey here,


    Nope, not me TB.


    Thanks everyone, I'm still beaming. Although the fiasco that goes with claiming your prize is a whole different matter. But I'm not going to let that get in the way of my happiness at winning.



  2. Of course gas price's have to go up.

    Has no one notice the price of diesel.

    It cost twice as much to deliver the gas to the stations.

    Diesel has doubled in price in the last 3 years.

    And don't forget that diesel is better for the eco system.

    More efficient and no carbon monoxide.


    Gas cost, basically effects the consumer. Where diesel effects the cost of living.


    I might as well through in over packaging. Plastic is made from crude also.

  3. Since I started fishing, I have wrecked, burnt out or lost 100 spinning reels.

    But of my last outing I'm retiring my last one without anti reverse.


    Why does it seam to me that the old reels are alot stronger.

    At a day and age that the metals and composites are far superior.

    and I don't use them as much as the bait casters.


    This old Shimano has a full turn back before the bailer stop and it has been smash

    into the stop alot of times(the bailer would drop to the bottom when not held).

    Used year after year also for ice fishing.


    Joey use mid-priced reels($150) and can burn one in a year.

    What ever happened to quality control.

  4. Why not have it in the bed liner.

    It's not like you are ever going to have 5 sheets of plywood and 15 bundles of

    shingles, table saw.tool box and mitre saw on top of it.


    I don't have a problem with the imports. It's just that when a company comes

    out with one truck and are saying it's the best truck on the market. :blahblah1:


    the big three all have five different trucks for every purpose you need from a light truck.


    I'm willing to put up my truck against any truck on the market to prove the difference.


    It's a 03 GMC 2500hd,4x4,4door,6.6l diesel with 5 Allison.

  5. The true test of a truck.Is the fleet truck.

    A company truck in which every Tom Dick and Sally drives.

    In my trade we get every thing delivered by truck, by many different dealers.

    They deliver from light bulbs to 14L diesel engines.

    Not one of them use a import.



    If engine size is irrelevant? why does the company with the larges stock engine

    have the best fuel milage?

  6. Before we all start changing the English language, according to:


    THE WINSTON DICTIONARY OF CANADIAN ENGLISH:sport,1 a game,pasttime,or contest that requires a reasonable amount of physical activity along with individual skill,Skiing,tennis,and billards are all sport


    WEBSTERS DICTIONARY:sport,An interesting diversion, a particular game or physical activity with set rules

    So unless you want to change the ENGLISH LANGUAGE its a sport


    Wow: looks like my job is a sport.

    When I go into work to day,I will have to ask the boss for a 7 digit raise.

  7. Modern technology is bull crap.

    Last night I had a machine that woulded go into gear.

    pull out the lap top and run the program, It tell me that nothing is wrong.

    Boss thinks I miss some thing. Run it again. Same results.

    Grab my multi meter, A hour later find a bad resistor.

    This program cost the company 1200 bucks.

    What so funny about the hole thing is that the on board monitoring system

    should have caught this problem.

    All 14000 bucks worth and I find it old school.

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