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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. This all starts back in th 70's and metal storage tanks.


    Back in the grand old days. The mechanic was the gas station owner.


    With the 100% introduction of unleaded fuel and the catalytic converter also the

    high level of condensation in the steel tank. that engines would not run right.

    So to fix this problem they started to use Methyl in their holding tanks.

    The Government Doesn't want to be responsible for this, so they put in law the the gas companies have to start using

    methyl in the gas to help prevent rust in the tanks.

    The gas companies have no problem with this because it's cheaper to make then gas.


    So now it's the 80's and a few thousand tanks rust out do to the water.

    The government man dates that all metal tanks have to be remove by owners,

    And replaced With thees very expense glass fiber tanks.

    Independent owner goes broke and three large fuel companies move out(BP,Gulf,Fina).


    Now the new tanks don't condensate as much.

    Do they remove some of the Methyl, No.

    It's not doing any harm and it's cheap.

    So now their all this Methyl in the gas doing nothing lets add the right amount of water.

    That it wont do any harm.

    You also see a very common problem with gas burning engine almost disappeared.

    Gas line freeze up.


    The Govt gets into the oil game.

    Well being the Govt they have to tell the public of all UN-natural products they put

    into the gas. Little sticker start popping up the says, contains Methyl-hydrate.


    Now it's the 90's, and oil companies have playing around with Ethanol and gas for

    the last 20 years.

    They find out that gas,Methyl and ethanol with a high content of water start to break down

    Petroleum product on contact(2-stroke oil,fuel lines,gaskets,O-rings and silicone).

    Methyl an E-10 are both hydrates. They will pull the moister out of every thing.

    Not a problem, we control the amount of water is in the gas and when we get this

    through legislation.

    We will get the Govt to make the companies that make the hoses and etc. That

    their material can with stand this new concoction. We will have the ECO-system on are side.


    So do the go to Washington. Nosirry they go to California.

    Puff like magic it's in legislation.


    So they start testing with the public.

    The Canadian Govt finds out.(some thing more to tax)starts their own testing.

    Now where to pick to do are testing.

    Well first we are going to need a area that has all 4 seasons.


    A board member has a brilliant Idea.

    We'll do it right in the heartland, right where it all starts.

    The cash strap farmer will love the idea as long it puts money in their pockets.


    This is where the problem starts.

    In the mid west it is aired in this area.

    The new fuel works great.

    The bill goes through but doesn't be come law(can't remember what that is called)

    But man-dates that the manufacturers Of hose an etc have to start to make their

    product to spec.





    As i mention before that you have to hydrates in you fuel now

    One that draws the hydrogenate and one the oxygenate.

    Which in turn makes the water even heavier then normal.


    This doesn't mean much , but how ever at a station that doesn't pump much gas will

    have a higher level sitting in the bottom of their tanks.Up to 10%.

    This is cause by condensation.

    Which the pumps draw from.


    Now as a boat owner you know that a higher amount moisture is going to be a

    part of your fuel. You know, rain snow waves and condensation.


    We where learnded that when we have water in are fuel is to add gasoline

    anti-freeze. Which is methyl-hydrate.

    With the higher concentration the petroleum products dry rot faster.


    Thats why all engine manufacture recommend to use a fuel stabilizer.

    Like stabil.

  2. Well, we went on our first week of vacation up to Lakair and once we arrived I realized I had forgotten my fishing license in my little carry on bag that I usually take in the boat fishing. Since it was a 3 1/2 hour drive there was no way I was driving home. So I bought another one :( just to be safe. Never did get stopped by the CO's all week, but its better to be safe than sorry.


    You did the right thing.



  3. Time is not on your side.


    Since the engine was not running it will be OK if you get

    the water out fast.


    First you need to have a place you can hang the engine up side down.


    Get three cans of ether and two cans of wd 40.


    when using the ether make sure you are in a very well vented area or

    you will have a nice sleep.


    Remove all cover and flood the engine with ether . Lots in the alternator.


    With engine straight up spray one can one can of wd in spark and in and down carbs.

    Hang engine up side down to drain drain wd.

    over the next few day turn engine over by hand spraying in wd.

    Let dry, change oil slap in new plugs,start engine and let idle for 15 minutes

    and presto you are back in the water.


    I have done this to a few engines(also a car engine).

  4. - Is it faster to Banff or by bus?


    - When a woman is PMSing, instead of "have a happy period" on the side of the

    Kotex box, it should say "put the hammer down" or "vehicular manslaughter is wrong."


    - Someone on here also had a funny saying, I can't remember who, but I do remember the saying..


    "Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes, that way you are far enough away from him, and you have his shoes."







    Oops, geez I look funny tonight. Dang giving Paul more post counts :rolleyes:

  5. What got me thinking about this, Is at work, Do a lot of hoisting with

    wire rope slings.

    The ones with the thimbles in them are for rounder hook, not the type

    of hook you find on the end of a chain.

    The thimble is designed to cover a greater area, also help in the wear and tear

    of movement.

    When use on a narrower hook(not suppose to do that, Cheap company) the thimble

    bends. Which is still usable only for a narrow hook now.

    Once the thimble is worn through,that a sharp edge appears and start to cut in to the



    So I know the thimble will stop wear on the line and have even stretch around the loop.


    So i was wondering if the thimble bend or kinks, will that damage the line faster.

    The fluoro is alot smoother and you will get lubrication from the water.

  6. To my delight, I pulled the tarp off the boat on Thurs and a

    lovely aroma enticed my senses to throw up.


    Looks like the carpets need to be cleaned.


    Need to know whats the safe way to wash the carpets down.

    That will not leave a sent behind.

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