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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. I was once told, You can always tell the fastest guy. Fore he's the one thats all most

    out of control.

    In the boating world. The fastest boat is the guy how has perfect control.


    There is many different styles of deep vees.

    Eg: Donzi and cigarette hulls use to dominate off-shore racing.

    Reggie Fountain came out with a new hull design and He the one that figured he could get more

    air under the hull.Then it was his turn to dominate.(Reggie also pilot and work his throttles).

    But soon after this hull design wouldn't go any fast.

    Along came Stephen Steppe. He the one that that figured out that if you notch the hull. This would

    create a vortex giving the hull more lift.Hence the stepped hull.

    Which give a performance deep vees the high speeds.


    If you take the same design. Put it on a 45 foot 20 foot beam boat, you will get a very smooth ride.


    The two best hull designs on aluminum fishing boats are Lund's pro-v and the alumacraft trophy.

    Thees two hull try to give you the best of both worlds. The bow is a true deep vee where the Stern

    is some what a reverse chime for hole shot and a stable ride at top end.

  2. The higher degree in dead raise,the further the bow travels down the boat.

    to allow for this high degree,you must deepen the hull before mid-ship to allow for

    the right degree of curvature.

    With this done now, using the trim and the right drive and throttle. In rough seas you will be able to

    get the hull level. Which then the lowest part of the bow will strike the wave at tremendous force.

    Going to use physics here.Send the bow up and a smooth flow of water down the Stearn.

    Now this is where chimes come in.They prevent the stern from slipping.At the rear of the boat

    you will find a power plate at the end of the hull. This a flat at the end of the keel to counter-react

    the the bow lift.

    Now you have the throttles and the trims working great. The boat is preforming how it should.

    spending more time in the air then the water.


    Most aluminum fishing boats use a reverse chime hull to make it stable.

    Like I said, apples to kumquats.

  3. One of the fastest boats I've been in,was a aluminum deep V off-shore.130mph.

    This boat weighs more then Kevlar,with the weight being almost the same as glass.

    This is do to the heavy reenforcement of the bow.

    With this boat having a 26 degree dead raise the bow take more of a pounding then

    the average 17 to 19 of a aluminum fishing boat.


    The dead raise of the bow has more to ride stability the the material that the boat is made of.

    A long dead raise is made to ride on top of the water.

    A low dead raise will plow through the wave more.


    To truly under stand dead raising, go out in a sail boat. Then compare it to your fishing boat.

    You will under stand what I'm talking about.

    if the boats you are comparing have different dead raise.

    It would be like comparing apples to cumquat's.

  4. I'm a 99.8% solder type of guy.But since I found shrinkable butt connectors and liquid tape.

    A proffered repair for in-closed wiring has been this way.

    Use alot of in-cast multi wire on the proxies systems.Just over a mile.

    And on a .oo9 draw the butt takes .0003 of a amp.

    If the wire is in a harness or suspended always solder.


    Not a big fan of crushing twisting or too much heat on copper strand cable.

    But done right it will work. No mader which way it goes.

  5. I don't let a salespersons talk to me.

    I do all my own research.

    I take my time When I make a big purchase.

    Took 2 years to buy my truck. I got the truck I wanted. :clapping:

    Been buying a boat for a year. Have 4 salesmen rapped around my finger.

    When it's my money. I am the boss.


    In my opinion.

    Lund, Allumicraft.










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