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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. Gap less plugs their BB.So you need to torque to achieve the right gap between

    the top of the piston to the electron.Gap less is also one shot deal.

    With the torque washer being crush to the right gap the first time.

    The second time will move the electron closer to the piston. Making a shorter spark.

    In most cases it will not affect the power,but the wrong gap will affect fuel consumption.

    With the wrong gap the ECM will keep adjusting fuel flow so the desired RPM are matched.

  2. It was great seeing Old and new face this year and yes you to TJ.

    Thank you to all the people that help Joey set up camp.Should do the same

    next year.Show up and your camp is ready. ;)


    And thanks again TJ for allowing me to be a part of the great get together.

    I almost get a warm fuzzy feeling :D

  3. Well three hours late and I'm back.

    The problem to me was simple.

    A little bit of,process of elimination.

    Bingo. the problem is located and repair done.

    Theirs a couple of things you have to remember about

    all diagnostic.

    Find the problem.

    Is their anything related to the problem.

    Never let yourself get stuck in the box.


    First I said I was heavy equip.So their is a strong

    chance the problem is not the the same as car and truck.

  4. Heavy Equip here. 27 years.

    Just got called in. Machine over heating.

    Sounds simple.But I can tell you what ever you thinking

    the problem is going to be wrong.

    Why do I know this.Because it's not that simple.

    Is it low coolant,no.

    is it water pump,no.

    Is it thermostats.No

    Is it belt adjustment,No

    So if the mechanical is so easy. Tell me the problem,

    And I'll tell you how much I make a Hour. :tease:

  5. Two words, INSURANCE COMPANIES!!!!


    Insurance has the Government in it's back pocket.

    Is this the insurance company fault. NO!!

    It is are own fault for sitting around and not lobbing the govn't against big corporation's.

    Most Canadians have some type of life insurance.

    Ether from work or personal.

    When alive the govn't and insurance companies make money

    from you!.

  6. I just bought two 50 amp 100% waterproof,manual set

    circuit breakers. 50 bucks a crack.

    The small steel ones are cheap. If they get wet they rust and rust fast do to the heat.

    They are also auto reset.This means that every time

    the short cools from being a open,It will short again.

    If you want to cheap out. You should use a fuse.

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