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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. The insurance companies lobbied the Gov't to band studs and chains.

    It was costing a fortune.And of coarse they agreed because of the damage

    to the asphalt.

    The problem with studs are pot holes.When the tire flex's it like to throw studs.

    The studs would chew out the pot hole worse,

    And ,of course you can't get away from the billions of pot holes there are by the end

    of the season from the plows ripping off the frost heaves.



    If you don't run your A\S in salt and sand season you will get 120k Kms or more out of them.

    Tire science today is a art form.If you believe there is no difference. I say LOL.

    Guy's that rally race in the snow use A\S. :sarcasm:


    Know a few people the run rain tire all year around. Most of the time your driving in slush,

    In the city.

  2. Don't give a crap if it's cold,as long as I'm dry.

    I live in Richmond Hill. The winter months are strange here .

    With it being on the lower part of the great pine ridge.It has a tendency to have alot

    of lake effect.Seems that the only time it's not snowing is because it's to cold.


    Had a good one at work.Needed to change a fuel pump.

    On this type of machine, you have to lay across the cat walk with your legs sticking

    straight out,away from the machine.Guess which way the wind was plowing.


    In T.O. When some one asks what the temp is.We don't say -4. We say -17 with the wind chill.LOL.

  3. 80w-90 is made for a open gear case.It swells and becomes thin with heat so you get the splash effect.

    this is why there's a breather tube.

    Lower unit or closed gear case oil doesn't swell from heat.No pressure build up in a closed gear case.

    All water will mix with gear oil. the gears will make sure of this.Water will separate from 80w-90 if it

    sit long enough.

    If you get enough water in the oil it will break down the viscosity,making for a chance the gears will touch.

  4. Dad had an interesting story to tell about WW2.Being Polish he fought for the Germans(not on his own accord).

    He was In France when he got captured by the Americans.He and four buddies ran from the lines and start to look

    for the Allies.He told me that he walked right up to the American lines unnoticed.The Americans their were busy digging in.

    Dad said they where so close by time they got notice(four guys in German uniforms) the sentry almost crap himself.

    After his release he joined the Polish army and went back to Belgium to fight the Germans.

    Three Uncles also fought. My uncle Alfonz fought beginning to end.

  5. I just went through the department of justice again. The rules are still the same.

    The "vessel" that has the better mobility must give way.

    This also goes for sail boater to boaters that are fishing.


    Oh by the way. In the real rules and laws. The word the right of way never

    appear. Since the idea is to prevent a collision!!

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