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Posts posted by Tybo

  1. Common rail and fuel injection are two different thing.If I remember correctly,Rolls Royce and Allison invent fuel injection.

    Caddie made it work in cars.

    ABS was invented by BMW first for their bikes,Then put into the cars about the same time caddie started.

    Power and disc brakes were caddie.

    Yes mopar did.But 99% of gas burning car use a ecm now.


    Toyota basically sell cars in every country on the planet. To dictatorship countries that suppress and murder their own people.

  2. My gm truck is made in Mexico and my wife's Honda civic is made in Alliston Ontario, go figure


    This would be true if the Honda was built in North America and not assembled here.

    A large part of the parts to assemble the Honda still come in from offshore.

    Where in Canada and especially in Ontario,Where 1 in 25 jobs have to do with the car part industry.

  3. Cadillac is not a innovators. Caddie is the leader and has been for quite some time.

    Most car companies only safety test around 30mph.Caddie shots cars off over passes.

    Here's a few.

    Power and rack in pinion steering.

    disc & power brakes.

    air bags.

    fuel injection.

    roll support.


    And the electronic system that is used on every car with gas engine.

    And the list goes on.

    Basicly every thing on a new car came from BMW and Cadillac.

  4. Can't drive a car now days.To have all that zoom zoom and safety and not be able to use it.

    I've crashed cars from the 60's,70's and 80's on purpose at some high speeds.

    I see car accidents today thinking,That was a horror.then see the people exchanging info and it only happened

    At 35kph.Then see one at 80kph and have the same damage and the people exchanging info.

    In the area I drive most. Their is just as many accidents.But seems to be alot less ambulances.

  5. What is this suppose to mean.

    My dad was the most responsible man I knew and mom was mature.

    But their would have been no chance that I would buy a vehicle from them.

    They both loved to drive and pounded the snott out of there vehicles.

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