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Posts posted by addy79

  1. Here's the tip that one day will save your life. Get yourselves a larger spray can (like those hair styling sprays) and carry it handy together with a lighter. In the case of a bear attacking you've got yourself a small flame thrower by lighting the lighter while spraying.


    umm ahh...


    bad idea.

    dont do this, please!

  2. ferguson is a tool, he will be out by end of season.


    leafs blowas usual, and yes i am a fan, big part of the blame has to go to the t.o. fans, dont support crappy teams or they stay...crappy!


    i've gone to every game at the acc/mlg for the past 13 years, not this year, i cant support a team that cares more about money than winning.


    i'll watch from home, a lot less painful

  3. Just seems to me that not enough background checks are being done on immigrants. If there were, we wouldn't have so many criminal gangs here. How many gang shootings in Toronto are perpetrated by immigrants?


    wow...are you for real??

    some people will never change...

    what do you know of gang members in the GTA??

  4. Thanks for the tips Milty and everyone else!!


    I ended up using this exact same rig on saturday morning, used a single roe as bait.


    didnt look like anyone was having much luck where i was saturday morning, got there at 6am and landed a brook trout at 7am!! (i assume it was a brookie, red tail/fins and about 8" long) BTW this was my first brookie!

    fished for another 4hrs without a bite, it was too HOT; gonna keep heading back for some more practice until the big dawgs start running!! IM HOOOKED!



    wah happund?? no rebuttal??

  5. Bottom bouncing with floating roe bags has always worked for me. Just a simple 1/2oz egg sinker and a small split shot to keep your egg sinker away from your hook. I place my splitshot about 18" from my hook. Good Luck!


    I like the split shot idea, i was worried about my hook getting tied up with the sinker. How far is your sinker from your hook??

    lastly, what size hook are you using?? i use very small hooks for lakers, does the same apply with these monsters??

  6. thanks Burtess...


    the spot im concentrating on isnt off of a pier its upstream a few km's, i didnt see ANYONE casting lures, thats what i brought, but it wasnt the bait of choice where i was casting.


    I could give that a shot too, I know the fish are there.


    so whats the difference between baiting your hook with foam and roe?? i was told i could get a sheet of netting and a bunch of artificial roe and make my own little bags to use as bait. Is this considered lining too??

  7. BOO HOO NATER!! :blahblah1:

    if you have a better suggestion on how to land em by all means share the knowledge!


    If this technique is questionable, this is news to me; I've never fished for these guys before and only followed the advice given by all the other fishermen down there with me ( i was told they think its sperm and want to eat away the competitions chances, so to speak)...


    The reason for my post was to get a little more information on how to better land these fish, I don't claim to know much about this species, so either share some info or keep your sarcasm to yourself! If YOU tell me a better/more respectable way to catch em, I'll take your advice and land a monster! Consider this a challenge...I'll even post the pics! :devil:


    What is it with this board lately, seems like people are quicker to fire off Bull than maybe share a little info...


  8. I FINALLY had some successes last night! Unfortunately I wasnt able to land anything, but I had some respectable bites and hook ups! :thumbsup_anim:

    I need a little more advice before venturing back in again....

    Last night i was using a pretty basic rig I put together myself:

    Sinker at the bottom of my line, relatively large hook about a foot up, baited with styrophoam!!! can you believe that!! i was shocked that it actually worked!


    there has to be a better way to rig my gear, im using a spinning reel with a 7' med heavy action rod.


    what size hooks should i use, is there a better way to tie on the weights (i.e. 3 way swivel) and of course...



    im going back every day until i land one!!



  9. I've got a 90 gallon as well...

    I've had snakeheads, peacockbass, and africam cichlids in the past. But these predator fish caused me LOTS of problems, with maintenance and disease prevention.


    Currently, im in the works to stock my tank with easier going community fish...

    tetras etc. i cant wait to see how it looks with them all swimming around in their respective schools, i've been told that a 90 gallon tank can hold WELL over 100 tetras.


    when its all done, i'll post a pic of the finished product

  10. I'm with you on that one Deg!


    The CO's job is to enforce these regulations in an attempt to protect these resources, SO, more power to em!


    I make a point of familiarizing myself with the regulations of the waters I fish to avoid such confrontations, AND to contribute to healthy fish populations for generations to come.


    Whether your over an foot or an inch, YOUR OVER, these reg's are there for our sports protection and I wish I saw more CO's on the waters I regularly fish.


    just my thoughts...

  11. I've had this unit for a few years now and its not working as well as it used to. Mainly, driving at any speed above trolling speed renders my screen blank or completely incorrect. My transducer has taken a bit of a beating over the past 5 years, its still in tact, just pretty scraped up on the underside. Would this be the root of my problems? Anyone have the same unit? How much should a new transducer run me??


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