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Posts posted by addy79

  1. Hey guys,

    I'm in desperate need of a new fishing reel. The Shimano Stradic caught my eye right away, but its REALLY expensive! I don't mind spending around $100 for a reel, but $160 is a little excessive for me. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good quality reel no more than $100MAX?

    I've always prefered Shimano reels, but won't discriminate.


  2. I would think that without a doubt, the reason all of those carp jumped out of the water at the same time is because they were spooked by one hell of an aggressive fish. I know you've seen the carp "mingle" with pike there, but if its a big enough, aggressive enough, predator taking runs at them under the surface there all gonna take notice and move ASAP.

    just my thoughts, interesting thing to see no doubt!

  3. Hello all,

    Just wanted to drop a quick hello to all, I've actually been a member of this forum for some time, but unfortunately, I guess I lost all my account information prior to the change. Anyways, I'm looking forward to sharing my knowledge with you all.

    Tight Lines,


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