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Posts posted by addy79

  1. All the marinas around there are loaded with pike and bass sheep head at the mouth bass and pike upstream between qew and lakeshore 4 sisters is good trout and salmon at the mouth


    i was under the impression that there is NO fishing allowed in or around the marinas. I gotta say...i was walking by the marina behind snug harbour and say a few bass lurking around the rocks within the marina. also saw bullheads and pike (i know strange) schooled together near the surface sunning themselves.

  2. Sounds like a plan, there are some intriguing spots all along the shore in the port credit area, lots of LONG piers to fish from etc. I dont plan on letting up, persistance usually pays in this sport.




    anyone ever fish the Adamson Estate just east of port credit?? i've fished there quite a few times with no success. I've seen lots of carp (tonnes actually) last thursday i must have seen about 25-30 of em cruising up close to shore. some must have been over 30lbs EASY!


    im not too interested in catching carp, more after pike, trout, walleye

  3. worms eh? i guess thats worth a shot, resort back to the oldschool techniques. but you have to admit, the fishing is SLOW down there, if the guys bait fishing have to put alarms on the tips of there rods to tip em off of any action, its gotta be slow.

    regardless, i am determined to land something out of that lake, and if you say worms are the trick, then worms it is. and trust me, the minute i do land ANYTHING i will post a report.


  4. Hello All,

    I've decided to go on a 4 day fishing trip to the French River, July 6th weekend.

    For the past few years I've hit the Moon River (loved it), but would like a change of scenary; after some reasearch the French seems like the way to go.

    To be honest I am fairly unfamiliar with this water and need help with two things...


    1. Which end of the French River is better, upper or lower?


    I'm not to concerened about driving distance between the two, just want to go where the fish are MOST active!


    2. We want to rent a cabin, nothing too fancy, as we are travelling on a budget. Where is a good affordable camp with decent boats available for rent.


    For the most part we will be targeting pike, bass, and walleye. I dont believe the Musky season is open yet (is this a correct assumption??)


    Thanks for sharing the wealth of knowledge guys, truly appreciated.


    and yes...i will provide a full report upon my return.

  5. seems to me like the French is prolly a better pick, do any of u have suggestions as to where I could stay on the French (with boat rentals)

    Im going somewhere on the 6th of July, nothing planned yet, French river seems like as good a place as any

  6. I spent an entire week up at restoule and have to agree, the fishing there is nearly non existant! we hooked into a few walleye adn bass but for the most part it was REALLY slow!

    There is another lake in the park, i can remember what it was called but its on the park property and ther is a boat launch there as well. Its a nicer lake with lots of promising spots, but again, could never find much more than small bass and the occasional walleye under 2lbs.

    Good luck to ya, let us know how it goes regardless.




    I've headed up to Halfway lake P.P. (just north of sudbury near Cartier) and the fishing there was phenomenol for MONSTER pike, and healthy populations of lake trout. Very nice park, great beach, and clean waters

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