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Posts posted by addy79

  1. I use 80lb Seagur with SPRO snaps n swivels and they work GREAT! I agree that since the line sinks it tends to impede the action on some of my crank baits.


    **I first tried to save a few bucks n used the Bass Pro brand snaps n swivels. BIG MISTAKE!! lost 3 fish (AND 3 x- raps) in one day! cheap ass BPS hardware would literraly bend the o rings straight and snap! UNACCEPTABLE.


    I guess you get what you pay for....



  2. i use an old Humminbird portable, probably bought it in the late 90's, still does the trick for me, mainly locating humps, shelfs, reefs...


    Anyone see the commercials for the new Garmin colour unit on OFC, supposed to be relatively inexpensive. Just wondering if anyone has used them before?

  3. dang!


    the worst feeling is when the canoe hangs on a 180 before going right over! all you can do is look for the valuable stuff and hold on tight! lol


    oddly enough, most guys drown from the canoe when they flip and the canoe bonks them on the head on the way down...


    could've been worse!

  4. Hi All,

    Heading up to Parry Sound for holidays; last year around this time i found an auction that was selling off a lot of random stuff but LOTS of boats and motors.

    Are any of you familiar with this auction???


    I was hoping to catch it again this year but havent seen anything advertised.


    Any help is appreciated.



  5. hey tightline!

    the moon's prolly one of my favourite spots in central ontario to fish, postcard scenery, MONSTEROUS fish!


    the bite can be tough as the fish are always moving in there but i find a sure fire way to land ANYTHING is to fish captain allan strait, up n down, side to side, all day/night.

    its a high traffic zone for baitfish coming from the open to the river. its pretty much right across (west) from moon river marina. check your map. AND if you venture past the mouth of capt'n allan, WATCH FOR ROCKS


    good luck, report back!

  6. ive got a trailer in the area, never hit up that lake. most of em are full of largies.


    bears are around, but havent seen one since veray early spring.


    i wouldnt stress it...


    is that lake off Seguin Trail?

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