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Everything posted by ilario

  1. Hey folks, so the 'new' boat is coming along nicely..still need a few things such as hitch on my car (hopefully today) and I also need a deep cycle battery (so i've been told) to run the trolling motor (Endura 38lb). CTC sells their brand for about $100 (160 min resrve). How does this work? You use it all day or a couple of days then simply recharge it? Do I need a recharger as well? How oftne must you recharge it? After each use, i'm assuming... As well, I'd like to get a small manual downrigger (an older, mountable Big Jon came with the package) - either the clamp on variety or the step up where you actually mount it on...what would you recommend between the brands? CTC sells the Scotty clamp on for about $90 and bass pro has the Cannon clamp on for the same price.. I won't be doing a huge amount of salmon trolling - it's just for a few outings per year..and maybe inland lakers. thanks!
  2. that's funny, CTC didn't have any when i went... i'll check again - which one did u go to?
  3. he's got crazy glue...
  4. I couldn't agree more! I've received a ton of help.... hope to contribute more with reports!
  5. Hi gang: I'm going to be need a new hitch... I'm in Vaughan (yes, hometown of Bass Pro). Any recommendations on decent hitches? It will be installed onto a 4 cyl car (Toyota)... I've heard of Hidden Hitch (i think I had that on my Pathfinder a few years ago??). Any dealerships in this area - I'm willing to drive a bit... Anyhow, a friend will be installing it so I just need to buy it. I hear CTC/Wal Mart sell them but I went to see and I didn't find any on the shelves...and trying to find someone there to help you can be challenging. Does Bass Pro sell them? Thanks in advance.... PP
  6. i've seen those things a number of times in my yard over the years
  7. eww! i can't imagine tring to tie one of those nasty's on a tiny hook...they bite hard!
  8. Ya, I'm really happy with the Honda purchase... i'd like to post a pic but it says the file is larger than the available space, and I don;t know how to resize it...! If I figure it out, I will post it!
  9. Here's my rather confusing 'dilemma'! Can I get by with a 9.9 HP 4 stoke (Honda) on a 14' fiberglass? Or would it be way to underpowered? I went out of my way to find a beauty Honda (as you may recall, I had a thread going several days back as I was servicing it...). I did not have the fiberglass boat when I bought the Honda but I came across a deal I couldn't refuse so I bought the fiberglass boat today. My older boat is an 14' aluminum so it's lighter (with very little equipment to weigh it down)..but that's about to be sold. The motor that was sold with the fiberglass is an older (late 50's) 18 hp evinrude but it runs really well and the previous owner took really good care of it. I'd rather stick with the newer, quieter 'smokeless' 4 stroke (the fumes on 2 strokes really bother me) and maybe sell the 18hp even though it pushes the fiberglass better.. any suggestions? thanks!
  10. You're right...it not techniucally a Haliburton lake.. It does straddle the Haliburton county line... I meant that it's a Haliburton-type lke...Deep, cold shield lake...
  11. So I can walk in there an tell them that it was a gift and I just want to transfer it? Hmmm... are you referring to just the trailer transfer? why the hell does the Govt tax us on a small private transfer? I'm already paying a fee to have ownership trnasfered... Conservatives, Lieberals, its all the same crap...I hear they (the Feds) just awarded the Caledonia people $125 M of our money! I was consulted, were you?
  12. anyone know where and what the process is? I'm near Bass Pro.. How much does it cost to doe the above - it's a 14' boat I would be transfering to my name... thanks!
  13. not a great all around fishing lake from my limited expereince...i find most haliburton lakes pretty mediocre...ya some lakers but you might get into a few if u have the right equipment (heavy trolling gear)..that's why you'll need to look at my add in the classified section to help youu out!!! shameless promo!
  14. the Leafs still have 13 more cups than ottawa!!
  15. thanks fellas... Irishfield, did you get the lures?
  16. So on average, they're about twice as heavy?
  17. Hey there: What might be the approximate weight difference between an aluminum boat and an equivalent size fiberglass? e.g. a 14' aluminum utlity boat is roughly 200-225lb. Would the fiberglass weigh twice as much? thanks
  18. I used them a few times last summer...i find it hard keeping the panfish off... don;t care for them
  19. thanks...i will look into impeller... as for the oil port, I think we're talking about the same thing! I called it the diupstick because it doubles as both...the cap is yellow and the same size as what you described...a lawnmower! thanks...hopefully, I won;t need to replace the impeller... just changing the oil and plugs was a huge leap forward for this mechanical idiot!!! but i'm feeling a lot more comfortable now in terms of working on the engine...should save me some $$$$ in the future... thank you to all memebers!
  20. Well, I ran it in the bucket for a good 25 minutes or more after I put on new washers... mostly neutral but I kicked it into gear (F and R) a couple of times.. couldn't do much more than that because the bucket wasn't big ennough. Afterward, i drained the gear oil again. Hard to say for sure, but it did seem a little opaque...just a touch off and not as clear as when I poured it in. However, this could be b/c of the crap that was alreay in the gear case. I also think that I'm being a bit paranoid at this point! I hope that I won't harm it by running it in the lake for a a trip or two then checking it to see if there really is water coming in. BTW, how much does an impellar cost? I am already over budget...but if I have to... can it be readily installed or do I have to dish out more $$ for a mechanic? thanks!!
  21. Hi again When changing plugs, should I spray something into the holes? They were a little dirty so I tried cleaning them with a cloth. thanks!
  22. Yes, it's a 10 HP. I will try to locate these seals... Should I just replace them now before running it? Maybe I should just run it in a lake for a few outing s then see if the gear oil holds up...' thanks!
  23. Oh, one more thing; I put in the new plugs yesterday. I cleaned out the plug holes as best I could with a towel as they were dirty. Should I have sprayed something into them, like a fogging spary? Can I still do so? thanks
  24. i did remove the top one first, as I recall... but that wasn;t where it came spewing out. It was the engine oil on the other side where there is only the one screw. The engine oil on the 4 strokes is poured in from the dipstick and there;s the one drain screw... it came out really quick, which surprised me. It waqs as dirty as I've seen oil. Very dark brown, gritty, and very unclear. I'm assuming the former owner did not change it the past couple of years. Ypu;re all probably thinking why I bought it. I got it for a good price and it actually runs well in the tank. Starts first crank. I'm not sure if this means it will actualy perform well in real world conditions (i.e. on a lake!) but I took a chance. Motot looks good, otherwise. I will be buying those screws/washers today. Then I will run it in the tank with the prop on(!) for 20 minutes then and I'll check the lower unit oil after doing this. Worse case, I have to get the leak checked into... i still think it was a good deal! thanks!
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