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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. We stopped using locks on Simcoe. Just caused more damage. We now strip them before we leave, but leave candles, matches, can opener and some food.


    Same as our hunt camp.


    Just a slide lock with a note inside: Feel free to use, please don't Abuse.

  2. Thanks for the update Holdfast.


    Been throwing this around for a while. I can get a promotion going there and not have to wait for the senority here. I am looking at either Calgary or Edmonton. Ya only get one time around might as well venture out abit.


    Also, I get what you are saying about Canadians etc... Basically letting us know here to take advantage of the opportunites there before they are gone....appreciate that.

  3. I did it.


    But, started PT, thank God.


    IF it has anything to do with fishing... RUN. lol.


    Seriously, I was 25.. had a good job, started a biz part time to see where it could go, well, it went as far as it could. Very sucessful, booked and subbing out work but the overhead and some other "issues" made it not very fruitful.


    Thankfully I kept my day job.


    Now with a wife, baby girl, and a mortgage I am quite happy to have the security, good wages, full benefits and a pension plan of my day job.


    But, I stil have that itch to do something.


    I always said, if I put the effort into a Lawn Care biz that I put into the fishing biz I'd be laughing.


    So I started a small PT Lawn care biz with a couple family members. No pressure, see where it goes.


    Dip in your toes and get an idea where it might go before going in head first is my point I guess.


    Good Luck with it.

  4. Agreed, Id look for the point that extends the furthest out into the lake. Start at the tip near shore and work outwards crisscrossing the tip or middle of the underwater point 50yrds on either side. You will be on a drop and fish at somepoint.


    Or, if the elements were an issue I would look for the tallest/steepest hillside or cliff that tapers in to the lake.. should have the deepest drop off closest to shore.

  5. I got a call on the weekend from my bro telling me I have to catch a certain fishing show on later that morn. Said I would like it, then laughed.


    Alright, a show on Simcoe Smallies, awesome. Late fall, just how we love to fish'em. I could see from the shorelines that they were in a lesser known, or should I say, fished area that time of year. One that I fish a dozen or so times in the late fall.


    Then my jaw dropped.


    I couldn't believe it, they listed the exact waypoints on the show and named the location.


    There are no secret spots - I get that. Now more then ever.


    Next there will be a DVD with all the seasons "waypoints" included. Anything for a $.


    Backgrounds on the internet are so passe'.

  6. Am I blind?


    I can't find the Poker T thread. Thought maybe it was pinned, but nope.


    I don't care why, how, who, what or when if it got zapped.. just need the password.


    Is it right in front of my eyes somewhere? If not can someone please PM me the password?



  7. Bojangles - I respect you passion for the sport. I was the same when I was 17 and during the peak runs.


    You wrote - "The internet had a big impact on why fish numbers in some bodies of water are dying off, and the increased numbers of anglers on certain bodies of water."


    I guess if you truly believe in the above statement there is a difference between a pic with your mug, a fish and the natural background. And one with your mug, a fish, and the arctic background?


    One being it might show locations crowding your areas? The later showing anglers that don't steelhead that they should be, but in all other areas only possibly yours?


    Seems like it is more effort to come on here and explain yourself and why you photoshop pics then it is worth, but then again, I don't know you.


    God love steelheaders... worse the muskie fishermen. lol

  8. ouch..I have anxiety with landing pier fish with nets. Leaves ya responsible for hitting the net man between the eyes too...


    Did the same thing on Wed., holding the rod sideways guiding the fish into the net, rip, smack off a rock. Have a sweet perch ice blank atleast.


    R.I.P - Cormor 13fter. 1998- 2007 Best damn winter long rod.

  9. thanks for that advice Harrison.


    I'll definitely take a Hard Look at the 4Runner when making my purchase. Any year(s) better or worse than another?


    That I am not sure about. His is a 2002 I think. Searching for a pic of it half way out in Frenchmans bay launching the boat in feb but can't find it to answer your queenston inquiry.


    Good Luck with it.

  10. Die Hard buy North American products guy here, I have owned trucks from all 3 domestics.


    But, with a new family, somewhat fixed income, I put the odds in our favour for reliability...


    I now drive a Toyota.


    Steve, 4 Runner all the way. Friend has one, IMO allround wicked working machine. From 4wheelin into back lakes to towing his 19ft pro V.

  11. Some advice....


    Retail is a good start, learn the industry a little bit... then..


    Go to school! Period.


    Take a business admin. diploma or one similair. Something that covers a few different areas of biz.. marketing, accounting, etc..


    There are very few that make a living only on fishing in Canada. And the ones who do, are great at the above mentioned areas of business and have put their time in(years on years) to get where they are now. i.e. hosting a show.. well, thats the easy part. That is the tip of the iceberg of what goes on behind the scenes.


    As for fishing, any free time.. get out. Time on the water or bank is priceless.


    Anythig else, ask away, been there.. dun it in this industry(except for being a lodge guide).

  12. Nice fish Aleks... don't let the others fool you as these years of steelheading have dramatically changed due to people revealing spots over the internet and everything. Keep photoshopping all you can!


    See you soon,



    Bojangles, you think it is busy out there now.. should of seen it 15yrs ago. There is a lot more shoulder room out there today IMO.


    For those who don't understand why the sensitivity of steeelheading.


    A background shot will let the seasoned and/or lazy steelheaders get an idea what river or creek has good colour and/or a fresh run while others are still too high or dirty to fish etc..for one example. Yes, a simple laydown, tree or bend in the river will give away location.


    and it really isnt rocket science.... a pulse can get fish if basic techniques are followed.


    I think the ability to read the water and knowledge of how fish relate to varying conditions is what sets steelheaders apart. Therefore posting pics with locations just opens doors for your hard work to be "taken advantage" of.


    That being said... to each their own, post away, there are no secret spots... just don't show any of my water ok.. hahah... All cookie cutters anyway.. no point!

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